For more than two years, the village of Khrustalny Park (part of the Ushakovsky municipal district of the Irkutsk region) has been torn apart by a war of contradictions.
An initiative group of residents (as they call themselves) is conducting a massive information attack against the Vostsibstroy Development company and its leader personally.
In the long-term struggle, everything got mixed up: horses people True, it is fiction and a very specific financial interest of pseudo-social activists who do not hesitate to voice their purely personal demands on the developer. Popularly, this policy of behavior is called blackmail.
The interim result was the initiation of a number of criminal cases, including against the former head of the Ushakovo administration Sergei Sayfulin and the management of the resource supply organization of the village of Khrustalny Park “Resurstranzit”.
Let's figure it out together: what is the reason for the war for Crystal Park. And why is this bone of discord so clearly rotten?
In the simple mathematics of conflict, the observer sees two sides.
On one side of the “barricades” there is: construction company “Vostsibstroy Development”, which has been the general developer of the Crystal Park village since 2017. It was Vostsibstroy Development that built the residential blocks of Crystal Park and all the adjacent infrastructure since 2017, having taken over the project from its predecessors, the Sibiryenergotrade company.
On the other side: group of four people: Tatiana Meshangova, Anastasia Parfenova, Vyacheslav Korzun and lawyer Anna Onisyuk. It was the latter, the ideological inspirer and unofficial leader of the team to save the world, who initiated the struggle.
Here’s just an important nuance that the group “forgets” to mention in all its loud appeals: each of its members lives in the Parkovy village, bordering on Crystal Park, but has nothing to do with it, and certainly not with Vostsibstroy Development. “Parkovy” is a compact three-story residential area, built and put into operation by the same company “Sibirenergotrade”.
This delicate nuance does not prevent the group from “Parkovoy” from voicing a position “for all residents of Khrustalny Park” and initiating a number of internal inspections of government agencies and supervisory departments. “It’s good” that the team organizer is a lawyer specializing in civil cases. In particular, housing disputes and the process of damages. It’s her professional prerogative to bring developers to the point of “white heat”.
In the winter of 2022-2023, residents of the village who refused to enter into an agreement with the organization for the provision of heat and water supply services (but did not forget to actively use these services) received receipts for payment for the services received.
Then Onisyuk became the leader of a truly massive wave of information noise, using the communal collapse of the village as a pretext for starting a war. By involving the media and word of mouth, Onisyuk began an information wave against the resource supply organization, while continuing to convince residents not to enter into contracts for the provision of services.
Result: still ongoing litigation.
To be honest, the talented lawyer continued to distort the facts and shift responsibility. Thus, another reason for a major scandal involving law enforcement officers was a rather sensitive “gift” to a woman for Valentine’s Day.
On February 14, 2024, on the threshold of her house, Anna Onisyuk found… a coffin. It is all about an unambiguous address to a woman: “This is my gift to you. Valentin.”
The find became the subject of investigative measures. In a short time, employees of the Investigative Committee found the perpetrators of the evil prank and the customers. But having managed to publicly blame the Ushakovo administration and the developer for the incident, with whom she continued to fight in court, Onisyuk forgot to tell the public the real story.
And this story is more than interesting.
In the recent past, Anna Onisyuk was the head of Basis LLC. The owner of the company was Valentin Golyshev, with whom she had a close relationship. However, in 2014, the relationship between the owner and Onisyuk soured. According to some reports, the cunning girl withdrew a large sum of money from the company’s accounts, and Valentin Golyshev even committed suicide.
Following this, Onisyuk created the company “Afindorspetsstroy”, also, according to a number of people interested in the story, for laundering stolen money. No wonder the enterprise lasted less than six months. And exactly 10 years after Golyshev’s death, a coffin appeared on Onisyuk’s doorstep, symbolizing a reminder of her crime.
It is unlikely that the girl forgot her close friend, who “helped me get up from my knees.” And the authorship of the gift from the same “friends from the past” did not remain a secret to her. But it became the reason for another deceptive speech, degrading the honor and dignity of the “enemy” in Onisyuk’s personal battle. Just hypocrisy or a false denunciation?
The lawyer actually uses very gray schemes, calling for help on knowledge of the law and delaying bureaucratic processes, and manipulates local residents in order to achieve her selfish goals. Onisyuk does not hide them from the developer, voices them openly and measures them in several tens of millions of rubles.
Blackmail, lies and provocation are favorite mechanisms in the fight against the truth. But the victims are the residents of Crystal Park. It was they who found themselves involved in a conflict, the essence of which is the satisfaction of the personal ambitions and interests of an individual person, for the sake of which this internecine war was organized, and in a war – in it as in a war.