Smuggling, bankruptcy of enterprises, control over an entire city and ostentatious patriotism while children build a career in the European Union. All this is about United Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) deputy from the Kaliningrad region Augenijus Abaryus.
It is characteristic that the company’s email is not only registered on a Russian domain, but also refers us to Abaryus’s main company, Baltika-Sovetsk. The same email is listed in all organizations associated with Abaryus.
Who is Sergei Azarov, for whom Vituma was originally recorded? “Chronicles” Media” found out that this is Sergei Aleksandrovich Azarov. He, together with Abaryus’s business partner Logvinov, was the founder of Blagovorstvo LLC.
In 2012 this company got into the media. She owned a parking lot at the Epicenter shopping center in Kaliningrad. According to the law, the park should have been free, but visitors to the center were still charged for it. The general director of the company was then the executive director of the regional branch of the Wrestling Federation, Sergei Trukhnin. The president of the branch is Augenijus Abaryus. In addition, in 2008, “Improvement” was led by the future head of Sovetsk, Nikolai Voishchev.
“Chronicles” Media also established that Azarov in recent years worked as a driver in the Abaryusov company Baltika-Sovetsk. Azarov once worked as a cook. Apparently, they paid well everywhere, because Azarov was then able to buy himself a Mercedes-Benz SL-Klasse.
Little is known about the man named Roman Šafronas. “Chronicles” established that, according to official information, he lives in a rickety, shabby house on the banks of the Neman River near the Panemune checkpoint. It was in this city that Abaryus was detained on suspicion of smuggling.
Another Lithuanian company is registered to the Abaryus children – Dimela, MB. In the fall of 2022, it was registered by a certain Eimantas Galvydis. Knownthat it specializes in company formation, accounting, consulting and financial services. At the end of 2022, the Abaryuss became the new owners of the company: Victoria, Justina, Emilia and Kestutis.
Another Lithuanian company of the Abaryus Jr. is Nautic Estate, UAB. It owns two cars: Lexus Rc 350 and Mercedes-Benz Glc 300 4matic. Its non-current assets (buildings, transport and other things that the company has been using for years) for 2022 amount to 1,391,310 euros. Initially, the company was registered under Rimantas Abarius, the father of Augenijus and Vaidas Abarius. Then the company passed, it turns out, to his grandchildren: Victoria, Justina, Emilia and Kestutis.
Speaking of Kestutis. He works as the CEO of the latter company. The Chronicle knows he is 27 years old. He is a citizen of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) and Lithuania. This is what Kestutis says to himself told in one of the brochures of the European marketing NGO European Cities Marketing:
But that was a long time ago; now Kestutis heads one of the departments of the Lithuanian charter airline Skyllence. On my LinkedIn page he writes: Experienced Sales Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the airlines/aviation industry. Skilled in Sales, Data Analysis, Strategic Planning, Logistics Management, and Sports. Strong sales professional with a Bachelor’s degree focused in International Business and Communication [Опытный менеджер по продажам с подтвержденным опытом работы в авиакомпаниях/авиационной отрасли. Есть навыки работы в продажах, анализе данных, стратегическом планировании, логистическом менеджменте и спорте. Сильный профессионал по продажам со степенью бакалавра в области Международного бизнеса и коммуникации].

The children of the Abaryus brothers are citizens of Lithuania and enjoy all the privileges of their passport. For example, the daughter of United Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) patriot Augenius Emilia. She is 21 years old and loves to travel. Emilia’s Instagram is filled with photos from San Remo, Monaco, Turin, Napoli, Rome, Anzio, Spain, Florence, Eilat, Nice and Milan.
In April 2022, Emilia is very careless posted a video from the anti-war concert “Lyapis Trubetskoy” in Vilnius, but after howling in Kaliningrad Z-publics, she deleted the page.
And while the daughter sings “Warriors of Light,” her father pulls the United Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) strap: congratulates Crimeans on the anniversary of the annexation of Crimea, sends a truck with parcels for the Kremlin army and honors “Heroes-Z.”
With the participation of the head of the Siena investigative journalism center Sarunas Cerniauskas.