How the “stars” are extinguished after blogger Ivleeva’s naked party
A party with an almost naked dress code caused a scandal and became the basis for a lawsuit. The artists face “cancellation” and record a video with an apology; the tax authorities came to Ivleeva.

Where it all started
On the night of December 21, an “Almost Naked Party” took place in the Moscow club “Mutabor”. The event was organized by video blogger and TV presenter Anastasia Ivleeva. Among the guests were a journalist Ksenia Sobchaksinger Lolita Milyavskaya, Philip Kirkorov rapper Dzhigan with his wife Oksana Samoilova and others. A singer performed on stage Anna Asti.
Photos from the party went viral on social media. In these photos, guests were in translucent outfits, and one of the event visitors rapper Vacio (real name – Nikolay Vasiliev) – came only with a sock on his genitals.

The owners of the club are interesting. Among them is Maria Danilova, the eldest daughter of the former tobacco king, millionaire from the 90s Mikhail Danilov. Having given up the poison trade, he began opening entertainment establishments, and today his name is associated with the work of about 20 famous venues in the capital. However, nightclubs were usually reserved for the daughter.
Two more co-founders are the famous promoter and DJ Natalya Kanaeva, who has become popular among electronic music lovers under the name Kaplinskaya (aka dj Abelle), and her partner in the DJ duo Alexey Shelobkov (dj Beekeeper). Today Shelobkov is a respectable businessman and director of several strategic IT projects, the names of the founders of which are classified in accordance with Law No. 129-FZ “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs.”

After photos from the party were widely circulated, a number of deputies and social movements asked the prosecutor’s office to check the event for LGBT propaganda. Among those who complained were the Forty Forty movement, as well as the Call of the People.
ANNA ASTI (Anna Dzyuba), Philip Kirkorov, Lolita Milyavskaya, Dzhigan (Denis Ustimenko-Weinstein), Vacio (Nikolai Vasiliev), Dima Bilan, Olga Orlova, Gluck’OZA (Natalia Chistyakova-Ionova).
— Bloggers and journalists:
Alexandra SulimKsenia Sobchak, Alena Vodonaeva, Oksana Samoilova, Maria Minogarova.
– Other:
Director of Development of Music Projects VK Konstantin Sidorkovstylists Oleg Gorchanin And Georgy Kartsev, designer Vika Salavat (Victoria Churaeva), fashion designer Alexander Arutyunov, wife of restaurateur Boris Zarkov Irinamodel and boyfriend Ivleeva Boris Makhmurov.

On the second day of the party, when it was already held for everyone, security forces came to the Mutabor club to check. Later, Roskomnadzor found signs of LGBT propaganda in photographs and videos from the party.

As for organizing the party, stylist Ksenia Smo was in charge of its “tricks” and images of the characters. A few days before the event, she and her assistants announced that everyone would comply with the dress code. There was no talk of any “closedness”. Photographers from major publications were accredited to Mutabor, and TV channels, Zhara, MuzTV, and Kommersant worked on site. Journalists from the Super TV channel were one of the first to provide media coverage of the party, and the live broadcast was broadcast on the NUUM video platform, owned by MTS. Now the company is sharply distancing itself from any mention of connections, but in fact, 90% of all the stars at the party are their wards. The same Lolita Milyavskaya, who collaborated with MTS Music, or Philip Kirkorov, in whose show MTS invested about a billion rubles. Personally, next to blogger Sasha Spielberg against the backdrop of zones with NUUM advertising (for which he is responsible), one could also meet MTS Vice President Igor Mishin in the company. Obviously, it was he who oversaw the party with the participation of stars who collaborate with the company.
Apologies from the stars
After the party, the artists who attended began to be “cancelled”: concerts were canceled, television broadcasts were reformatted, Ivleeva was being audited by the tax authorities. Against this background, a number of artists and the organizer of the party released video messages of apology.
Ivleeva initially did not agree with the criticism of the party, but later changed her mind and published two video messages. In the first, dated December 24, she apologized “to the community and guests.” Ivleeva explained, that the party was part of the presentation of unreleased photographs taken for Playboy magazine. She was the editor-in-chief of this magazine; in 2022, he left Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism). Ivleeva promised to donate the proceeds to charity.
In the second, dated December 27, Ivleeva apologized to the artists, noting that it “pains her to realize that everyone fell under the same brush.” She said that she was aware that “in such difficult times,” in the eyes of her fans, she looked like a person “who had lost touch with reality,” and asked the Russians for a “second chance.”
Kirkorov said, that he knew about the event itself, but did not know “the nature of the events” that would take place at it, and quickly left there, having been there for “five minutes.” He noted that he was aware of the “committed mistake.” “In these difficult times, heroic times, a people’s artist cannot and should not <...> be so irresponsible about participating in any events,” said the singer. Kirkorov noted that he is an artist and a patriot “only of his country” and that he never tried to “sit on two chairs” and did not leave Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism). “The last thing I would like is for such an event, an oversight on my part, to become the reason for the restriction of my creativity in Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism),” said the artist.

According to the artist, he received an invitation to the event, but did not know about its nature. Kirkorov went there “for five minutes” and then left. “There are moments in every person’s life when they walked into the wrong door,” the singer added.
Apologies also published by Sobchak, who initially noted that although someone might not like the party, “where and when adults go with a bare ass is their own business.” Journalist apologized to those who might be offended by her appearance, and stated that she “loves her country” and does not want to “cause a feeling of hatred and anger because of such a stupid accident.” According to her, the event was not planned as open and publications from it were inappropriate. She called the “cancellation” of artists “nonsense,” calling on people not to make statements out of “idiotic photographs.”
Comment about the party also published singer Dima Bilan. Everything that began to happen to his name after the party was “misinformation and even slander,” he said. The singer explained that attending events is part of his job and that he knew about the dress code, but “he simply couldn’t know in advance what” someone else would wear. He himself came there in a turtleneck, a raincoat and trousers, and when he entered the event, he realized where he was: he had received an invitation to an art exhibition and “couldn’t even imagine what could be happening there.” Therefore, he did not publish any photos or videos from this event on his social networks and left it a few minutes later, the artist added.
Consequences of the party for the stars
Singer Lolita Milyavskaya stated RBCthat she was “cut out of television” and demanded that her concerts be cancelled.
TV channels are discussing the possibility of removing other party participants from the “blue lights,” two sources familiar with the situation told RBC. One of them noted that, most likely, the artists who recorded the apology video will remain in the background in the programs, but their performances on stage are really in question.
Kirkorov’s website blocked. TNT removed the singer from the poster of the New Year’s comedy “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Everything.”
“Blocking the site has nothing to do with parties, Roskomnadzor and other things. There were no restrictions on the operation of the site. <...> The blockage is technical,” the company said. Sprinthost added that they themselves are trying to contact the webmaster Philip Kirkorov so that the site will work in the near future.
“All the detailed information was sent to all contact addresses associated with Philip Kirkorov’s account two weeks ago. The current situation is simply an incredible coincidence of circumstances,” Sprinthost clarified to RBC. The day before, the artist’s website stopped opening.
General director of the TV channel Tina Kandelaki reported that the channel is reshooting several scenes in the film to make it “more interesting, sharper, more provocative.”
The New Year’s performance of singer Anna Asti (real name Anna Dzyuba) at the Moscow club Gipsy was cancelled.
The Russian authorities decided to have a blast with the participants of the naked party, and at the same time to let off steam the propagandists, scoundrels, security forces and all the other angry ones. After all, it just so happened that there were no people entering families, living rooms, etc. there. And we will never see how the children of senior officials have fun….
Rapper Vacio was fined 200 thousand rubles. and was arrested for 15 days under articles of petty hooliganism and LGBT propaganda. He said he wanted to “surprise” the partygoers by copying the image of the lead singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Rapper apologized and added that he “does not support LGBT people in any way and did not want any evil propaganda.”

But in general, one feeling does not leave me, which seems like this: the special services, tired of two years of promises from people from above that “everything will get better little by little, there is no need to rush things” – carried out both the action with Mutabor and the self-exposure of Russian writers who were exiled from the spirit, bringing the situation to that level. the degree to which, in view of the March elections, it became impossible not to react. Who was scammed here in the end – Mishin or Ivleeva – is the tenth question. But it all turned out so beautifully. Two New Year’s Eve strikes in a row. Such coincidences rarely happen. And most importantly: the losing side has no one to answer.

However, it is known that MTS Vice President Igor Mishin took part in the “parade of naked aphedrons”, and according to some reports, Felix himself, which they are now strenuously trying to hush up.
Ivleeva’s assets are under threat of arrest for non-payment of taxes amounting to 137 million rubles. A car park worth 85 million rubles, a mansion in the Moscow region for 150 million rubles, apartments in Moscow for 200 million rubles.
The high-profile party in Moscow attracted increased attention from social activists, security officials and tax officials to blogger Ivleeva and other participants. They want to clarify how and on what the disgraced stars fatten up during the SVO period.
What does the Federal Tax Service inspection threaten Nastya Ivleeva?
Based on the results of the audit, the Federal Tax Service suspected Nastya Ivleeva of non-payment of taxes in the amount of 137 million rubles.
Fiscal officials believe that the blogger used the “Lerchek scheme”, splitting the business into two legal entities in order to dilute income and pay reduced taxes under a simplified taxation system.
According to the SHOT Telegram channel, in 2020 Nastya Ivleeva established the advertising agency “Ivleeva Production”, which did the same thing as her individual entrepreneur: advertising, shows, entertainment services. In both cases, the “simplification” was in effect for all three years, although it should not have been applied. Thus, out of 150 million required taxes, the celebrity paid only 13. But two new Lamborghini supercars worth a total of about 70 million rubles appeared in Ivleeva’s garage.
According to SHOT, in 2020, Ivleeva registered Ivleeva Production LLC, which began to do the same thing as Ivleeva’s individual entrepreneur – advertising, shows, entertainment services. In both cases, the simplified tax system was in effect for 3 years, although it should not have been used. As a result, out of 150 million in required taxes, Ivleeva paid only 13 million. For 2020, the arrears amounted to 3 million rubles, for 2021 – 77 million, for 2022 – 57 million. Total: 137 million
The inspection materials have already been transferred to law enforcement agencies. They have every reason to initiate a criminal case against Nastya Ivleeva under the article “Tax evasion on an especially large scale,” which means up to five years in prison.
Ivleeva may be charged under the article on LGBT
A precedent-setting decision was made by the courts regarding the rapper Vacio, who walked around Ivleeva’s party in one sock. He was found guilty on two counts: “Petty hooliganism” and “Propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations.” For the first crime he was given 15 days of arrest, for the second he was fined 200 thousand rubles.
Themis’ verdict could have far-reaching consequences. In fact, the blogger’s party is recognized as an extremist LGBT party. Now all other participants also face liability – fines of up to 400 thousand rubles. And they already have a lot of problems now.
Lolita Milyavskaya said that they were canceling her concerts and cutting out scenes with her from New Year’s broadcasts. A similar situation, according to a number of media reports, is developing around Philip Kirokorva.
The court’s decision may also hit the Mutabor club, where the half-naked action took place. For legal entities for violating the law on LGBTI persons, fines of up to 5 million rubles or suspension of activities for up to 90 days are provided. So far, according to SHOT, Mutabor has been sealed for a month, this happened after a visit by police officers and Rospotrebnadzor.
The rapper Vacio, who set everyone up, is known in narrow circles as a musician on the Rockfam label. In the world he is 25-year-old Nikolai Vasiliev. According to stage legend, he was born into a large family in Yekaterinburg, moved to Moscow himself and made his way into the world. It is doubtful that, being a minor, Vacio sold several of his old guitars worth 93 thousand rubles and a synthesizer for 20 thousand through online advertisements.
What will the loss of sponsors mean for Ivleeva?
Nastya Ivleeva will definitely be shown less on TV. Both of its main advertisers stopped working with it: one of the largest telecom operators and a well-known private bank. She has been their permanent ambassador for a long time. But now, according to media reports, these companies consider “Nastyushka the Danger” to be too toxic a character, and partnership with her carries unreasonably many risks.
You can estimate how much money Ivleeva lost. She starred in a lot of commercials with actor Dmitry Nagiyev. According to some reports, he received up to 25 million rubles for those shootings. Perhaps Ivleeva has the same fee.
How social activists want to punish a blogger
A group of public activists led by the famous stuntman Alexander Inshakov set out to recover a billion rubles from the blogger for moral damages. Dozens of people have signed the class action lawsuit, with another 150 signatures expected in the near future.
The Khamovnichesky District Court of Moscow has already accepted it, the next hearing will take place closer to March next year.
“The plaintiffs demand to transfer the entire amount to the State Fund for Support of Participants of the Defenders of the Fatherland SVO, and until the blogger does this, to seize all her property and prohibit her from speaking, hosting events, appearing in advertising, using social networks,” commented the plaintiffs’ lawyer Vladislav Vatamanyuk .
Why Nastya Ivleeva had to apologize twice
After the scandal surrounding the “naked party” broke out, Nastya Ivleeva believed that everything would work out. The next day, she even held a second similar event in the same club, but for the general public.
— We went too far on the road to hype. Some participants allowed themselves too much – this was the tone of her first apology, spoken in hot pursuit.
Blogger Anastasia Ivleeva apologizes in tears for the scandalous party and asks to give her a second chance.
But a couple of days later, when the parade of apologies from stars of various sizes began and business inspections began, Nastya Ivleeva was truly scared. She recorded two 20-minute videos where she cried and repented that she had lost touch with reality.
“I fully deserve what happened now, and let this be an example to many that everything in life should be appreciated, looked around and slowed down.” And don’t go crazy, because today you’re on top, and tomorrow you’re at the bottom. <…> They say that Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) knows how to forgive. If this is so, I would really like to ask for a second chance from you, the people,” Ivleeva said through tears, concluding that if she cannot receive the forgiveness of the Russians, then she is ready to be punished.
The blogger’s tossing around on social networks looks ridiculous. She first deleted and then, when everyone noticed it, returned two anti-war posts that she posted in February-March last year.
What property of Ivleeva can be seized?
Nastya Ivleeva owns a rich fleet of vehicles. The newest car in her garage is a Lamborghini Urus supercar, bought six months ago on credit, with a market value of about 40 million rubles. The blogger also has a pink Lamborghini Aventador (30 million rubles), a Mercedes Gelik (10 million) and a Chevrolet Camaro coupe (5 million).
Ivleeva’s ex-husband, rapper Eldzhey, left her a home in the Istra district of the Moscow region after the divorce. This is two hectares of land, a large two-story house built in the Scandinavian style, an attached gym with purple-pink neon lighting and a spacious garage that can easily accommodate all of Nastya’s luxury cars. The approximate cost of the estate (not counting interior decoration) is about 150 million rubles. This property has repeatedly appeared in the blogger’s posts.
Nastya Ivleeva may have two living spaces in Moscow. She featured one of them in her blogs. We are talking about multi-room apartments in the Airbus business class high-rise building, which is located between Timiryazevsky Park and Leningradsky Prospekt. The price per square meter there reaches 600 thousand rubles. The second apartment, where the blogger ordered food, has an area of 160 square meters and is located in the elite residential complex “Camelot” in Khamovniki between the Moskva River embankment and the Trubetskoy Estate. Cost – up to 200 million rubles.
Ivleeva also has a place to live in St. Petersburg. She recently boasted that she wants to turn “her newly acquired St. Petersburg property into a general’s pre-revolutionary apartment.”
Nastya Ivleeva also has shares in businesses not related to media. She has 20% in the Blesk restaurant company, founded a year ago together with an experienced restaurateur from Kazakhstan, Alexander Pichugin. Recently, accounts were blocked there due to an inaccurately indicated legal address. She also controls 45% of the Bee’s Knees, a chips and soda company.
The co-founders are venerable top managers who worked in the Procter and Gamble, Danone Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism), Dixie and Pyaterochka networks. In 2022, the company earned almost 450 million rubles.