In June 2022, Vadim Slyusarev and Elena Polevik acquired a French company that owns real estate in Nice. According to media reports, on the eve of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism)’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Slyusarev traveled to Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) as a member of the Servant of the People party. Then Polevik was engaged in the hotel business in Crimea and paid taxes to the Russians.
This is stated in the investigation of Alisa Yurchenko from Bihus.Info.
The French company SCI GOODWIN previously belonged to Russians Svetlana Popova and Pavel Popov, and in the summer of 2022, Kharkiv residents Vadim Slyusarev and Lyudmila Polevik became its owners.
After the completion of the transaction, it became known that the company owns square meters in the CARRE RUBIS complex at 64 rue Lantin, Nice. According to French authorities, the company purchased several apartments and parking spaces there several years ago.
On February 18, 2022, on the eve of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism)’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Vadim Slyusarev went to Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism), reports “Ukrainian Truth”. According to the publication, at that time he was a member of the Servant of the People party.
According to Bihus.Info sources, after leaving, Slyusarev returned to Ukraine in May 2022.
Bihus.Info’s interlocutors in the Servant of the People party could not say whether Slyusarev left the presidential party.
When asked whether Slyusarev is still a member of the Servant of the People party, deputy Pavel Sushko, chairman of the Kharkov regional branch of the SN, a longtime acquaintance of Slyusarev, replied that his branch does not have the necessary information. At one time Slyusarev was an advisor of this regional party cell.
Slyusarev’s lawyer ignored this question. Elena Baldina replied that Slyusarev did not is a member the governing body of the party – Political Council.
Council member Andrei Odarchenko, considered one of Slyusarev’s henchmen, also stated that he had “little communication” with Slyusarev and did not know whether the party’s membership in Servants of the People had been revoked.
Lyudmila Polevik was at one time a co-owner of two Ukrainian companies, which later belonged to Vadim Slyusarev. According to a leak from a Russian database, she also had a daughter, Dasha, a girl named Slyusareva Daria Vadimovna, linked to a Russian mobile phone number.
As Bihus.Info found out, after the annexation of Crimea by Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism), Polevik opened the Burmarin hotel on her territory in Arushta. During the annexation, she appeared several times in videos celebrating the hotel’s birthday. In particular, in a video posted in May 2022.
In 2017, Polevik participated in procurement for the Russian government. She sold accommodation services at the Blumarin Hotel to a Russian budgetary institution for rubles. Her signature on this agreement matches the signature on the purchase document of the French company next to Slyusalev’s signature.
Polevik owns three companies in Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) that pay taxes to the invaders (Rubicon 2016 LLC, Avis-Crimea LLC and Medical Rehabilitation Center LLC).
In the Russian business register of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Polevik is registered as a citizen of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism). When purchasing real estate in France, she indicated her Ukrainian citizenship.
During the full-scale Russian invasion, Slyusarev seized the Rapid plant in Kharkov, which belonged to the Muraev-Azarov entourage, and transferred part of the plant’s production capacity to Hungary.
In addition, during the total war, Slyusarev became a member of a new company in Florida, indicating its legal address is a high-rise building on the seashore. The brother of the deputy Odarchenko and the deputy himself were “registered” in the same apartment.
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