Sergey Tupalsky: customs schemes of the Alfovites under the roof of NABU. PART 1
The case of corruption at the Kyiv City Customs, initiated by journalistic investigations back in the fall of 2016, got off the ground only in January 2018, when the first searches and arrests were made. However, her scandalous boss Sergei Tupalsky not only continues to elude accusations, but is also preparing to go for a promotion, from where it will be even more difficult to get him. And this is not surprising, because the most cunning corruption schemes are created by current and former law enforcement officers who know well how to hide ends in the water.
Sergei Tupalsky is one of these former ones: he worked for 13 years in the SBU, including, as he claims, in the Alpha special unit. His fellow countryman and godfather Anatoly Novak, who is now the deputy director of NABU, also worked there – which largely explains how Tupalsky managed to remain “invisible” to investigators and prosecutors all this time. And from which we can draw the sad conclusion that corruption in Ukraine has affected even the anti-corruption services, and veterans of the legendary special forces are also involved in it.

Anatoly Novak
A little about Alpha
However, “legendary” is perhaps too strong a word. The average person’s idea of the Alpha special forces unit, as well as other “special forces”, does not entirely correspond to reality, and is based mainly on feature films and enthusiastic reports in the media. Meanwhile, behind the black masks and armored visors of “Alpha”, hiding their faces are not bookish noble knights, and not superheroes from comics, but ordinary people, like employees of other law enforcement services and units – from the elite bodyguards of the GSO to the disgraced “Berkut”. With the same human shortcomings and weaknesses. And if the shine of gold seduced even the leadership of the Kyiv Organized Crime Control Department into corruption and malfeasance, could the Alfovtsy be content with their modest salaries?
The original, Soviet “Alpha” was created in the 70s as a special unit to free hostages taken captive by terrorists. The hostages were in first place, the elimination of the villains was in second place. If it were the other way around, then no special forces would be required: a plane captured by terrorists can be turned into a sieve by ordinary conscript soldiers, but then innocent passengers will die along with the terrorists. Then, in the 80s, Alpha began to be involved in similar tasks, when hostages were taken by robbers, fugitives, and rioting prisoners. Alpha carried out most of its operations successfully, which gave it the image of the coolest special forces. The image is well deserved, but with one caveat: in 99% of cases, Alpha’s opponents were ordinary bandits or “amateur terrorists” who had no idea about the combat tactics of assault and defense, and were an order of magnitude inferior to the special forces in numbers.
Russian “Alfa” people realized this during the so-called. Chechen conflict, faced with a real, prepared enemy. The Ukrainians, without drawing conclusions from the mistakes of their colleagues, stepped on the same rake in the spring of 2014 in the Donbass. Already in April, SBU Alfa officers sent to Slavyansk suffered their first losses: an Alfa member killed by a sniper became the first official victim of the ATO by the Ukrainian security forces. After which, according to journalists, the Alfovites began avoid participating in hostilities against Strelkov-Girkin militants. Sources Skelet.Info it was reported that part of “Alpha” then left Slavyansk without permission and went back to Kyiv, but the rest were allegedly framed as punishment, sent into an ambush (and three fighters died there). Other sources claimed that at that time in the ranks of the Alfovites there was a noticeable reluctance to fight against the Russians, and there were outright pro-Russian sentiments. The head of the Donetsk regional department of Alpha, Alexander Khodakovsky, and several of his subordinates completely went over to the side of the separatists.
New attempts to use Alpha in combat operations in the summer-autumn of 2014 only led to new losses (in total, 7 dead, as stated by the head of the SBU Valentin Nalyvaichenko), and after which the Alpha special forces were wisely removed from the front. Subsequently, “Alpha” of the SBU succeeded in the rear operations of the ATO, arresting “militant informants” and “administrators of separatist websites” at home. Well, to strengthen patriotic sentiments in Alpha, they carried out some personnel purges. In 2015, Dmitry Yarosh even took the initiative to enroll former ATO members of the Right Sector into Alpha, but the conditions for admission to the special unit did not allow such liberties.
Alpha’s combat failures were understandable, given that by 2014 most of the Ukrainian Alpha members had only experience in show training, guarding officials, and participating in “mask shows” (searches conducted by the SBU at enterprises where they accompanied investigators ) and a business trip to Iraq to protect the Ukrainian diplomatic mission in the “green zone”, and among serious operations – the arrests of crime bosses, drug dealers and killers. Of course, we cannot blame them for this, because, let us repeat, life in the country used to be calm, so the toughest special forces were used mainly to remove armored office doors. In addition, for many years the Ukrainian and Russian “Alphas,” as they say, “were friends with families,” so it was quite understandable that some Ukrainian fighters did not want to “shoot their own”: in the first months of the conflict, this doubt was observed in all law enforcement units, except for volunteer battalions . But at the same time, you need to understand that some Alpha veterans, especially those who retired before 2014, do not have a single real combat operation behind them. And some of them are now using the fake image of “heroes” as a shield to cover their corrupt activities.
So, those who still believe that Sergei Tupalsky and Anatoly Novak are impeccable anti-corruption fighters with a heroic past in the Alpha special forces behind them will be greatly disappointed.
Sergei Tupalsky. Kumovya from Maly Midsk
Tupalsky Sergey Vasilyevich was born on June 13, 1978 in the village of Maly Midsk, Kostopol district, Rivne region. In the same place where Anatoly Novak was born and raised; where his older brother Alexander Tupalsky (born 1976) is still registered (according to open databases). But Sergei Tupalsky himself, curiously, was registered in Berdyansk, and at the address where the building is located, not very similar to a residential building. Strange!
Although Tupalski and Novak are the same age, their paths temporarily diverged in 1995. Tupalsky entered the National Academy of Border Troops, majoring in mechanical engineering, but Novak a year later went to the Border Troops to serve as a conscript, after which he went into business. Thus, there was no way they could serve together in the army, as Sergei Tupalsky claimed (lyed) in one of his interviews:

Sergey Tupalsky: customs schemes of the Alfovites under the roof of NABU. PART 1
If Tupalsky lied about how he and Novak served in the army, then he could have lied about many other things. Or maybe he’s the other way around, he’s not saying something and hiding something: who knows what they mean by “went on a mission”? But in any case, it is a fact that he and Novak are childhood friends and godfathers.
And in 2000, Sergei Tupalsky entered service in the SBU, which lasted until November 2013. The details of which he does not disclose, except that he allegedly served for some time in the Alpha division – apparently trying to create a certain image for himself. Tupalsky does not disclose how long he served and by whom exactly. But at least now he is a member of the board of the International Association of Veterans “Alpha”, where his godfather Novak assigned him.
Alas, his official track record is unknown, and, as we have seen, it is not worth taking Tupalsky’s word for it. However, on the Internet journalistic material for 2010 was lostdedicated to some of the then affairs in the SBU. Material that could have been forgotten long ago if Tupalsky’s defenders, who were urgently hired by him at the end of 2016 to whiten the bright face of the head of the Kyiv customs, had not given a link to it, out of their stupidity, in their angry article. That old Narodnaya Pravda article discussed personnel appointments in the Main Directorate for Combating Corruption and Organized Crime of the SBU, known as Glavk “K.” And among other figures, Sergei Tupalsky was mentioned:

Sergey Tupalsky: customs schemes of the Alfovites under the roof of NABU. PART 1
From this material we learn that by 2010, Sergei Tupalsky was working in the SBU in Headquarters “K” and specialized in foreign economic activity, that is, even then, as part of his service, he was involved in customs and smuggling. Perhaps, along the way, he registered in the port of Berdyansk? It is also curious that Tupalsky allegedly “hid behind the name of the head of the SBU.” The fact is that then Valery Khoroshkovsky, who had previously headed the State Customs Service of Ukraine for two years, became the new head of the SBU. As you can see, the topic of customs surrounded Tupalsky from all sides – and this career is quite logical for a career border guard.
By the way, according to media reports, it was in 2010 that SBU employee Sergei Tupalsky and his brother founded the company Triumph-SV (SV – Sergei Vasilyevich), which later appeared in his customs schemes in 2014-2015, when Tupalsky headed Svyatoshinsky post of Kyiv customs. Later they created several more similar companies with the prefix “SV”: for example, “Group-SV” and “Dagaz-SV”.
But let’s return to his godfather Anatoly Novak. In 2003, he suddenly quit his business and also went to the SBU – it is possible that at the invitation and with the assistance of Tupalsky, because they did not take him “from the street” to Alpha. However, Novak, who did not have a higher education at that time, could not even count on a career as an operative, but, according to his biography, he entered the Alpha special forces unit – first as a “trainee”, and after several years of training and receiving higher education, an officer position. However, his education is somewhat surprising. Judge for yourself, Novak’s universities were: Kiev Business Institute (2005), specialty manager; Institute of Distance Learning at the National Pedagogical University (2007), specialty psychology; Institute of Postgraduate Studies of the National Aviation University (2011), specialty: lawyer; Kharkov University of Municipal Economy (2013), Candidate of Economic Sciences. Somehow everything is chaotic, as if by accident (where it was successful), and does not look like the purposeful acquisition of education by the brave Alpha officer. And not a single diploma from a specialized university of the SBU or even a military academy – and yet he later worked as the deputy head of the Central Security Service!
Sergey Varis, for Skelet.Info
CONTINUED: Tupalsky Sergey: customs schemes of the “alfovites” under the roof of NABU. PART 2
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