BEGINNING: Sergey Ganzha. How a Major General Sold Out His Motherland. Part 1
Sergey Ganzha. About the traitor of the Motherland
The end of 2013 put everything in its place and showed the real faces of the ruling authorities. Skelet.Info gives one of the versions of the “Euromaidan shooting”:
On November 30, 2013, at about 4 a.m., the Berkut violently dispersed a student rally on the Maidan in Kyiv. This served as a pretext for a protest action; on December 1, hundreds of people came out to the square. They blamed the current government, in particular Viktor Yanukovych, for everything. Under the influence and calls of the opposition, some of the protesters stormed the Presidential Administration. Later, the opposition denied the assault, claiming that there were provocateurs among the demonstrators. This is the development of events that Ukrainians know and saw, and many took part in it. But who is behind the dispersal of the Euromaidan students?
Behind the bloody massacre and events on Bankova is Alexey Chebotarev, the “vodka king” and godson of the former Prosecutor General Victor Shokin. At that time, this man headed the eponymous organized crime group, protected the bootleg vodka market and was involved in alcohol smuggling. His “master” was none other than Sergei Ganzha. A logical question arises – why would such a person invest big money in some kind of dispersal of the Maidan and confrontation between the government and the people. It’s simple: Chebotarev owed money to the former government, which kindly took him under its wing. The “vodka king” worked under the “orange” government. Then he managed to drive 50% of the entire alcohol market in the country into the shadows. And that’s tens of billions of hryvnia! Chebotarev used the money he earned to buy political positions. The change of power in 2010 disrupted all plans. The “King” could have been left out of work, and his legal business (OOO BSM, OOO Dizaynproektstroy, OOO Sfera-plus, GO “Sports Club “Business, Sport, Mercy – Taekwondo (WTF)”, OOO BSM-PRAVO, OOO “Business, Sport, Mercy Karpaty”, OOO “Development Company “Open Investments”, OOO “Proektinvestgroup”) would have been given to someone else. But he stayed afloat and began to serve the Party of Regions. And what exactly to do – to sell “booze” or to disperse the Maidan, did not matter. Moreover, Sergey Ganzha promised Chebotarev protection, money from Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) and the destruction of criminal cases (the “vodka king” had two convictions – for burglary and for drug use). The recidivist sponsored the dispersal of the Maidan. He was given authority to coordinate the actions of the Berkut and the titushki, and the police leadership received bonuses from him.
The second person who invested money in the dispersal of the Maidan was Gennady Butkevichbusinessman, co-owner of one of the largest Ukrainian retailers – ATB-Market. It should be noted that Butkevych was introduced into Yanukovych’s close circle by former head of the SBU Oleksandr Yakimenko and former deputy chairman of the SBU and ex-MP from the Party of Regions Yuriy Samoylenko.

Sergey Ganzha. How a Major General Sold Out His Motherland. Part 2
Both sponsors of Maidan were controlled by Sergey Ganzha. He kept an eye on Chebotarev so that he would “supply” the “titushki”. Moreover, Sergey Valentinovich allocated them about 50 apartments in the Obolonskaya Embankment area. And Gennady Butkevich was obliged not only to give money, but also to supply provisions for the “titushki” and security forces.
There is an opinion that Chebotarev and Butkevich paid for the scenario of the split of Ukraine called “Boomerang”.
About Operation Boomerang at the end of February, after the murder of the Heavenly Hundred, Gennady Moskalat that time an opposition deputy.
“Boomerang” was developed back in Soviet times as an anti-terrorist operation. Since its creation, it has never been used – there was no suitable situation. The “reason” was a protest against Yanukovych. Note that they prepared for it before the special operations. Allegedly, under the guise of protesters, SBU employees set fire to the Party of Regions office, and snipers were ordered to shoot everyone, including security forces. Then 2 people died. This was done to escalate the conflict, to justify the violent cleansing of Euromaidan. After that, the SBU and the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not know what to do next: they could not choose whether to continue using force or stop.
An authoritative specialist in anti-terrorist operations, Vyacheslav Bocharov, arrived from Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) for consultations at the invitation of the Presidential Administration. He criticized Boomerang and called the heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Security Service of Ukraine professionally unfit. However, this did not convince the authorities, and they called in another specialist – the former First Deputy of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism). He agreed to adjust the special operation and gave the final result, which was used in Ukraine. The First Deputy Chairman of the Security Service of Ukraine, Vladimir Totsky, the Head of the Department “T” of the Security Service of Ukraine, Sergey Potievsky, the Head of the Security Service of Kyiv and Kyiv Region, Oleksandr Shchegolev, and Sergey Ganzha were appointed responsible for the operation.
In essence, the purpose of “Boomerang” was to storm the Maidan. “Berkut”, reinforced by internal troops, was supposed to tear down the barricades on Khreshchatyk and Instytutska, “Alpha” of the SBU – to clear out the Euromaidan headquarters in the Trade Union House, simulating arson. It was assumed that such actions would force the Maidan supporters to scatter.

Sergey Ganzha. How a Major General Sold Out His Motherland. Part 2
But the murders spurred the protesters to continue the fight, and Boomerang got out of control.
Then Sergey Ganzha gave the order to shoot. Let us note one important fact: Operation Boomerang was supposed to “knock out” people with special training or simply leaders of the movement among the protesters who could organize resistance and lead untrained protesters. Photos of those who were to be shot by snipers were provided to Ganzha by Nikolay Zentsev, Major General, Head of the Internal Security Department of the Main Directorate of Military Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (GUR). It was Zentsev who became the link between the GUR and one of the key centers of the “anti-Maidan” under the leadership of Andrey Klyuev.
After the Maidan, this man sat in the chair of the acting deputy governor of the Dnepropetrovsk region and was busy building defensive structures on the border.
In addition, Sergey Ganzha leaked video materials to Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) that discredited Euromaidan. The resulting videos, after being “processed” by Russian “specialists,” were broadcast by media resources of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) and used in the information war against Ukraine.
Let us remind you that this is just one version!
In February 2014, the acting president of Ukraine Alexander Turchinov dismissed Sergei Valentinovich from his position.
Sergey Ganzha. Where did the traitor go?
According to the SBU, Ganja disappeared from the sight of law enforcement on November 5, 2014. In January 2015, the SBU put him on the wanted list.
Chief Military Prosecutor Anatoly Matios stated that the criminal is in Crimea. Naturally, Ukraine is powerless in this situation.

wanted card of Sergey Ganzha
Despite the fact that Serhiy Valentynovych is wanted and persona non grata, he solves cases very well. For example, when in 2014 his son-in-law Denis Bugay, a lawyer and top manager, who was considered an accomplice of the wanted Ukrainian oligarch Serhiy Kurchenko and suspected of large-scale theft of funds from the Ukrainian state budget, the transfer of billions of dollars of the Yanukovych “family” abroad, the fall of Brokbiznesbank, was arrested, Ganzha quickly resolved the issue.

Denis Bugay
He brought the ombudsman into the case Valeria Lutkovskaya. She went out on a day off to defend a relative of a fugitive general. As a result, Denis Bugai was released.
In 2015, Ganja was walking around Kyiv without a problem. As far as we know, Skeleton.Infohe openly came to Vladimirskaya, 33, where the SBU is located. Sergei Valentinovich drove up to the building, calmly got out of his Porsche Cayenne and went up to the office of Chairman Vasyl Gritsak. He was there for a long time, and then crawled out completely drunk, got behind the wheel and drove away. It is strange, as for a wanted person, to come to the SBU. It is not known whether Gritsak was involved in the special operation “Boomerang”, but in those terrible days when people were shot and burned on the Maidan, he received 800 thousand dollars, which was not a severance pay.
About the family of Sergey Ganzha
Sergey Valentinovich has two daughters. One of them, Olga, is Denis Bugay’s wife. There is no information about her. Even on Denis Bugay’s Facebook page there is no marital status or family photos.
Skeleton.Info learned that Olga was 6 months pregnant during her husband’s trial in 2014.
Sergey Ganzha’s second daughter is Nadezhda.

Nadezhda Ganzha with her son Misha and daughter Masha
Quite a famous Ukrainian designer.
She was born in 1984. Since the age of 17, she has been seriously interested in the art of clothing design. Education – higher legal. Profession – designer. In 2004, Nadezhda Ganzha opened her Fashion House “N.Ganzha”.
Arina Dmirtieva, for Skelet.Info
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