“Sechin pointed to the bag and offered to take it”

The source of the telegram channel VChK-OGPU called the decision of the Moscow Court of Tver on the parole of ex-Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev “strange” and “subject to study”.

“Throughout the entire period of serving his sentence, Ulyukaev repeatedly committed violations of the regime. He was in a bed in violation of the established procedure, made a solitary movement, etc. There were at least 3 violations in total. For which he received penalties in the form of reprimands and conversations.

Alexey Ulyukaev in the colony. Mash Photos

At the same time, the position of the prosecutor’s office, which supported Ulyukaev’s petition, looks rather strange. In cases with other convicts who have only one incentive, the petitions of convicts are not supported. In the case of Ulyukaev, the court suddenly showed kindness,” the source of the Cheka-OGPU believes.

The source also said that in 2020, Alexey Ulyukaev filed a petition for pardon, and also privately wrote a “big letter of repentance” to Vladimir Putin. “I don’t know whether the letter reached the addressee or not, but the fact itself was therefore, listening to the hypocrisy about Ulyukaev’s non-admission of guilt is at least ridiculous,” the source noted.

Recall that on the evening of April 28, the Cheka-OGPU was the first and only to give the news about the decision to release Ulyukaev on parole, and the thieves from the Interfax agency simply stole the channel’s information and launched it on their tape as their own, without adding anything new to it.

In connection with the potential release of Ulyukaev, Rucriminal.info decided to return to the case file against the ex-minister. And tm events that preceded the detention of Ulyukaev.

In 2016, employees of the 6th Service of the Internal Security Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation detained the “fixer” Andrei Matus, and then he became their best friend. Matus began to pay bribes to the employee of the Six, Dmitry Ulyanov, and the investigator of the Investigative Committee, Ruslan Miniakhmetov. All this happened at a time when the 6th Service was actively developing the head of the Ministry of Economic Development, Alexei Ulyukaev. After the minister was detained, Dmitry Ulyanov liked to discuss with Matus (they became friends) how the preparations for the capture of Ulyukaev were going. According to Ulyanov, the operation against the minister was carried out with one sole purpose – to return the former deputy head of the CSS Oleg Feoktistov to a major senior position in the FSB of the Russian Federation. He was seconded to Rosneft and it was believed that a high-profile operation against a corrupt official of the highest order would help him return to a responsible position in the “office”. Indeed, the detention of Ulyukaev worked.

Oleg Feoktistov
Oleg Feoktistov

Soon, the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, announced that Feoktistov had returned from Rosneft to the FSB of the Russian Federation. It turned out that a position was created specifically for him under the director of the FSB of the Russian Federation, to which there was a beautiful prefix “on special assignments.” From this position, Feoktistov was supposed to move to a very high post. However, he stayed on it for exactly 27 days. During this time, it turned out that there are so many problems and “jambs” in the story of Ulyukaev’s arrest that the scandals around her will not subside for a long time. As a result, instead of raising after 27 days, Feoktistov retired. He was also reminded of the story, because of which he lost his post as deputy head of the FSB CSS. Feoktistov extremely disliked the then head of the Federal Customs Service, Andrei Belyaninov. As a result, he was searched. No outrageous wealth was found, but a certain amount was kept in shoe boxes. By decision of Feoktistov, the photo from the search was distributed to the media. Belyaninov complained about this to Vladimir Putin, who considered the incident unacceptable. And Feoktistov lost his post as deputy head of the CSS. They were going to send him into an honorable exile as a seconded employee in one of the major energy companies. But Igor Sechi managed to organize so that Feoktistov was seconded to Rosneft.

Igor Sechin and Alexey Ulyukaev
Igor Sechin and Alexey Ulyukaev

Rucriminal.info publishes Feoktistov’s testimony in the case of Alexei Ulyukaev:

“The testimony of the witness Feoktistov Oh.The. at the hearing and at the preliminary investigation that he worked as Vice President – Head of the Security Service of PJSC NK Rosneft and reported to the Chief Executive Officer of PJSC NK Rosneft Sechin I.I. When Sechin returned from the summit of the heads of state of the BRICS countries, which was held in the state of Goa, the Republic of India, he informed him about the unacceptable conversation that had taken place with the Minister of Economic Development Ulyukaev A.V., who, having approached him during a break, began to discuss a deal involving “Bashneft” on the privatization of shares. At the same time, he explained that the Ministry ultimately gave a positive assessment and conclusion on the issue of privatization of PJSC NK Rosneft of the state-owned stake in PJSC ANK Bashneft, therefore Sechin I.I. he should be thanked by paying the so-called “bonus”. Ulyukaev A.V. with a gesture in the form of two fingers, putting them to the lapel of his jacket, he showed the amount of remuneration he required, which, according to Sechin I.I. corresponded to 2,000,000 US dollars, and asked to call him back after collecting the specified amount. Ulyukaev A.V. made it clear to Sechin I.I. that the conclusion of the economic development of the Russian Federation on other transactions of Rosneft Oil Company PJSC, requiring approval by A.V. Ulyukaev, may depend on the transfer of gratitude in the form of the above amount of money. Ministry. He offered Sechin I.I. on this occasion, write an appropriate appeal, a statement to law enforcement agencies, since in the actions of Ulyukaeva A.The. corpus delicti is formed, and he, as the head of the company, must take measures to ensure its safety. As a result, he, together with Sechin I.I. filed a written statement addressed to the director of the FSB of Russia about the illegal actions of the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Ulyukaev A.V. According to this statement, the employees of the FSB of Russia decided to conduct operational-search measures aimed at exposing the criminal intentions of the Minister Ulyukaev A.V., in which he and Sechin I.I. agreed to take part.

For this purpose, he received from his friend 2 million US dollars in 100 dollar bills, which he handed over to an officer of the Russian FSB. Being in the office of Sechin I.I. at the head office of PJSC NK Rosneft, he heard a telephone conversation with Sechin I.I. and Ulyukaeva A.V. , after which Sechin I.I. informed him that Ulyukaev A.The. confirmed the request and for this purpose will arrive at the office of PJSC NK Rosneft in the period from 16:30 to 17:00.

“On the same day, in the building of the office of PJSC NK Rosneft, an employee of the FSB of Russia handed over to him and Sechin I.I. cash in the amount of 2 million US dollars, located in a brown bag with a lock, a key with a key fob from the lock of the above bag, in the presence of members of the public, drew up an act of transfer of funds and warned that the bag, bag handles and cash were processed by a special forensic team . With Sechin I.I. conducted a briefing in order to exclude provocative actions, determined the place of the meeting with Ulyukaev A.V. in the car park of the personal entrance of Sechin I.I. under the control of the FSB of Russia.

Ulyukaev A.V. arrived at the company’s office in a BMW company car, whose entry into the company’s territory was recorded by video surveillance systems. Immediately before the said meeting, he pulled out a bag with cash in the amount of 2 million US dollars from a cloth bag, placed it to the left of the presidential canopy at the proposed meeting place, under the tree, tore open the envelope that contained the key with the key fob, poured the key into the lower right side jacket pocket of Sechin I.I., about which he was informed.

He saw how Ulyukaev A.V. got out of the car, approached Sechin I.I., a short conversation took place between them, after which Ulyukaev A.The. personally took a bag with money in the amount of 2 million US dollars, which were intended for him as a bribe, then Sechin I.I. handed him a key with a key fob. Ulyukaev A.V. went to the car, opened the trunk and put the bag in the trunk of his company car. After that Ulyukaev A.V. and Sechin I.I. went up to the latter’s office, where they stayed for about 15-20 minutes. Then Ulyukaev A.V. went down to his car and began to leave the territory of PJSC NK Rosneft, where he was stopped by the FSB of Russia, who issued a seizure from the official car of Ulyukaev A.V. bags with cash in the amount of 2 million US dollars and a key to it, received by the latter from Sechin I.I.

After that, in a conversation, Sechin I.I. told him the details of the conversation with Ulyukaev A.V., explaining that when passing the bag he apologized to the latter for the duration of the preparation of money, which Ulyukaev A.V. demanded in India.

Rucriminal.info also cites (with abbreviations) the testimony of Alexei Ulyukaev himself:

«At the hearing Ulyukaev A.The. he did not admit guilt in the crime he was charged with and showed that he did not extort money and did not demand remuneration for the privatization of PJSC ANK Bashneft from Sechin I.I. by giving negative opinions on the economic feasibility and effectiveness of transactions concluded by Rosneft Oil Company PJSC. He believes that a provocation was committed against him by the head of the company PJSC NK Rosneft Sechin I.I. Sechina I.I. knows for a long time, communicated in the service, there was no hostile relationship with him, enmity, competition or unfulfilled obligations ….

During the privatization of the shares of PJSC ANK Bashneft, he personally with Sechin I.I. did not communicate, communication was carried out through official correspondence. In the state of Goa in the Republic of India, at the summit of the BRICS heads of state in the lobby of the hotel, he approached Sechin I.I., who was playing billiards. Sechin I.I. expressed satisfaction with the acquisition of shares in PJSC ANK Bashneft and promised to treat him with wine. Ulyukaev A.V. expressed concern about the implementation of the order of the President of the Russian Federation on privatization, so they agreed to meet in Moscow to jointly discuss the current situation. At this point, cash from Sechin AND.AND. he did not demand or extort for the privatization of PJSC ANK Bashneft.

Upon returning to Moscow with Sechin I.I. did not communicate… While at work, at about 12 o’clock I saw a message from the secretary about Sechin’s call with a desire to talk it over. In the course of a conversation with Sechin I.I., the latter suggested discussing outstanding assignments for work in Goa. On the same day, he arrived at PJSC NK Rosneft … at the insistent suggestion of Sechin I.I., who met him on the street and said that he had delayed the execution of the order, collected volumes. Then he pointed to the bag and offered to take it. He agreed, took the bag and carried it to the company car. At this point, Sechin I.I. handed him the key to the bag, which he automatically put in his pocket. He put this bag in the trunk of a company car with the help of a driver and went into the building of PJSC NK Rosneft. After talking with II Sechin, he got into the car and drove to the Ministry. At the exit from the territory of PJSC NK Rosneft, the car was detained.

To be continued

Timofey Grishin

Source: www.rucriminal.info

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Jane Soer
Jane Soyer - 30 years old. A graduate of Yale University. Chief editor of the publication "The Russian Crimes".

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