As it became known to, on June 9, 2023, a trial was held in the Ostankinsky Court of Moscow to extend the preventive measure for Alexandra Tsvetkova – Researcher at the Institute of Biology of Inland Waters of the Russian Academy of Sciences. A world-famous scientist is accused of a series of murders committed in the early 2000s. The details of this story were told by an acquaintance of the Tsvetkov family.

“On February 16, 2023, returning from another scientific expedition, at Domodedovo airport Alexander Igorevich Tsvetkov was detained on charges of a series of murders committed on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region in August 2002. He was dragged out of the plane in handcuffs without outerwear at minus 9, although initially he was in the case as a witness and, naturally, being in a state of shock, did not resist. Tsvetkov was detained at 11 am, he wrote an SMS that the plane had landed, and no more messages were received from him. Then, at about 2:00 pm, Tsvetkov’s colleagues called and reported that he was taken away in handcuffs without any explanation in an unknown direction. Relatives immediately began calling hotlines in all instances to find out where Alexander was. On the helpline of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they spoke rudely, almost sent obscenities, advised me to declare my father missing. We found him in the late afternoon, around 19:30, in the North-East Administrative Okrug. At first he was interrogated as a witness, but after the appearance of the head of the investigator Bondarev A.O., Tsvetkov abruptly became a suspect. All night he was rolled around Moscow, for what purpose it is now clear. In the temporary detention center in the cell, “their people” worked with him, who explained very clearly and in an accessible way what evidence was needed, threatening the life and health of children and promising to dig up all unsolved crimes that were suitable in time and hang him up, making him a “scientific Chikatilo”, i.e. . they knew from the very beginning that Tsvetkov was not guilty. All this happened with the participation of Bondarev and three operatives (including Nania and Kovalev). And Tsvetkov confessed, but after a belated conversation with a lawyer, an hour later he retracted all his confessions, but they formed the basis of the prosecution. The Free State Counsel did not interview Alexander before the interrogation, thereby violating the defense procedure.

The position of the prosecution is based mainly on the testimony of a recidivist. Andrey Alyoshinwho in 2003 was already detained on suspicion of committing murders committed in Moscow and the Moscow region.
In such a dubious situation (not a single sign matches the personality of Alexander), the operatives and the investigator showed perseverance, and the detainee Tsvetkov, without a qualified defense, could not resist. At the end of the first day of the investigation, he began to give the testimony necessary for the investigator about the circumstances of the crime, which he learned about at the confrontation with Alyoshin, and an hour later he retracted this evidence. Relatives believe that pressure was put on him, he was tired after a business trip, sleepless night, flight, cold (he was taken out of the plane without outerwear, and in Moscow that day it was minus 9 degrees). A certain role was played by the shock of what happened and the nervous strain. But then he came to his senses and said that he had slandered himself under pressure from the investigator and the criminal investigation department.
According to investigators, on the morning of August 2, 2002, Tsvetkov, together with his accomplice Aleshin, brutally killed an elderly man in the village of Gorodishche, Moscow Region, and then they brutally massacred a woman in Moscow. In the first case, according to investigators, Tsvetkov acted “out of a sense of personal hostility against the background of drinking alcohol”, in the second – for self-interest, “having received information from an unidentified person that valuables and money were contained in the apartment.”
On August 10, two women allegedly became victims of Tsvetkov and Alyoshin, one of whom was born in 1909, the second was born in 1946. According to investigators, from 00.00 to 23.59 both men were in the apartment of the house on the Yaroslavl Highway, where the mother and daughter lived. After drinking alcohol together, “experiencing personal hostility, as well as acting out of selfish motives,” Tsvetkov and Alyoshin strangled them. At the same time, the criminals took 5 thousand rubles, gold earrings and a ring.
After the confession and arrest (02/18/2023), Tsvetkov became absolutely uninteresting to the investigation. The lawyer tried to object, because the father does not fit the signs, but all this was ignored by both the judge and the prosecutor. Here are the main inconsistencies: the killer has tattoos (Alexander never had tattoos). In addition, he never smoked, and all witnesses point to a man who smokes half a pack of cigarettes a day. Not a single sign of the witnesses matches the portrait of Tsvetkov. One witness claims that the killer is 185, light blond with blue eyes, another claims that he is 160 and a burning brunette with brown eyes. That Alexander is 174 tall with green eyes, the investigation does not care. They seem to have taken the average.
Only after the trial did they find out the dates of the murders that Alexander was charged with (08/02/2002 and 08/10/2002), the relatives turned to the archives of the Institute for Intra-Biology and Water Resources of the Russian Academy of Sciences, where orders on expeditions, business trips, and a personal account were miraculously preserved. From these documents it appears that on August 10, 2002 he was on an expedition in the Ivanovo and Vologda regions, there is even a photograph taken at the ferry crossing on August 10. On August 1, he was on an expedition, returned to Borok at 16:00 and would not have had time to be in Moscow in 2 hours (he was seen by witnesses for the prosecution at 18:00 on August 1, and the murder itself occurred on 2). All documents confirming the alibi have been in the hands of the investigation since February 21. The witnesses who were with him then came for questioning on April 12 on their own initiative, without waiting to be invited, and confirmed their alibis. Moreover, during examinations, an aneurysm was found in him, which indicates that he suffered a heart attack (February 16, most likely).
The Irony of Fate. In 2022, my father became the winner of the “Best Dad of the Golden Ring” competition in the “There is such a profession” nomination (this year he is already “scientific Chikatilo”). He is not only a loving father of three daughters, but also a passionate scientist. Every summer he teaches hydrology to children in the children’s environmental and local history expedition “We are the children of the Volga”, where he introduces dozens of children to science, talks about it with interest, so that many children become biologists and ecologists. In addition, at a local school (in our village), he repeatedly taught classes in applied hydrology, telling children about all the subtleties.
In 2021, the Tsvetkov family became the winner of the Family of the Year competition.
About the alibi and witnesses confirming this alibi, the defense announced a long time ago, back in February, on the 3rd day of arrest. The next court, for some unknown reason, does not take this into account. The investigator did not provide the court with the protocols of interrogations of witnesses in full, but only the first and last pages. To the question of the defense, where are the interrogation materials directly, because the court is obliged to know all aspects of the case, judge Terekhova A.A. stated that, it turns out, the investigator has the right to provide the materials at his own discretion, those that he wants and to the extent that he wants. And we think that the court should be fair and impartial and take into account all the circumstances of the case. If there is an alibi, witnesses, characteristics of the suspect, a discrepancy will accept the suspect with what the witnesses say. It turns out that everything that the lawyers represent, the court does not take into account, but adheres only to the side of the prosecution. And the accusation is based on the testimony of a recidivist. By the way, for some reason, the trial began half an hour earlier, almost eliminating the possibility of the suspect’s colleagues and journalists being present at the trial. Were you so afraid that there would be press? And about the danger of Tsvetkov. A man lived quietly for 20 years, worked, raised children, benefited the country, promoted Russian science, including for children, and suddenly, from February 16, he became sharply dangerous to society. The defense at this trial read about a dozen of Tsvetkov’s positive testimonials and about 30 diplomas that he received over these 20 years. Why, given the state of health, the alibi and the slippery position of the prosecution, the court did not allow house arrest? The judge found proven the fact that Tsvetkov A.I. could hide, put pressure on witnesses, in the absence of at least one such evidence. And with all this – not a single investigative action since February 18 with the participation of Alexander. Now Tsvetkov has a psychological and psychiatric examination ahead of him in the Serbsky hospital.”