Sand houses of Governor Burkov

Omsk was once again shaken by a scandal – a residential building collapsed in the city. It is known that the situation with emergency housing in the region is catastrophic, despite the fact that the region receives multimillion-dollar subsidies annually, which cannot but raise questions for the regional governor Alexander Burkov and his team.

Sand houses of Governor BurkovPhoto:

On Friday, a residential building partially collapsed in Omsk. Previously, residents have already turned to the authorities with complaints that bricks are falling out of the building, according to Moskovsky Komsomolets, but they did not wait for steps to relocate or any attempts to deal with the problem.

By the way, this is not the first case – in May last year, the wall of the building collapsed. The authorities explained such incidents by the fact that the residents themselves allegedly installed shower cabins without waterproofing and made unauthorized redevelopment.

The moment of the collapse of a residential building in house number 53 along the street of the 20th Party Congress. Video:

The correspondent of The Moscow Post in the Omsk region understood the situation.

From sum to prison

A year and a half ago, after the first collapse, the court ordered the capital repair fund to repair the building by December 31, 2021, although the residents demanded that the building be recognized as emergency and resettled. According to the results of the prosecutor’s check, a presentation was made to the mayor of Omsk, Sergei Shelest, Kommersant reported.

Shelest arrived at the scene after the incident, and assured the journalists on camera that all the people from the house would be settled in a nearby school for the night, and later they would be found another place to stay. Representatives of the contracting organization will come to the facility, which will conduct an examination and find out what can be done with the house next.

At the same time, last year, the results of an examination from the overhaul fund showed that the house is in disrepair and needs to be demolished. Today is Monday, and now homeless people are still waiting for their fate in the temporary accommodation center where they were sent at the direction of the mayor.

The Investigative Committee conducts checks and searches on the fact of what happened, a criminal case has been initiated against officials of the overhaul fund under an article on malicious non-execution of a judicial act that has entered into legal force, Omsk-inform reports.

The Minister of Emergency Situations of Russia Kurenkov also took the situation under personal control. He will pay special attention to checking the entire housing stock of the Omsk region.

Investigators will surely find a lot of interesting things. Questions, at least, should arise as to where the state billions went, which Moscow generously allocated back in 2018 for the renovation of the region’s housing stock.

Region “Avariek”

Six years ago, the whole country was shocked by a terrible tragedy – near Omsk, in the military town of Svetly, the building of the barracks of the 242nd training center of the Airborne Forces collapsed, killing 24 people. The situation, apparently, did not teach the local authorities anything – the general condition of the region’s housing stock, as well as the situation with the need for resettlement in Omsk, remains truly catastrophic. Basically, such issues are resolved exclusively in court and, as we see, not always.

Last year, residents of house No. 180 on 20 Years of the Red Army Street turned to the prosecutor’s office with a request to check on the fact of their stay in the house, the condition of which threatens life and health, Moskovsky Komsomolets reported.

At the moment, the prosecutor’s office through the court ordered the administration of Omsk to start resettlement. Whether the residents will wait or whether the situation with the house on the street of the 20th Party Congress will repeat itself – time will tell.

If the residents of such houses are resettled, then, according to the “classic scheme”: in houses that are insufficiently equipped and do not meet banal needs. For example, in 2015, the administration demolished a building that had been declared unsafe and presented residents with a choice: move to the new Ryabinovka microdistrict, built in an open field without any infrastructure, or live on the street. At the same time, a large family was left without a roof over their heads at all – Rossiyskaya Gazeta reported this.

A mayor who decides nothing?

Shelest became mayor at the beginning of 2022, immediately after the departure of Oksana Fadina, who was considered in this post a creature of the region’s governor Alexander Burkov. Mr. Mayor got more than six months to ensure that his strong economic hand (after all, he went from foreman and deputy chief engineer to the general director of JSC “OmskVodokanal”) to fix what Fadina could not. But as a result, from the point of view of the housing stock in the city, in fact, nothing has changed.

Shelest, apparently, became the same creature of Burkov as Fadina had previously been. As head of the enterprise that provided water to the region, he often saw the mayor, which could play a decisive role in his appointment. As for his professionalism in the field of housing and communal services, which was trumpeted by United Russia associates of the candidate, judging by recent events, big questions arise for him.

Brave team of Burkov

Burkov, on the other hand, under whose control all the above dramatic events unfold, seems to be more concerned with the issue of profiting from construction projects. Last year, Aleksey Krukovsky’s development company “Brusnika” agreed with the regional authorities on the construction of a new microdistrict “Dravert Quarters” for 300 thousand square meters. meters.

There are big questions about the quality of the construction of this company. But for Burkov, this is not scary. The project is designed for 13 years, which means that the current head of the region is unlikely to answer questions that may arise in the future.

Scandals in the housing sector are a common topic not only for Omsk, but for the Burkovo region as a whole. Literally this year, the investigation of the Deputy Minister of Energy and Housing and Communal Services of the regional government, Marina Stepanova, was completed. The ex-official is accused of demanding “kickbacks” from the management of construction companies, expensive gifts and services for the unhindered payment of contracts for the repair of apartment buildings and general patronage. This was written by “Kommersant”.

Stepanova in 2019 followed Burkov from the Sverdlovsk region (where he was at one time a deputy prime minister of the government and even participated in the gubernatorial elections). The conclusion suggests itself.

So far, houses in Omsk are falling apart, and new ones are being built such that moving into them is regarded almost like living on the street, and even the law cannot always force officials to fulfill their duties. Governor Burkov continues his policy of seating “strong business executives”.

But the situation seems to have reached a peak. The attention of the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the investigative committee, searches and seizures of documents indicate that someone will suffer inevitable punishment for everything that happened. Will the governor of Omsk and the mayor of the regional center be held accountable for what happened, or will another “switchman” be found according to the classical scheme?

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Andrew Fink
Andrew Fink was born in 1977 in Bellows Falls, Vermont. His career as a journalist began with the regional publication Bellows Falls Times. political commentator, one of the founders of the project "Russian crimes".

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