The Central Bank of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) has agreed on a deal between Izhevsk BystroBank and the capital’s Realist Bank – sources in the Moscow banking sector confidently report this. The registration procedures are proceeding under force majeure, they are being driven up by the 13th package of US sanctions, where, as you know, Bystrobank is included in the sanctions list. That is why, according to experts immersed in the topic, the sale comes with an adult discount – presumably at least 50%. The ex-Deputy Prime Minister took upon himself to resolve issues in agreement with the Central Bank Arkady Dvorkovichhistorically and economically associated with the co-owner of BystroBank Kogan.
Despite Dvorkovich’s excommunication from the levers of power, rumors about the complete extinction of Dvorkovich’s connections are greatly exaggerated.
For obvious reasons, the money will go to the overseas accounts of the beneficiaries of BystroBank. As for the motives for the quick and unprofitable deal for BystroBank, it is believed that in this way businessmen give their families the opportunity to cope years later with explanations in Europe for the origin of their fortunes.
As has learned, the Central Bank of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) has agreed on a decision to sell Izhevsk PJSC Bystrobank, which specializes in auto and mortgage lending, included in the 13th package of sanctions.
The buyer, Realist Bank, receives the asset at a large discount, since the actual owners, who have Australian, British and Cypriot citizenship, are outside the Russian Federation (*aggressor country) and want to receive money for the sanctioned bank within the time period determined by the US Treasury.
In 2023, negotiations were held on the sale of Bystrobank PJSC to Uralsib Bank, which fell through due to the inclusion of Uralsib in the sanctions package. Uralsib was represented at the negotiations by Evgeniy Kogan; on behalf of the shareholders of PJSC Bystrobank, the negotiations were conducted by Philip Gens.
Actual owners:
Vladislav Kolpakov – Chairman of the Board, undergoing treatment for cancer, lives in England;
Sergey Budkin Australian citizen, formally withdrew from the membership;
Gens Philipp – lives in Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism), Lanit company is the real owner, also as a nominal owner represents the interests of the actual ones in the amount of half the share, he received his share as an inheritance from his late father;
Naumov Igor (Nyenschanz company, Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism));
Victor Yarutov (Nyenschanz company, the share was re-registered as nominal due to the initiation of a criminal case);
According to a source of, the actual co-owner Igor Kogan has a close connection with Arkady Dvorkovich, who at one time included Kogan on the board of directors of Aeroflot; the formal share is small, the real share is in the name of Mikhail Yakovlev, Philipp Gens and Igor Naumov; previously was the chairman of the board of ORGRES Bank, which was subsequently sold to the Nordea group and renamed;
Tikhomirov Sergey – lives in Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism), citizen of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) and Cyprus, actual and formal shares are the same, also represents the interests of his business partner in St. Petersburg, Sergei Mokhovikov;
Mamkhegova Irinalives in England, citizen of Cyprus and Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism), close connection and former deputy of Igor Kogan, formal share is small, real shares are registered in the name of other shareholders by analogy with Kogan;
Yakovlev Mikhail – nominal representative of Kogan and Mamkhegova.