Roksolana Pidlasa: not at all who she says she is! PART 1
In the 2019 elections, the vast majority of Ukrainians, tired of years of rule by a coalition of corrupt officials and militant populists, gave their votes to a new political force. However, it soon became quite obvious that the new government was not much different from the old one. The “servants of the people” belonging to the liberal-pro-Western wing were no exception. It turned out that these “mentees of Soros”, who declare themselves to be crystal-honest international-level specialists, often differ from their predecessors only in their complete lack of shame and conscience…
Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee for Economic Development Roksolana Pidlasa got into the Verkhovna Rada on the party list at No. 104. According to her, she joined Zelensky’s team easily and simply: before the elections, she asked to introduce herself to Dmitry Razumkov, to whom she showed her diplomas from KNEU and the Kyiv School of Economics . But in fact, this is just one of the tales that Pidlasa likes to tell journalists. The fact is that her professional profile is not economics at all!
Pedagogical bohemia and Roksolana Pidlasa
Pidlasa Roksolana Andreevna was born on January 25, 1994 in Cherkassy. In her biography you will not find any mention of her parents – this page simply never existed. Because of this, there may be a misconception that Pidlasa made her fast and successful career herself, solely thanks to her genius or some other extraordinary qualities. In fact, this is far from the case! After all, if you dig deep into the past of some “servants of the people” from among the “Soros guards” who entered the Rada and the Cabinet of Ministers under quotas of international organizations, and who also do not like to talk about their parents (Maryana Bezuglaya, Denis Malyuska, etc.), it turns out that that they owe their rapid start precisely to their fathers, mothers, and grandfathers. So Roksolana Pidlasa was able to take off so quickly and constantly find herself among the lucky few because since childhood she had the powerful support of her ancestors behind her. Who?
First, it’s worth clarifying that in Russian her last name is written as Podlasaya. And then it will not be difficult to “Google” her grandfather Ivan Pavlovich Podlasy – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, head of the department of the Cherkasy Institute of Postgraduate Education, professor of the Drahomanov National Pedagogical University (Kyiv), author of many textbooks and a well-known expert in the field of education far beyond the borders of Ukraine.

Ivan Podlasy
Surprisingly, for some reason there is no biography of the venerable professor, even a short one, in the public domain. And about his son, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Andrei Ivanovich Podlas (father of Roksolana Pidlasa), who teaches disciplines on automated systems software at the Cherkasy State Business College, there is no mention at all in the media. This already creates a strong impression that the Podlasy (Pidlasy) family is deliberately hiding all personal information from the public. For such famous public people, we admit, this is very difficult – but they do it! Why?
It is interesting that outside of Ukraine, Professor Podlasy is known mainly in Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism). The vast majority of his books and textbooks were published there, some of which were recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism). But on the other hand, in Podlasy’s Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) harshly criticized for “monetizing” the very essence of education and upbringing, which in a number of his works he reduced to a “business plan” and investing money. But we will not consider the disadvantages and advantages of the “Podlasy method”, but note something else: a similar view of pedagogy is characteristic of many Western economic schools and is practiced, in particular, by the Soros Foundation and a number of “democratic institutions”. Again, without any assessment of their activities, we will only pay attention to the fact that there were close contacts between these institutes and Professor Podlasy – at least at the level of “exchange of experience.” But this often leads to participation in seminars and programs, and then to “extended cooperation” – with the receipt of grants and other funding. Thus, Skelet.Info finds an answer to the question of how the professor’s granddaughter, already from school, became one of the “young talents” taken under the tutelage of Western foundations and institutions. It is even possible that Professor Podlasy tried for her sake, modernizing his pedagogy program to Western standards!
Professional social activist
In 2010, Roksolana Pidlasa graduated from the Cherkassy Physics and Mathematics Lyceum (formerly secondary school No. 13). Despite such an impressive scientific status of this educational institution, Pidlasa showed herself not to be a gifted child, but a young activist. At first she was the editor of the school newspaper, then a member of the “student cabinet”, and participated in various youth socio-political movements, including those organized with Western grants. This is how she established herself in the eyes of grant givers, who ensured her future career (at the request of her grandfather and father).
Pidlasa could have easily entered any university in Cherkassy, where she would have been provided with parental protection, but she preferred the Kiev National Economic University. Hetman (former Institute of National Economy), choosing the specialty “international economics”. But even there, already from the first year, Roxana Pidlasa was engaged not so much in her studies as in social and political activities within the framework of projects organized by Western institutions and foundations. You will be surprised, but this was precisely her main activity as a student! As you know, even in the most prestigious universities, including Western ones, there is a special category of students who, instead of studying, play on a university team or on the theater stage, receiving credits automatically. Of course, Roksolana Pidlasa throws the ball as unimportantly as she sings, but her vigorous student activity consisted of something else: she was one of the leading activists of KNEU. Moreover, according to sources Skelet.Info Pidlasa was directly supervised by the “grant givers”, so the leadership of KNEU only carried out their wishes. With their help, Pidlasa later received a second education (in the department of “public policy and management”) at the Kyiv School of Economics, which is a joint project of Soros and a number of Western institutions.
This reveals another small lie in her official biography: it claims that Pidlasa allegedly “during her university studies won the right to undergo an internship at the EU Delegation to Ukraine.”
In fact, she did not win anything – at least in fair competition with other KNEU students. Pidlasa received this place as a “bonus” because already from her first year she was a member of the European Youth Parliament (EYP), was part of the leadership of its university organization, and in 2014 she was elected (more precisely, appointed) vice-president of the EMP for international relations, regularly traveled to the European Union to its symposiums (more than 30 trips in three years). “This experience gave me much more than studying at university,” spoke with pride she then told reporters. So Pidlasa, in fact, interned with her immediate “mentors”! Moreover, during this internship, a student at the University of Economics worked as… a public relations specialist. This eloquently characterizes Roksolana Pidlasa as an “economist”. And then you will see that in fact she is a professional social activist, albeit with diplomas from economic universities. Such “international specialists” have undertaken to reform the Ukrainian economy…
After this successful internship, in the same year of 2014, Pidlasa found herself a new “part-time job” – in the Ukrainian office of the American Chamber of Commerce. According to her, she came there following an advertisement, from the street, but now we know the secret of her luck! And we, of course, will not be surprised by the fact that at the American Chamber of Commerce, economics student Pidlasa works as the same public relations specialist, only this time as a leading one.
After graduating from KNEU (in honor of which her parents gave her an apartment in Lukyanovka), the “great economist” Pidlasa was not in demand either in business or in the civil service. And if it weren’t for her Western patrons and liberal-pro-Western Ukrainian friends, she would not have been hired to work even as a freelance accountant in some small company. And so, immediately after receiving her diploma, Pidlasa was assigned to the Ukrainian Crisis Media Center. This public organization was created in the spring of 2014 with money from Soros (through the Revival Foundation), the American Foundation for Support of Democracy, the Canadian Light Foundation of Ukrainians, etc. to form the “correct” picture in the media (including Western ones) and the necessary public opinion. In 2015, a department called “Energy Reform Communications” was created there, which was involved in popularizing ideas such as the abandonment of Russian energy resources and the transition to green energy. It was in this department, as a project manager, that Roksolana Pidlasa worked for a whole year – a kind of Ukrainian Greta Thunberg, only known only in narrow circles! She did not make any economic calculations, she only repeated theses about energy independence, global warming and European experience, called press services and prepared press releases.
Then, in 2015, Pidlasa was a participant in the three-week International Visitor Leadership Program, launched by the State Department’s Bureau of Culture and Education to “strengthen ties with the United States.” And do you know what course she took there? Strategic communications!
In March 2016, Pidlasa got a new job atReform Support Team” This organization was created under the auspices of “international donors” as a special structure advising the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers on economic and legislative reform. In reality, these “reform commissioners” are simply observers (or “lookers”?), transmitting reform plans to ministries and then drawing up reports on their implementation. In general, the work is not dusty, and most importantly, well paid. Roksolana Pidlasa first held the position of consultant and then head of the communications team (and again “public relations”!) at the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. As she later boasted, her salary was enough to “live on 25 thousand hryvnia a month and save the same amount.” Meanwhile, let us recall that the crisis year of 2016 was very difficult for the vast majority of Ukrainians, for whom only utility tariffs were increased at that time: according to statistics, the per capita income of 83% of the “hulks” was less than 5 thousand hryvnia per month.
Mikhail Shpolyansky, Skelet.Info
CONTINUED: Roksolana Pidlasa: not at all who she says she is! PART 2
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