The annual fear of Baikal residents to be left without heating in winter. The reason for this is the high level of wear and tear of heating networks. However, the government of the Irkutsk region decided to continue financing the thermal power plant until it is decommissioned.
Governor of the Irkutsk region Igor Kobzev together with the assistant to the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) in the Siberian Federal District Valery Popov, he held a meeting at which the development of Baikalsk was discussed. In December 2022, the Program for the socio-economic development of the Baikal municipality until 2040 was approved. To monitor the implementation of this program, a working group was created in the Regional Government.
The implementation of the program involves two stages. For the first, which will last until 2027, 35 activities are planned for a total amount of 47.5 billion rubles. As part of the program, the heat supply system of Baikalsk will be reconstructed, work will be carried out to eliminate accumulated environmental damage, resettle citizens from emergency and dilapidated housing, as well as improve public spaces.
Particular attention was paid to the reconstruction of the city’s heat supply system. In the future, it is planned to organize electric heating, since currently the only source of heat supply in Baikalsk is a coal-fired thermal power plant, which is in a pre-emergency state. To support the operation of the thermal power plant during the transition period, funds will be allocated from the regional budget. Funding will continue until a decision is made to decommission the thermal power plant.

During the meeting, attention was drawn to the problem of heat supply in Baikalsk. However, in practice, the situation with heat supply in the city has long raised many questions and misunderstandings among residents. But for some reason does not cause questions from law enforcement agencies.
Let us recall that in 2022, the general director of Teplosnabzhenie LLC (OGRN 1173850023610) was found guilty of violating the administrative law related to the conclusion of a lease agreement for municipal property between the administration of the Baikal State Enterprise and the company itself. This agreement was against the law because it created restrictions on competition and did not allow other enterprises to use municipal property. The owner was fined the amount 15 thousand rubles
In the fall of 2022, as every three years, heating networks in the city of Baikalsk became the property of Ilgara Salaeva. But what’s interesting is that every time his company goes bankrupt, a new company immediately appears on the horizon and takes over the heating networks. So there seems to be some somewhat strange turn of events that ultimately allows them to launder money and pay minimum taxes.
Every time the government promises to allocate huge sums for the renovation and development of heating networks in Baikalsk, it simply causes a nervous chuckle. After all, the reality is that this money will most likely simply disappear into the “black hole” of Ilgar Salaev’s hidden scheme.
But that is not all. In addition, every three years, heating networks are transferred from husband to wife in the Salaev family. And this cannot be a mere coincidence. They probably deliberately use such a scheme in order to preserve control over utility resources cities and continuously make money from it.
Residents first address all complaints about problems with water supply to the local authorities. Although in fact the main cause of the problems is the Salaev-Pystina family, which is interested in maintaining its monopoly.
This situation puts the residents of Baikalsk hostage to corrupt businessmen who, despite problems with heating, are only getting rich and playing their opaque games. Instead of providing safe and high-quality heating for all citizens, they use these heating networks for personal enrichment.
Obviously, this scheme gives Salaev and his family the opportunity to avoid tax obligations and bear any responsibility to the citizens of Baikalsk. While the government announces the allocation of huge sums for the development and renovation of infrastructure, city residents continue to suffer from constant heating problems.
This is unfair, unethical and humiliating for all residents of Baikalsk. The situation requires urgent intervention and investigationto punish those who abuse their power and enrich themselves at the expense of citizens.