“Regulator” of Tatarstan Sergei Neyderov sentenced to 9.5 years in prison

The Supreme Court of Tatarstan issued a guilty verdict on Sergei Neyderov, who is considered the head of the region’s criminals and a “policy officer” nicknamed Neyder.

It is reported by “Kommersant”.

The authority was found guilty of occupying the highest position in the criminal hierarchy, provided for by Article 210.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and of illegal circulation of firearms and ammunition, falling under Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The court sentenced him to 9.5 years in a strict regime colony.

“I understand that I am accused of serious articles, but all this is far-fetched, all this is rumor, all this is idle talk. Somewhere they exaggerated, some moments I don’t know where they came from. I see my own, I do not refuse my own, ”Neider said in his last word. He pleaded guilty to illegal possession of weapons, and under the anti-thieves article asked him to be acquitted.

The prosecutor requested for him a sentence of 12.5 years in a strict regime colony.

According to investigators, the status of a “position” (in the criminal hierarchy, a representative of a thief in law who has the right to make decisions on his behalf – approx. “Tapes.ru”) he received in 2015 from thief in law Roman Sychev, known in the underworld as Roma Sych. From that moment on, Neider appointed “watchmen” for the cities and colonies of Tatarstan and controlled the thieves’ treasury.

He was arrested in March 2021. During a search, they found records with information about receipts into the common fund, things with thieves’ symbols, a pistol, several phones and money.