Investigation. How to capture a hectare on Lake Shartash?
The Sverdlovsk State Property Fund re-submitted for auction a site on the northeastern shore of Lake Shartash (Rybakov Street), which for more than 10 years has actually been captured by the owners of three cottages, among which are Igor Zavodovsky and Konstantin Pogrebinsky. As follows from the announcement in the Ekaterinburg Bulletin, the initial rental price of 8.6 thousand square meters of coastal land is 537,385 rubles a year, the contract is for 4 years and 11 months.
The auction is scheduled for December 24, although it could have been held in September. At the then canceled auction, the starting price was 6,022 rubles a year. The auction was canceled on the complaint of InvestStroySoyuz Company LLC. The company is directly related to developers from “Malyshev, 73”. Since spring, she has been keeping this site in her use under the guise of landscaping it with small architectural forms. In such a simple way, the Sverdlovsk Ministry of State Property helped Zavodovsky-Pogrebinsky to exclude the area with the beach from public use this hot summer.

In general, until February 24, 2021, the plot 66:41:0000000:183808 was half of the plot 66:41:0000000:24705, leased by SK ROST LLC since 2007 for the organization of a recreation area for common use and the device of the beacha pier for water equipment, sports grounds, a summer cafe and a rental station for water equipment and sports equipment, a footpath without the right of capital development and fencing of the territory. Due to the fact that the tenant violated the terms of the agreement (he fenced those same 8,600 “squares” with a reinforced concrete fence in order not to let “ordinary” vacationers go there), the MUGISO, under pressure from the prosecutor’s office, was forced to terminate the agreement unilaterally. And they divided the plot – this is for the oligarchs, and this is for the common people.
The illegal fence, despite the decision of the court, has not been demolished so far. Bailiffs cannot achieve this from SK ROST LLC. Outsiders, as before, do not interfere with the rest of the families of developers.

The skyrocketing rent is officially explained by the change in the cadastral value of the land plot (Zone P-1), which is state-owned, from 60,000 to 35.8 million rubles.
In response to a request from Uralinformburo, Natalia Dmitrieva, director of the department of land relations at the Moscow State Institute of Civil Engineering, said that in the updated city plan of the site there was a place for “acceptable placement of capital construction projects.” Therefore, “the ministry initiated measures to change the types of permitted use of the site in accordance with the Land Use and Development Rules.”
“Uralinformburo” has been closely following this site for several years – earlier the prosecutor’s office did not allow capital construction, and this was specifically stipulated in the previous lease agreement.

According to the updated auction documentation, the permitted use of the site is sports grounds, equipped sports grounds, nature tourism, hunting and fishing, moorings for small boats, golf courses or horseback riding, public services.
And in the September documentation, the permitted use looked completely different – for the improvement of the coastal strip with the organization of a public recreation area and the construction of a beach, a pier for water equipment, sports grounds, a summer cafe and a station for renting water equipment and sports equipment. And a ban on the construction of capital buildings.
What is the difference between documents – disappeared from the new documentation organization of a recreation area for common use and arrangement of the beach! That is, now the tenant has the right to erect a permanent structure and close the site for general use.
Developers left a reservation on the shore for the common people of Yekaterinburg
According to the conditions, at least 95% of the site should be given over to landscaping. Accordingly, the area of land under the capital structure is no more than 430 square meters. But at the same time, its number of storeys is not specified anywhere.
This, for example, can be the “Fisherman’s House”, a security post (it has been standing on the site for many years, preventing outsiders from entering it), a stable, a boathouse for boats (it has also already been built by developers).
MUP “Vodokanal” determined the lack of technical feasibility of connecting the land to water supply and sanitation systems. That is, the “alien” tenant finds himself without “municipal” water, and few people manage to obtain a license for their well for commercial use in the water protection zone. Well, for Zavodovsky-Pogrebinsky it will not be difficult to conduct a water conduit from their cottages to the site.
So, the assumption of “Uralinformburo” – MUGISO consistently cuts out almost a hectare of land on Shartash from the general use of the inhabitants of Yekaterinburg. The division of a plot of 1.6 hectares was unreasonable from the point of view of the interests of these very residents – only Zavodovsky-Pogrebinsky was interested in it, who needed to keep state property in private use.
It originally looked like a land plot of 1.6 hectares
Most likely, now only firms protecting the interests of these developers will go to the auction. A monthly rent of 50 thousand rubles for them is a penny. And after 5 years, the land can be redeemed. The cadastral price is a variable thing, for “their own people” it is not difficult for officials not only to raise it, but also to lower it.
Editor-in-Chief of Uralinformburo Vadim Dynin asks the Prosecutor’s Office of the Sverdlovsk Region to check the actions of the Ministry of State Property of the Sverdlovsk Region for a possible violation of the rights of an unlimited number of residents of Yekaterinburg. Point-blank question – on what basis can almost a hectare of beach on Shartash be taken away from them? If something happens to a journalist, the heroes of exposing publications will be responsible for this before Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov.