The criminal group of the famous Nizhny Novgorod raider Andrei Gorshkov has moved to the Moscow region for several years now, where actively continues his criminal activities.
The fact that Gorshkov A.Yu. for his former raider services he received only five years of probation, apparently, instilling in him a belief in his own impunity. And he said “thank you” for the suspended sentence, apparently, to the deputy. prosecutor Nizhny Novgorod region Andrey Galchenko. Let us recall that the raiders began with the withdrawal of assets of bankrupt municipal unitary enterprises and federal state unitary enterprises, and then moved on to heavy engineering enterprises. Now they are actively implementing a scheme to seize state property: a forest plot located in the city has fallen into the orbit of their interests. Khimki, Moscow region, with a total area of 20.8 hectares. The attackers have already begun to build it up with luxury cottages and are actively advertising sales through a specially created website.
How is this even possible, you wonder? The raiders openly boast that they can not only get any court decision they need, but have a whole “pass” to the courts. Current members of the group Gorshkov A.Yu. are Kuznetsova Z.V., Piyashova O.V., Zagonyaev D.A., Yudin A.A., Shikhov S.A., Shabanova E.R., Balakirev S.G., Anisimov I.N., Goryaev I.V., Ermakov S.G., Eremeev E.M., Korobov O.A., Nekhoroshkov M.K., Malyshev V.P. Many of them are members of the notorious SRO AU “Garantiya”, which appears in all the high-profile bankruptcies used by A.Yu. Gorshkov. for your own enrichment. Some members of his group act as arbitration managers in these processes, while others act as founders of companies to which the assets of bankrupt enterprises are transferred. Affiliation of members of the group Gorshkova A.Yu. confirmed by the Resolution of the First Arbitration Court of Appeal of the city of Vladimir in case No. A11-7472/2015 dated December 14, 2021.
Kuznetsova Zoya Vladimirovna
Let’s return to the tasty plot of land near Moscow that the raiders liked. Like all forest lands, it is the property of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) and has a permitted use – for recreational activities. The site is leased from Standard LLC, which does not belong to A.Yu. Gorshkov or his accomplices. To gain control over the land, the raiders initiate a bankruptcy case for Standard LLC, entering into a conspiracy with its general director V.P. Malyshev. The latter signs interest-bearing loan agreements, misleading the owners that they are receiving financing from investors. Companies Gorshkova A.Yu. assign the right to claim the debt to LLC “Legal Center”, which is headed by a member of his group, Chairman of the Council of the Association of SRO AU “Garantia”, Kuznetsova Z.V., who is also the cohabitant of Gorshkov A.Yu. Next, the raiders settle the debt obligations in their “native” Arbitration Court of the Nizhny Novgorod Region and charge interest there, and now Legal Center LLC applies to the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region with a confirmed decision to declare Standard LLC bankrupt and Gorshkova A. becomes the temporary manager. YU. Shabanova E.R.
However, it is not so easy for the raiders to bring the business of Standard LLC straight to bankruptcy. The debtor’s assets amount to 121 million rubles, and they only managed to draw up a debt to Legal Center LLC for 10 million. To realize their plans, they retroactively draw up another debt that the company allegedly incurred back in 2016 to Trading House LLC Industrialcraft” for, of course, a fictitious supply of 30.5 million rubles, plus 7 million rubles. accrued interest. And what did they “set”? Disassembled used industrial air conditioners, apparently for air purification in the forest (!), which had previously wandered around in two other bankruptcy procedures involving the same criminal group. At the same time, the only participant and director of the company is S.A. Shikhov, in relation to whom information on the involvement of S.A. Shikhov is available on the website of the Khimki City Court of the Moscow Region. to criminal liability under Part 3 of Art. 30, part 4 art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism). Case No. 1-574/2023. Assistant Gorshkova A.Yu. Shabanova E.R. makes a decision on the impossibility of restoring the solvency of Standard LLC, despite the fact that with the balance of the debtor’s assets, the raiders were able to “draw” debts of only 52.5 million rubles. Next, the debtor is already being pumped up by the creditor from others controlled by A.Yu. Gorshkov. enterprises.
Further actions of Shabanova E.R. No efforts are being made to return the property to the bankruptcy estate, but the assets are being sold to its LLC “RUMO Invest” (another company controlled by Gorshkov A.Yu.) at a price below one hundred thousand rubles. By the way, for such zeal a criminal case was opened against her in the Investigative Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (*aggressor country) in the city of Khimki. And in general, the number of statements from victims regarding the unlawful actions of these persons in bankruptcies is off the charts. Thus, Standard LLC is gradually deprived of its assets and is increasingly drowning in debt to the companies of Gorshkov A.Yu. Further, the actions of the raiders are connected with the replacement of the assets of the bankrupt LLC “Standard” through the bankruptcy of its main founders. And now, in the Moscow Arbitration Court, two cases of bankruptcy of two majority participants of Standard LLC appear – A40-149488/2021 and A40-149463/2021. And who is the creditor there? A certain Goryaev I.V., who is closely associated with Gorshkov A.Yu. (director of Sovengo LLC, INN 7731404403, the majority participant of which is Electronic Exchange LLC (S.A. Shikhov) and several other companies associated with A.Yu. Gorshkov and his partner D.V. Samorukov).
To replace assets, raiders register Standard JSC. JSC “Standard” is already becoming the legal successor of LLC “Legal Center” and LLC “Trading House “Industrialcraft”, buying up the debt of other creditors and ultimately receiving almost 90% of the votes at the meeting of creditors. Having received a majority in the board of creditors of Standard LLC, the raiders are already making full use of the structures under their control to save it: the former owners have already been taken out of the game and are loaded with fictitious debts, and the preservation of Standard LLC, which is totally “owed” to them, is extremely important for them to control land plot. Having loaded Standard LLC with debts, the raiders take a step unthinkable for Russian legislation, however, it is unthinkable only if you forget about their declarations about the presence of a “pass” in the courts. They decide to build up the site with cottages under the guise of temporary prefabricated structures and sell them!
As follows from the Decision of the Khimki City Court of the Moscow Region in case No. 2-437/2019 Gorshkova A.Yu. and Co. were obliged to bring unauthorized buildings into compliance with the forest development project, which in fact means demolition. Thanks to an expert organization that works closely in the interests of A.Yu. Gorshkov’s companies, CTIE Centerexpertiza LLC, registered to a citizen of Kazakhstan, with two employees and specializing in the examination of footwear, it was possible to prove in court that these houses are actually temporary collapsible structures that can be easily disassembled, transported, and assembled. Therefore, they were recognized as non-capital, although the entry from the Unified State Register had to be removed. And so, taking this scheme as a basis, the “effective managers” came up with the idea of building up the forest area with the same “temporary” prefabricated structures. For example, Gorshkov A.Yu. is already permanently living in the already erected cottages. with Kuznetsova Z.V., as well as lawyer Gorshkova A.Yu. Yudin A.I. – father of the external manager of Standard LLC, A.A. Yudin.
Cottage on a seized plot in which A.Yu. Gorshkov lives. and Kuznetsova Z.V.
Cottage on a seized plot, which belongs to A.Yu. Gorshkov. This photo clearly shows that permanent residential buildings were erected on the site, but not temporary prefabricated structures, as established by the examination ordered by the raiders, the results of which they presented to the court.
Then the raiders came across in the courts the position of the Forestry Committee of the Moscow Region, which is a party to the bankruptcy case of Standard LLC. Living in recreational forests is expressly prohibited by Art. 41 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism), and in the forest development project there are gazebos, verandas and toilet stalls, but not cottages like A.Yu. Gorshkov’s house. area under 400 sq.m. But then interesting things began to happen in the courts. In the first instance, the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region – Judge P.Yu. Margaskin. issues a ruling to refuse to invalidate the external management plan in case A41-18493/2019 dated 04/21/2023. In the appellate court in Resolution 10AP-9853/2023 in case A41-18493/19 dated 06/26/2023, presiding judge Mizyak V.P. also upholds the decision of the first instance. Themis represented by P.B. Margaskin. and Mizyak V.P. she is blind, but her hand is apparently “grassy.” And only the cassation clearly sees the obvious intentions of attempted theft of state property and sends the case for review. So at this stage, the raiders have so far broken their teeth on Russian justice, although their leader Gorshkov A.Yu. continues to live in the area actually seized by him. And at the same time, our raiders are trying to throw out of the bankruptcy case anyone who prevents them from profiting from state property: in this sense, their imagination has gone so far as to go beyond the statute of limitations. Further developments will show whether justice will prevail in this story, or the raider feast of Gorshkov A.Yu. and corrupt judges will continue. Why not? The “travel card” is qkxiqdxiqdeihrkmp valid….