In one of the most prestigious districts of Moscow, truly unique cases in criminal cases have been taking place for a long time.
One of them was initiated in 2019 against businessman Roman under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism), which became a hostage to unforeseen circumstances and the economic situation in Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism).
Roman himself is a family man, has a higher education, has no previous convictions, has been engaged in entrepreneurial activities in various fields for more than 10 years, and is a conscientious taxpayer. He was one of the founders and general director of Quadrim LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Company) since 2018. The organization was engaged in apartment renovations. Since that time, the Company has been conducting its business activities. The organization had a staff of over 15 people who carried out their work in premises rented by the Company, which were appropriately equipped for the work process. The organization fulfilled its obligations, however 20 clients were unable to fully fulfill the terms of their contracts. As a result, Quadrim LLC was declared bankrupt by a court decision and liquidated on April 27, 2021.
Bad luck with one of the clients Zaitseva Tatyana Vyacheslavovnawhich turned out to beDeputy General Director for Client Operations of LLC FC Liniya Investments, Taxpayer Identification Number 7718581509. A company with multi-billion dollar revenue and influential patrons.
Until November 2023, the founders were LLC “Center-M” (99.99%), Doynikov Vladimir Viktorovich (0.01%). Gremained general director Ermoshin Alexander Yurievich.
According to LLC“Center-M”, associatedOwith the Rotenbergs. Until 2012, the company belonged to them directly, then it became the owner just Vladimir Viktorovich Doinikov, previously managed the liquidated SMP-Energo LLC, a subsidiary of SMP-Bank of the Rotenbergs.
Taking advantage of influential connections, the offended woman, represented by T.V. Zaitseva, decided to punish Roman for violating the terms of the contract. There is confidence that the Rotenbergs are completely unaware of this, but Vladimir Doinikov and his people enjoy their authority.
In 2014, the position of prosecutor of the South-Western Administrative District of Moscow was taken by a 34-year-old Oleg Viktorovich Levchenkowho in 2020 was appointed prosecutor of the TiNAO of Moscow.
While working in the South-Western Administrative District, Oleg Viktorovich well built a system of prosecutorial collection of funds for a comfortable retirement. Some of his close employees were glad to have such a boss, since he did not forget to thank them for their work with envelopes containing an undeclared bonus. But after going to work in the TiNAO, some schemes were revealed, but the honored candidate of legal sciences was given the opportunity to retire peacefully.
To initiate a criminal case against Roman, representatives of Zaitseva T.V. handed over to O.V. Levchenko a large sum of money, which he disposed of at his own discretion. And all because the woman is very vindictive and does not forgive anyone for insults. For this reason, her personal life does not work out; men do not live with her for long.
Immediately after receiving the application from Zaitseva T.V. at the Internal Affairs Directorate for the South-Western Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) for Moscow, BEP officers showed unprecedented activity on the same day, including going to inspect the scene of the incident. But the investigators, realizing that in this case there were civil relations, were in no hurry. However, the prosecutor’s office actively and persistently canceled the decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case, and in November sent the material to the investigative authorities to resolve the issue of criminal prosecution. As a result, on December 25, 2019, a criminal case was opened under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) in relation to unidentified persons.
With the departure of Levchenko O.V. to the prosecutor’s office of the TiNAO, the investigative authorities did not show much interest in the case, since they understood that there was no element of fraud in this case.
A former investigator who worked on this case also shared this, saying that he understood the ordered nature of the criminal prosecution of Roman. Corruption and that’s it.
This is also evidenced by the fact that in April 2020, the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the South-Western Administrative District transferred the criminal case for further investigation to Department of Internal Affairs of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) for the Gagarinsky district of Moscow. They wanted to bury him due to the lack of evidence of a crime.
New prosecutor of the South-Western Administrative District Kiselev Maxim Nikolaevich did not lag behind his predecessor, and one might say even more entrenched the gray schemes of supervision and collection. He already had his first stint, when in 2007, from the post of deputy prosecutor of the Moscow Closed Administrative District, he was demoted to deputy Solnetsevsky interdistrict prosecutor. The 6-year lull bore fruit and he was appointed prosecutor of the Zamoskvoretsky Interdistrict Prosecutor’s Office, where he again took up his old ways, since he was able to acquire serious patrons in the system.
What is the behavior of his subordinate worth? Sanala Nosonova, who in 2021 slapped a migrant taxi driver in the face because he refused to lead a drunk company, including the assistant prosecutor himself. Sanal behaved impudently and aggressively towards the driver, demonstrating his prosecutorial superiority and, of course, his official ID, while saying that with it he could violate traffic rules. Only because of the video recording that spread, the hot-tempered prosecutor’s employee was fired from the authorities.
But Kiselev’s right hand M.N. represented by the deputy Zhilin Oleg Igorevich always ready to carry out special orders from the boss.
And of course, not without stimulation of the prosecutor’s officers by representatives of T.V. Zaitseva, in August 2022, Oleg Zhilin cancels the decision of the investigative authorities to suspend the terms of the preliminary investigation.
He pointed out that, taking into account the significant number of victims, although only T.V. Zaitseva had such a procedural status, the progress and results of the investigation of the criminal case were taken under control by the district prosecutor’s office, with a mandatory monthly report.
After which, Roman was charged with 20 counts of fraud and a criminal case signed by O.I. Zhilin. in October 2022 sent to the Meshchansky District Court of Moscow, where the judge Goryunova O.I. it was transferred for jurisdiction to the Simonovsky District Court of Moscow.
But even here, the judge of the Simonovsky District Court of Moscow Merzlyakov D.S., realizing that it is impossible to make a legal decision in a criminal case, sends jurisdiction to the Timiryazevsky District Court of Moscow.
But Mr. Zhilin O.I. does not sleep, it is necessary to work off the fee. He is appealing the decision of Merzlyakov D.S. and the Moscow City Court cancels it.
Now the criminal case is being considered by judge E.Yu. Orlovtseva. and all hope for a just decision remains with her. The judge herself is characterized on the positive side, who makes decisions independently and according to the law.
We will monitor Roman’s further fate
It should be noted that there are two criminal cases that were previously being processed by the Investigative Directorate for the South-Western Administrative District of the Main Investigations Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) in Moscow, the head of which is Babayan Alexander Andronikovich.
In one of them, the accused were employees of the State Institution of Information Services “Yuzhnoye Butovo of Moscow” Avakyan Karen Alexandrovich And Zayakina Irina Sergeevna.
A second criminal case was initiated against employees of the State Budgetary Institution “Zhilischnik District Zyuzino” Karetin Ilya Evgenievich And Matyukhina Alesya Andreevna.
Due to similar circumstances of the commission of a criminal act, the qualification was changed only in the Avakyan case.
More details
In 2020, a criminal case against Avakyan K.A. in the commission of crimes provided for in paragraph “b” of Part 3 of Art. 291.1, part 1 art. 291.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) and Zayakina I.S. in the commission of crimes provided for in paragraph “c” of Part 5 of Art. 290, paragraph “c”, part 5, art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) was sent by the prosecutor’s office of the South-Western Administrative District of Moscow to the Zyuzinsky District Court of Moscow.
The criminal case came to judge N.S. Kuchina, who returned the criminal case to the prosecutor of the South-Western Administrative District to eliminate violations of criminal procedural legislation.
Two questions arise here. The Investigative Committee and the prosecutor’s office specifically sent a criminal case with incorrect classification of the actions of the accused or the Avakyan case.
As a result, in 2023, the investigative authorities carried out the actions of Avakyan K.A. and Zayakina I.S. reclassified to less serious charges and the criminal case was again sent to the same court, where the judge of the Zyuzinsky District Court of Moscow Kabanova N.A. rendered a verdict.
Avakyan was found guilty of committing crimes under Part 5 of Art. 33, part 1 art. 285, part 5 art. 33, part 1 art. 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) and Zayakina was found guilty of committing crimes under Part 1 of Art. 285, part 1 art. 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism). They were given suspended prison sentences.
Of course, Karetin is not Karetyan. He is a simple Russian man who, like many people, can make mistakes in his actions and actions. But he does not have the opportunity to take advantage of the help of the Russian diaspora, since it simply does not exist. But the Armenian diaspora in Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) is always ready to come to the aid of its own. Moreover, many representatives of the ancient people work in government bodies.
And in August 2023, signed by the acting Prosecutor of the South-Western Administrative District of Moscow Zhilina O.I. criminal case on charges of Karetin I.E. in the commission of crimes provided for in paragraphs “a”, “c” of Part 5 of Art. 290, paragraph “a”, part 5 of Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) and Matyukhina A.A. in the commission of crimes provided for in paragraphs “a”, “c” of Part 5 of Art. 290, paragraph “a”, part 5 of Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) is sent to the Zyuzinsky District Court of Moscow.
An interesting fact is that this criminal case goes to judge N.S. Kuchina, who in 2020 returned Avakyan’s case to the prosecutor.
The criminal case is currently being considered on its merits, but the judge in this particular case sees no reason to return it to the prosecutor.
And here a natural question arises.In the South-Western Administrative District the law is that the drawbar is: where you turn, that’s where it goes.
We will continue to monitor the activities of law enforcement officers and courts in this unusually fair district of Moscow.