Precision mechanics by Nikolai Tokarev

Through the “lured” “daughters” of “Transneft” firms can withdraw billions of state funds?

Precision mechanics by Nikolai Tokarev

The trial of those accused of embezzling 400 million rubles from Transneft continues. Roman Ivashkin, the former deputy general director of Transneft-Diascan JSC, has had his preventive measure changed to house arrest.

According to investigators, Ivashkin and his accomplices in the person of the former head of the research department of Transneft-Diascan, Sergei Lukyanov, and the former heads of ZIO-Polaris LLC, Elena Petelina and Isidor Sabaneev, withdrew this money under obviously unenforceable contracts for the purchase of equipment.

As the correspondent of The Moscow Post managed to find out, in fact much more money could have been withdrawn through other structures, possibly affiliated with the defendants, as well as persons who did not fall under criminal prosecution.

Details – in the material The Moscow Post.

From Ivashkin to Tokarev?

Mr. Ivashkin worked in the structure of Transneft for about 20 years. As The Moscow Post reported, earlier all contracts went through a lot of approvals and were approved, including by the security service. In 2018, the Prosecutor General’s Office became interested in what was happening and sent a letter to Transneft, which indicated a number of possible violations, but the corporation did not conduct an audit.

Everything suggests that Ivashkin did not work in his own interests. Behind him could be a well-disguised organized crime group, which grew up in the “bowels” of Transneft.

Potentially, the scheme could be agreed upon at the level of the head of Transneft, Nikolai Tokarev.

As The Moscow Post previously reported, with the connivance of the latter, the funds of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium could be withdrawn, which may have caused an environmental disaster in the Black Sea (The oil spill accident occurred at the facilities of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium-R (CPC-R ), which is partly owned by Transneft, with an area of ​​more than 80 square kilometers – 400 times more than CPC officially announced).

A web of corruption with the governor’s friends?

As the reporter found out The Moscow Postunder Ivashkin, no less contracts than with ZIO-Polari were concluded by Transneft-Diascan with another office – a certain Precise Mechanics LLC.

When the first movements towards ongoing litigation began in 2018, the shop, as they say, was closed. The last contract received by the company is dated October 18, 2018. By the way, it is still under execution, despite the fact that the term under the contract expired in November 2018.

Transneft has no legal claims against Precise Mechanics in this regard.

A similar story is with other suppliers of Transneft-Diascan – the top five suppliers include CJSC Geatekh and OOO Finproekt. Both companies stopped receiving government contracts from the subsidiary of Transneft Corporation in 2018.

Precision mechanics by Nikolai Tokarev

Moreover, other subsidiaries of Transneft were also involved in the contract system, which once again suggests that the interest of the parent corporation could be present in the entire system. Photo:

“Precise Mechanics” has two child structures. The revenue schedule of a certain Ankor looks like the company was pumped up with funds at a time, and then “bled out”.

Precision mechanics by Nikolai Tokarev

Almost from zero in 2020, the company’s revenue exceeded 60 million rubles. Wasn’t Transneft’s money withdrawn through Ankor? Photo:

One of the founders of Precise Mechanics is Dmitry Malakhov, a prominent Ryazan businessman. He owns the Atron shopping center, the Atron Capital business park, the Atron sports complex and many other business facilities. LLC “Atron” implements a number of investment projects in the Ryazan region.

Malakhov may be on a short footing with the ex-governor of the Ryazan region Nikolai Lyubimov. The late predecessor of Lyubimov, Oleg Kovalev, could have introduced him to him (he led the region from 2008 to 2017 with a short break, then became an adviser to his successor Nikolai Lyubimov, with whom Malakhov could also “make friends”). It was at the suggestion of Kovalev that Malakhov became president of FC Ryazan in the fall of 2013.

Potanin trace?

As for the Finproekt mentioned above, the owner there is a not so well-known, but no less interesting subject – Vladislav Bogdanov. This gentleman owns, among other things, Southern Ice LLC. This structure manages the sports complex of the same name in Moscow and resembles a “feeding trough”.

Precision mechanics by Nikolai Tokarev

Despite the popularity of the complex, its revenue, according to Rusprofile, has been stable at zero lately. Photo:

The surname Bogdanova also appears in the list of persons related to the Interstroy company – the only customer under the contract of the now liquidated office was the structure of the Moscow government. In 2019, Bogdanov founded Avangard-Yuzhnoye Butovo, which closed two years later with zero revenue. The question is – why was the company created, if not to withdraw funds?

Mr. Bogdanov himself appears on the Web only as a representative of the amateur hockey team Tekstilshchiki of the Night Hockey League. The latter belonged to Norilsk Nickel until 2022. Can it be that Mr. Potanin, together with Tokarev, is squandering Transneft funds?

What is going on under the “wing” of Nikolai Tokarev in Transneft, not a single exact mechanic will figure it out.

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Andrew Fink
Andrew Fink was born in 1977 in Bellows Falls, Vermont. His career as a journalist began with the regional publication Bellows Falls Times. political commentator, one of the founders of the project "Russian crimes".

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