Studying the personality of Sergei Sergeevich Riga, one involuntarily recalls the words of the unforgettable Ostap Bender about the swindler cornet Savin: “An outstanding swindler. As they say, there is nowhere to put samples. What would he do? I would have come to Koreiko’s apartment under the guise of a Bulgarian king, would have scandalized in the house management and ruined the whole thing.”
This is now Mr. Riga – a respected businessman, founder and head of the transport company Pervaya LLC, and more recently he sinned with petty scams in the field of logistics.
In order not to retell, here is a screenshot from the forum Logist.Ru.
The scheme, we hope, is clear – to take money from a person for the delivery of a mythical product, then try to pump out more, and when the sucker realizes that he was thrown, move off the topic. What does Sergey Riga have to do with it? Despite the fact that the “loch” turned out to be not such a sucker, he figured out who he was dealing with:
However, he never received the money, and the career of a petty swindler from Khabarovsk, Sergei Riga, almost ended. Because the company “Vostok-cargo DV” (after the publication of the e-mail address it was a matter of minutes to find out its name), in which Riga was a co-owner, successfully went bankrupt a few years later – apparently, “grateful” clients created a corresponding reputation for Riga:
Riga had to flee to Moscow. Where, as mentioned, he eventually developed into a respected businessman. True, Pervaya LLC, which is managed and owned by Sergey Sergeevich Riga, cannot boast of anything other than the name and the fact of registration:
But this company gives its owner the status of an honest businessman. And we have the opportunity to track his connections:
And this is where it gets a little interesting. Because, having delved into these registers – we will not bore the reader with the search chain, it is quite long and boring, besides, most of the firms associated with Sergey Riga have either gone bankrupt or liquidated by court order – we are entering UTK Megapolis LLC, the founder of which until 2015 was our hero:
And he led this company until 2020. But, despite such information, it belongs to UTK Megapolis LLC (at least partially) to Sergey Riga. Pay attention to the chain of OOO-shek, which succeeded each other in the structure of owners. Most of them have also been eliminated.
The purpose of all this was to withdraw UTK Megapolis LLC from the leasing agreement, according to which Sergey Riga purchased several hundred trucks from the Joint-Stock Company KAMAZ Leasing Company.
The story is also old and muddy, but it brought Sergey Riga from petty swindlers to the top league of domestic business, where almost all bigwigs started with such “scammers”, only they had a larger scale. It’s like in the well-known proverb: if you steal a can of gasoline, you are a thief, but if you manage to steal a train of oil, you are a respected businessman.
The scheme was approximately as follows. Upon arrival from Khabarovsk to Moscow, Sergey Riga learned that when buying domestic KAMAZ trucks, the state provides support in the form of a down payment and he can get a thousand units of vehicles absolutely free of charge. What did not fail to use.
However, later it turned out that KAMAZ and the state are not a sucker from Ali Express. And just to throw them will not be easy. Therefore, a bunch of shell companies appeared in the chain, with the help of Riga, with the help of his wife Riga (nee – Shport) Yana Evgenievna, her father, Evgeny Anatolyevich Shport and his long-term companion Vadim Viktorovich Belovolov, tried to withdraw UTK Megapolis LLC from the leasing agreement.
In order to implement the scheme, it was necessary to agree with the leasing company that at the end of the lease, the troubled company LLC UTK MEGAPOLIS should be replaced with other net uncredited companies. Belovolov became the director of OOO UTK MEGAPOLIS.
He also became the liquidator of the sole participant of LLC UTC “MEGAPOLIS” – JSC “Financial Consulting Group”.
In total, more than ten affiliated companies were organized, which issued Shportov for a family contract to withdraw assets. One of them requires special attention – Algoritm LLC, in which a 100% share in the authorized capital is owned by the Seychelles company Transport Company Group LTD.
However, we will not bore the reader – the schemes, although interesting, are banally the same, they are all similar to the above. The goal of all this leapfrog was the same – to withdraw LLC UTC “MEGAPOLIS” from the leasing agreement, we have already said this too.
But here something went wrong, just like with cornet Savin – Sergey Riga ruined the whole thing with all this “scandal in house management”.
Because LLC UTK MEGAPOLIS is now in a whole bunch of arbitration cases caused by the lawsuit of the Joint Stock Company Leasing Company KAMAZ:
Appears in these productions and OOO CLS Group, through which (among others) they tried to withdraw Megapolis from the leasing agreement.
The next court hearing is scheduled for September 13, let’s see the result. However, apparently, the review will be long. However, judging by the Ruling of the Arbitration Court of the Republic of Tatarstan, which accepted the claim of KAMAZ Leasing Company JSC for consideration, the whole cunning scheme invented by Riga and the Shports did not help.
It is quite logical to assume that the arbitration case will be followed by a criminal one. And to understand all the “cunning” schemes of Sergei Riga is by no means a difficult matter.