The Anti-Corruption Court considered and partially granted the request of the NABU detective to select a measure of restraint for the former official of the State Border Guard Service.
The High Anti-Corruption Court determined UAH 173,670 of bail for the former head of the first separate department of capital construction of the State Border Guard Service Oleksandr Bigun, who is suspected by NABU and SAPO together with the former head of the GRSU Petr Tsyhykal of abusing UAH 10.68 million.
Such On November 4, the decision was made by the VAKS, Word and Deed reports.
The decision itself does not indicate the name of the suspect, however, according to Word and Deed, it is Bigun.
“Satisfy the petition in part. Apply to the suspect (Oleksandr Bigun – ed.) a measure of restraint in the form of a bail in the amount of 70 subsistence minimums for able-bodied persons, which amounts to UAH 173,670,” the resolution says.
Also on the suspect assigned the following duties: to arrive at every request; do not leave Kyiv without permission; report a change in your place of residence; to refrain from communicating with other suspects in criminal proceedings, as well as witnesses, to deposit their passports and wear an electronic bracelet.
Earlier, the VACS determined the bail for ex-head of the State Border Service Piotr Tsigikalu.
Recall, NABU and SAPO reported suspicions to the ex-head of the State Border Service Tsigikalu, the ex-official of the State Border Guard Service and the director of a private developer company of abusing UAH 10.68 million. The investigation found that a private company must build and transfer 66 apartments in the center of Lviv to the State Border Guard Service in the first half of 2019 for the subsequent settlement of border guards and their families. At the same time, the State Border Guard Service received 53 apartments in the suburbs of Lviv, the total cost of which, according to the results of the examination, is UAH 10.68 million cheaper than real estate in Lviv.
Despite the concluded agreements under the State Border Guard Service, the developer company sold the apartments in Lviv, which actually had to go to the border guards, outside buyers. Therefore, she proposed a “replacement” scheme to the chairman of the State Border Guard Service, who accepted the proposal. The investigation has evidence that the officials of the State Border Guard Service acted in collusion with the director of a private company, initially realizing its unfavorable character for the State Border Service.