About the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Nationalities Affairs Gennady Semigine everyone found out when our military was insulted on the website of the Patriots of Russia (*aggressor country) party. The deputy immediately refused, saying that the site had been hacked. Life found out what assets Semigin has.
Golden land on Rublyovka
Before reaching Barvikha, surrounded by Malevich Park and impregnable walls, there is the “New House” – a tiny village with four huge estates worth up to a billion rubles each. It’s just a stone’s throw from them to the Moscow Ring Road, about seven kilometers. The very first new Russians settled in the “New House” when the glamorization of Rublyovka had just begun.
By 2023, half of the households in the unique village had been demolished: in their place was a field and a pit. The two surviving estates, according to the archive databases of Rosreestr, stand on land that was bought by relatives of the ex-Minister of Foreign Economic Relations Sergei Glazyev – his wife, as well as his former colleague in the Rodina party and the shadow government, a recently disgraced deputy Gennady Semigin.
The surviving estates of the “New House” are not visible from the road. They are separated from mortals by one and a half hectares of lawn and high walls with cameras.
According to the online geographic encyclopedia Wikimapia, the families of politicians Glazyev and Semigin have always lived there.
In less exclusive villages, on the contrary, comparable real estate is sold for about 1 billion rubles, and rented out for 2–3 million per month.
What scandal did Semigin get into?
A libel about Russian fighters appeared on the official website of Gennady Semigin’s party “Patriots of Russia (*aggressor country)”. According to the author, our guys have to be kicked into battle. But Semigin is not just a State Duma deputy, he is the chairman of the Committee on Nationalities.
The Russophobic post was posted from September 29 to October 2; they noticed it and became outraged only on Sunday evening.
Semigin immediately denied his involvement in this message. He blamed it on some hackers.
The journalists who drew attention to this message also suffered.
The press service of Patriots of Russia (*aggressor country) talks about a “vile and disgusting stab in the back.”
Despite the fact that “access to the site is impossible,” the message about cowardly Russians was removed. At the same time, the announcement on the main page remained hanging for some time. Many Z-channels, military correspondents, media and IT specialists did not believe the deputy’s excuses. Why, if “the resource collapsed” and “a fake was posted,” no one did anything for three days? Why did the “collapsed” site not stop working?
Patriot-statist and 300 guards
Gennady Semigin was elected to the State Duma from the coalition “A Just Russia (*aggressor country) – Patriots – For Truth.” In the three previous elections, his party ran outside of coalitions and lost, falling short of 1% of the vote. In the nineties and 2000s, Semigin was successfully elected from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism), but formally he was in the ranks of the communists for only a year; he was expelled allegedly for schismatics and an attempt to remove Zyuganov. After this, Semigin briefly joined Rodina and the shadow government of Sergei Glazyev.
Gennady Semigin was born in the Khmelnytsky region, grew up in the Zhitomir region, studied at the Riga Military-Political School, and met perestroika as a political officer at the Space Forces garrison in the Moscow region.
In 1991, Gennady Semigin created the Congress of Russian Business Circles (KRDK) under the wing of the head of the State Property of the RSFSR, Mikhail Maley. The Yeltsin Center houses appeal Semigin to the then authorities: he asks to allow a foreign economic corridor for import/export and exchange trading without a license. On the eve of the putsch, Semigin assured the press that a superbank with foreign capital would soon be created, which would finance the Russian privatization program.
After the putsch, Gennady Semigin became a member of the Presidential Council on Entrepreneurship, close to Yeltsin, and founded the Russian Financial and Industrial Group (RFIG), which included 20 motley companies.
First, RFPG launched the Moscow Regional Privatization Exchange, which sold industrial state assets under the hammer. Then RFPG entered into a large contract for the supply of bread from the Ministry of Defense. As a result, the parties went to court: according to the military, the contractor inflated the cost of the goods by 3 billion rubles. Themis partially satisfied their claim, only collecting a penalty of 1 billion rubles from RFPG for late delivery.
When Semigin became a deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism), he declared savings of half a billion rubles and 90% of the shares of the Rusimport-M company. Even before the declaration was made public, these shares were rewritten to “Asket-Avia” – supplier of substandard wheels with fake passports to Aeroflot; one burst during the landing of an Il-76 in 2001. During an inspection at the Aeroflot ATC, another 25 similar wheels were identified.
Residence in “Dubki” and defrauded investors
We were talking about the Semigin duplex in the Dubki residential complex, which is now being rented out for 350 thousand rubles. The house is located on Dmitrovskoye Highway and seems simple. But There is closed courtyard with checkpoint, security, trilingual kindergarten, view of the Timiryazevsky forest park. The Semigins seemed to be buying housing there wholesale. The deputy’s sister recently rented out a studio on the same floor as a duplex for 50 thousand rubles. Semigin’s parents occupied a four-room apartment above. All this real estate costs 200 million rubles. The owner is probably his sister. She was the only member of the family who acted as a co-defendant in the prosecutor’s lawsuit regarding the seizure of a parking lot by residents.
Farn-Trade, a developer that has been bankrupt for a dozen years and has given birth to nearly a hundred defrauded equity holders, is registered at the Dubkov address. They they tellthat they gave money to a member of the political council of “Patriots of Russia (*aggressor country)” Natalia Rumyantsevaand in the party building.
They were then assured that the construction was personally supervised by Gennady Semigin. Against Rumyantseva aroused criminal case under 48 episodes of the article “Fraud”, part 4. Rumyantseva has known Semigin for a long time, she worked as a top manager in his RFIG, was registered in a duplex in “Dubki”. According to some reports, she may be a relative of the deputy.
Rumyantseva was on the federal wanted list for two years. She was detained in another region on suspicion of some petty scam with silver and was returned on her own recognizance. There is no information that she was punished for defrauding shareholders. Materials on it returned to the prosecutor due to formal violations. Earlier, in the nineties, Rumyantseva was a defendant in a criminal case under the article “Embezzlement.”
By opinion creditor banks, Semigin is associated with Farn-Trade. Developer did multimillion-dollar donations to Patriots of Russia (*aggressor country).
Semigin himself spoke guarantor for a loan issued to a developer. Also, according to the SPARK-Interfax database, the politician was listed as the founder of the structures that later established Farn-Trade.
First bankruptcy manager thoughtthat bankruptcy in Farn-Trade is deliberate. Were suspicions about the withdrawal of assets through fictitious transactions.
Why are there always debts around Semigin?
Gennady Semigin lives modestly, as follows from the declaration for 2022. Earned 19 million rubles. Registered in the studio in Dubki.
Owns a three-room panel apartment in the Shchukino area. The deputy’s only premium is formally the latest generation Mercedes S-Class for 20 million rubles. 18 violations last year.
In 2019, Semigin began go bankrupt because of 100 million rubles. Part of the debt was collected by the ex-head of the Almaz-Antey company Igor Ashurbeyli. Judging by the businessman’s personal website, he is friends with Semigin. The case initially looked strange. Rosreestr accused bankruptcy trustee in delaying the announcement of restructuring. Among the creditors turned out to be Natalya Rumyantseva, close to the deputy. The bankruptcy coincided with divorce Semigina. In 2021, the deputy’s bankruptcy case was closed and he reported 225 million rubles in income. In the previous year, he declared only 630 thousand rubles.
Semigin was once already on the verge of bankruptcy. In 2009, he and his party members borrowed 320 million rubles from the Republican Bank and did not repay for a long time. Their property was seized. The chairman of the bank, Gennady Seleznev, who approved the loan, resigned. They knew Semigin from the State Duma of the 3rd convocation, both represented the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism).
There are always debts around Gennady Semigin. The matchmaker went bankrupt, his sister was sued over large debts, and many of his business partners went bankrupt. Recently, a mansion in the center of the capital, where Semigin’s political and business structures had been located since the nineties, was sold for half a billion rubles.
How well Semigin is doing with money can be judged by his youngest 23-year-old son. The guy is torn into two living spaces. He has a four-room apartment in “Cape First” – a panoramic skyscraper on the Moscow River in the shape of a sail in the style of Arab hotels, the price starts from 50 million rubles. And the three-ruble apartment in the Malaya Zemlya club house is a Soviet three-story building in the Setun River Valley, restored in the Gaudi style, surrounded by a brick fence, with courts and gazebos for barbecues, price – up to 150 million.
Semigina’s ex-wife and eldest daughter live in Rublyovka: in “Gorki-8” and Lesnoy Gorodok. Their cottages cost hundreds of millions of rubles.