The source of the Cheka-OGPU told the background of the appearance on the post of head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Kherson region Igor Sobol. The “special officer” who managed to please in a new place in a grandiose scandal previously headed the department for the leaders of the underworld in the Main Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and then – the CSS of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Moscow Region. Sobol personally knows most of the notable “criminal generals” and was fired when he tried to imprison a group of operatives on their “order”. Now Sable “surfaced” in Kherson.

As the Cheka-OGPU said, a large group of employees of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Kherson region accused the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Vladimir Lipandin and his “right hand” Igor Sobol in their abduction, torture, imprisonment in a secret basement prison and robbery.

As the Cheka-OGPU found out, having worked as the head of the “thieves” department in the Main Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Sobol went to his friend Viktor Paukov in the CSS of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Moscow Region. Under Sobol, he retained contacts with thieves in law, which was one of the good reasons for his resignation from office. According to the interlocutor, thieves in law “ordered” Igor to land 6 operatives they did not like. Only now the opera also turned out to be with teeth and got a video recording, which captured Sobol’s informal meeting with the leaders of the underworld. The story was buried at the material level, as was the career of a colonel from the CSS at that time. In 2019, an attestation was held, at which facts incompatible with the service were announced from the life of a high-ranking security official. In particular, Sobol was reproached with the financial situation of his family, which his wife, a well-known blogger with a million audience, openly boasted on social networks. In the same year, Igor filed a report and was fired. After that, he got a job in a law office. However, civilian life did not last long and Sobol was again reinstated in the service in the Department of Internal Affairs. He took a new (old) position in the Kherson region.

The source of told another version of the resignation of the former head of the “thieves’ department” and the CSS of the head office near Moscow, Igor Sobol. Before “surfacing” in the position of head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Kherson region, the “special officer” flew out of a similar position in the prestigious Moscow region. According to the interlocutor, Igor Sobol put General Timur Valiulin in the chair of the head of the GUPE Ministry of Internal Affairs, who resigned after his wife, after a divorce, spoke about undeclared real estate in Bulgaria. Not all of the FSB were happy to see a friend of criminal authorities in their clip and in the personal file of the special officer surfaced an expensive holiday abroad. On one of the videos in the account of Sobol’s wife (she is a blogger with a million audience) from the Dominican Republic, they recognized a high-ranking policeman. A request to the resort gave an answer that was not only enough to block Igor’s path to the position of the main fighter against extremism, but also to dismiss him. In 10 days, Sobol and his wife lost several hundred thousand dollars, and we are only talking about confirmed expenses.
As found out, when Sobol was the head of the thieves’ department of the GUUR, an employee Dolgushin was subordinate to him. He is a defendant in a series of high-profile criminal stories, from which the same Sobol “dismissed”. One of them was told to us by the victim:
“At the end of 2011, I was abducted, severely beaten and extorted 3 million rubles from me. Immediately I was afraid to write a statement to the police. Since I was threatened with reprisals if I wrote a statement to the police.
At the beginning of March 2012, I told my friend about what happened to me – Dolgushin Dmitry Alexandrovich. The latter at that time was an employee of the 27th department of the GUUR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Dolgushina D.A. very interested in my story. After listening to me, Dolgushin D.A. said that he was familiar with serious employees of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow and would be able to help me. Namely, that after he (Dolgushin D.A.) joins the issue, a criminal case will be immediately initiated against the persons who committed unlawful acts against me and they will be taken into custody. I was interested in the proposal of Dolgushin D.A. I asked to tell in detail the whole mechanism of action. To which Dolgushin D.A. said that I would need to make a “present” in the amount of 10,000 US dollars for good people, after which everything would spin. I asked if I could give the named amount in parts, to which Dolgushin D.A. answered in the affirmative. Due to the fact that I knew that Dolgushin D.A. works in a serious division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and believed him regarding his acquaintances with the employees of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, I agreed with the conditions proposed by him.
At the end of May – beginning of June 2012 in the cafe “Shokoladnitsa” near the Sukharevskaya metro station, I handed over to Dolgushin D.A. 2000 USD. At the same time, my acquaintance went to a meeting with me, to whom I told about the agreement with Dolgushin D.A. and who, sitting through 2 tables, saw how I handed the envelope to Dolgushin D.A. After, about a week later, Dolgushin D.A. invited me to a meeting in the cafe “Shokoladnitsa” at st. Bolshaya Yakimanka d.58 / 2, on which, besides him, there was a man who introduced himself as an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (I don’t remember his name, but I can identify him). After listening to a detailed story about what happened, the man said that they would contact me in the near future and invite me to the police department. A few days later, the man Dolgushin D.A. called me and gave me the phone number of the person Anton introduced. Having contacted me on the phone number given to me, the interlocutor invited me the next day to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow. Arriving at the appointed time and place, Anton met me and we proceeded to one of the offices of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. There were 5-6 people in the office. They cross-questioned me about what had happened. After that, they showed the results of the ORM on the laptop and asked if I would recognize those who abducted me. I said I didn’t recognize anyone. Then Anton and I proceeded to the office, where he asked me questions and typed out an explanation. After writing the explanation, I, Anton and another employee went to the investigator Chingis Berikov. After a long conversation between the operatives and the investigator, the latter told me that it would not be possible to initiate the UD, because. little texture.
I reported the situation to Dolgushin D.A. To which he received a quick and short answer that he would decide everything and that the UD would be initiated in the near future. At the same time, he reminded me to think for my part of the agreement. Indicating the need to transfer another 8,000 US dollars. After that, within 5 months, I gave Dolgushin D.A. the remaining 8,000 US dollars. In addition, on the birthday of Dolgushin D.A. in September 2012, I gave him a Vertu mobile phone, worth about 150,000 rubles. The transfer of which took place in one of the cafes on Kutuzovsky Prospekt in Moscow. At the end of 2012 – beginning of 2013. at one of the meetings, Dolgushin D.A. told me that it was not possible with the excitation of the UD, he was let down by the employees of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow. But the money has already been given to them (Dolgushin D.A.) and he will not be able to return it to me. He added that I would contact him for some other reason and that money would go towards a new appeal. I was extremely upset and depressed.
In the spring of 2013, I began to have serious financial problems, and I decided to ask Dolgushin D.A. return the money. During a telephone conversation Dolgushin D.A. He said he would give me the money soon. After, after about 10 days, Dolgushin D.A. transferred 70,000 rubles to my bank card. A month later, during a telephone conversation, I reminded Dolgushin D.A. about the rest of the debt. To which Dolgushin D.A. in a rude form, he told me: do you even understand who you are demanding from ?! Forget about this money. I did not expect such a reaction as in general and such an act from Dolgushin D.A. After that, we began to communicate much less frequently. Although Dolgushin D.A. asked me to take him and his family to the airport, meet him from the airport, take the girls to the sauna / hotel, which was done by my personal driver at my request.
In the spring of 2014, a UD was initiated against me. I was arrested and taken into custody. During this period, my mother and girlfriend met with Dolgushin D.A. to help me in this situation. Dolgushin D.A. said he would know what to do. After a while, he said that he could not help. While in the pre-trial detention center, I called Dolgushin D.A. several times on the mobile phone. The latter, when I called his personal number, hung up and called back from another number. Dolgushin D.A. not particularly interested in my case, he was very interested in what evidence I give and whether I expose anyone. Also Dolgushin D.A. introduced me to a man whom he introduced as a close one of the thieves in law. This person offered me to pay 200 thousand rubles so that everything would be fine in my prison life. I refused this offer. My mother during a telephone conversation with Dolgushin D.A. was interested in the return of the debt, to which Dolgushin D.A. answered her that he did not owe me (i.e., her son) anything.
While in the pre-trial detention center, I wrote a statement to the CSS of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region against one of the employees of the BSTM, whom Dolgushin D.A. had introduced me to earlier. After that, an employee of the CSS of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Moscow Region Meshkov Ruslan Vladimirovich came to me to get an explanation. During the conversation, I told him about the situation with Dolgushin D.A. After a while Meshkov R.V. came to me. with a man who introduced himself as an employee of the Main Directorate of the Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. He told me all the personal data of Dolgushin D.A. I, in turn, confirmed that it was about him that I spoke. An employee of the GUSB told me that Dolgushin D.A. now there are very serious problems and now he works in the drug enforcement department. At the end of the conversation, the GUSB officer said that he would think about the information about Dolgushin D.A. and more will come. However, he never came to see me again. Meshkov R.V. several times he came to see me in the pre-trial detention center. In one of the visits Meshkov R.V. told me that the GUSB officers would not deal with Dolgushin D.A.
Being in the MLS, I was afraid to write a statement about Dolgushin D.A. Since I knew that he had influential friends, incl. in the criminal world, and in the case of writing an application for Dolgushin D.A. I may have problems. I was released on parole and before the end of the probationary period I was also afraid to write an application for Dolgushin D.A. Associated with this is too long a period of time from the moment the described events took place until the moment they were made public and the statement was written.
On the basis of the above arguments, I ask you to conduct an audit in relation to Dolgushin Dmitry Alexandrovich. Incl. using a psychophysiological study using a polygraph.
For my part, I undertake to send all the necessary materials to the Investigative Committee.