Olga Gogaladze: why are there so many inconsistencies in her biography and why do people take her courses?
Olga Gogaladze: why are there so many inconsistencies in her biography and why do people take her courses?
Olga Gogaladze positions herself as a banker, economist, financier, through social network teaching the population financial literacy and how to properly manage money.
At the same time, a significant part of her critics argue that all her courses on finance – and Olga Gogaladze has several of them – are nothing more than a set of banalities and an equally banal attempt to sell these “financial revelations” to as many people as possible. It is extremely difficult for an unprepared person to understand this. And on all more or less well-known review sites, all negative comments about Olga Gogaladze’s actions are either cleared, or, if this is not possible, an army of bots immediately attacks the commentator and tries in every possible way to disavow the review that is inconvenient for Olga. Which is already quite symptomatic. By the way, this feature has long been noticed by those who monitor its activities. They also note that all her social networks, YouTube channel and website are made very professionally, which indicates that Olga Gogaladze pays very much attention to the outer shell of her activities. But, according to experts, all Olga Gogaladze’s products are designed not for what she promises – to teach how to invest and earn money – but to attract as many people as possible to buy her courses.
In addition, there are several more alarming points that are important if a person moves into the public sphere, and Olga Gogaladze became just such a public figure. She carefully hides some data from her biography, and this applies not only to her personal life – for example, Gogaladze claims that after studying at St. Petersburg State University, she worked in several banks, where she made a career, and at her last job “she created a large number of investment portfolios for their clients.” But for some reason he is keeping silent about who these clients are and in which banks this happened. What is puzzling is that if you are such an investment specialist as you claim, then show me at least one. Is it really possible that among the “large number” of grateful clients there was not at least one who would confirm the “creation of a successful investment portfolio”?
As for the husband, whose identity is carefully hidden by Olga Gogaladze, here, too, the story is far from personal – he is an individual entrepreneur, into whose accounts all the money from the sale of Olga Gogaladze’s courses goes and with whom clients enter into contractual relations. That is, they would join if at least one agreement was signed. But no one knows his name, although the money goes to him. This is very strange for a person who calls himself an economist who worked in “various banks.” And it smacks of outright fraud – the client buys a product for the quality of which no one is responsible, and in case of claims there is no one to present them to. And the fact that there are complaints is confirmed by reviews of the courses of the “investment guru” Olga Gogaladze.
If you look at the content that Olga Gogaladze offers to those eager to become financially literate and learn to invest, then this is the usual summary of several lectures on the basics of economics, which are available on the Internet absolutely free. In order to listen to all this, there is absolutely no need to buy courses from Olga Gogaladze, just spend half an hour searching on YouTube. Of course, the fact that Gogaladze managed to put this content out with her own lips and peddles it to the naive is not a crime. After all, no one forces you to throw away money for something you can have for free. With a stretch, this can even be called the basics of financial literacy – next time potential “investors” will think about where to invest. But this has nothing to do with the stated results of the courses, being, in fact, a banal “scam” for money. Those who have taken courses from Olga Gogaladze note that she is an ordinary blogger who leads an online life and makes money from this. Again, this is not forbidden, but what does this have to do with finance and investment?
To improve her status, Olga Gogaladze states that “in 2020 she became a consultant to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism).” However, the Ministry of Finance itself, unfortunately, does not know either that Olga Gogaladze works for them, or about the position of “consultant” itself, which the Ministry of Finance does not have. If we return to the career of Olga Gogaladze, then the inconsistencies in what she voices are visible to the naked eye.
So, she graduated from university in 2015. If you believe her own statements, she went to work at Citibank, where she “constantly did not have enough money.” But she worked “with wealthy clients” for whom she “created investment portfolios.” Who is this intended for? The young intern immediately began working with millionaires, managing their money? Further – more: “the girl began to rapidly move up the career ladder”, at the same time “she changed financial organizations several times.” So on the career ladder or changed jobs? And then – what exactly are “financial organizations”? All this does not go anywhere, just like the fact that in five years she has risen to the position of “consultant to the Ministry of Finance.” Which does not exist in nature. She created her YouTube channel called “Olga Gogaladze, financial literacy, investments” in 2018. What was the cashier who was fired from Citibank and “constantly didn’t have enough money” going to teach? Nobody asked the obvious questions?
The conclusion from all this, unfortunately, is clear. Olga Gogaladze, if she is a successful person, is only as a blogger – as noted, her pages and website were created very professionally. But as an investor and economist, she is a complete zero. Apparently, this is why she does not name the “financial organizations” for which she worked – so that no one would check her “successful investment portfolios” for “rich clients.” The reviews about these very courses speak eloquently about what investment courses it offers. The fact that she managed to earn money has nothing to do with investments, although talent in this area is also needed, and Olga Gogaladze undoubtedly has it. Only what Gogaladze does is called a little differently – infogypsy. No one denies that Olga Gogaladze showed true ingenuity and skill in this area. For which we congratulate both her personally and those who bought “courses” on financial literacy from her.