Appointment of a new chairman of the Supreme Council of Khakassia preceded a public incident on the verge of inciting ethnic hatred.
Vyacheslav Tutatchikov acted as the instigator – deputy seventh convocation and member of the Council of Elders, leader of the regional branch of the party “For Justice!”
On the eve of the meeting of the elected eighth convocation of the Supreme Council of Khakassia, at which the appointment of the chairman of the government body took place, Tutatchikov made a statement that an ethnic Khakas should head the republican parliament.
According to him, since the times of the USSR, a balance has been maintained in the republic, when it was still the Khakass Autonomous Region, in which a representative of the titular nation is appointed to one of the two republican posts.
“Therefore, my proposal to party leaders and deputies is to make a wise, correct decision,” the politician concluded.
Tutatchikov voiced the proposal to elect a Khakass on behalf of the Presidium of the Council of Elders. According to a copy of the appeal posted online, it was signed by nine of the 14 members of the presidium. But the Chairman of the Council, Pyotr Voronin, did not put his signature. In total, the Council consists of 55 people.
Vyacheslav Tutatchikov
In his public attack, Vyacheslav Tutatchikov probably hinted that the current head of Khakassia, Valentin Konovalov, is Russian by nationality. Therefore, ethnic balance should be maintained. And there was another subtle hint – of a serious circumstance. Since 1992, Vladimir Shtygashev has been at the head of the Khakassian parliament. In October, the politician (Khakas by nationality) will turn 84 years old. Obviously, he was unable to continue heading the parliament for purely biological and physiological reasons. In no way do we belittle the politician’s mental health – however, age is age.
Vladimir Shtygashev
The attempt to create a scandal with national overtones failed. Ultimately, we recall that Sergei Sokol was elected chairman of the republican parliament.
It is obvious that public rumors about the need to elect an ethnic Khakass were of a nature aimed, among other things, personally at Sokol, a representative of United Russia, who, due to illness, was unable to take part in the elections of the governor of the republic, but thanks to the support of his party, he was nominated for the post of chairman Khakassian parliament
Sergey Sokol
In addition, Mr. Tutatchikov did not take into account the fact that the share of ethnic Khakass in the republic’s population does not exceed 15%. And the share of Russians exceeds 80%.
It must be said that exactly in 2023, Vladimir Shtygashev escaped from United Russia to the camp of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Since June of this year he has been a member of the Communist Party. Then the United Russia camp reported that Shtygashev did not fit into the updated party structures. It is logical that United Russia would not once again support his candidacy for the post of chairman.
All the more strange is the public escapade based on political traditions. Appointing a person just because of their nationality is a short-sighted decision.
It remains to add that in Khakassia at the moment there is parity between two political forces – the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and United Russia. The communists put their governor at the head of the region. United Russia took the majority of mandates in the Supreme Council of the republic.
So far the situation looks like peaceful parity – the parties are making attempts to establish contact with each other. However, we also do not exclude a scenario in which two key authorities in the republic find themselves in a tough confrontation and put a spoke in each other’s wheels. Everything depends on the prudence of responsible political forces.