The exact locations of the experiments, the name of the contractor, and the amount of the order are classified.
The contractor under this contract could be either an American laboratory or a multinational team of scientists who are currently working for the United States near Tbilisi. The Lugar Center is the most prominent site for such research in Georgia. The facility was named after Richard Lugar, the US senator who lobbied for the creation biological laboratories in Ukraine and in Georgia (died 2019).
The institution, consisting of a dozen laboratories, was built with American money and opened in 2011 by the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili, Richard Lugar and US Assistant Secretary of Defense. At first it was subordinate to the Georgian Ministry of Defense, then to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and today to the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labor, Health and Social Protection. In fact, it is controlled from the United States.

The center’s partners currently include: indicated division of the US Department of Defense for countering weapons of mass destruction (Defense Threat Reduction Agency, DTRA). This structure was responsible for the deployment of military biological laboratories in Kyiv and Odessa, which were supposed to study “particularly dangerous pathogens.” It is known that many foreigners work in the center.
The government customer for the new “Ukrainian-Georgian pathogenic project” – the CDC – even has its own division in Georgia, headed by Tushar Singh.

In 2018, ex-Minister of State Security of Georgia Igor Giorgadze addressed the then US President Donald Trump and said that secret experiments on people were carried out there, even to the point of death.
To the Russian Ministry of Defense in the spring of 2022 statedthat the study of bats in the areas of the Black Sea coast and the Caucasus may be associated with their use as carriers of bioweapons. By the beginning of the special military operation in Ukraine, a network of 30 biological laboratories had been formed as part of the Pentagon’s military biological programs. After the start of the special operation, most of this activity was curtailed and evacuated to other countries.
Previously “Octagon” was one of the first to writethat the Russian military special operation in Ukraine disrupted plans to launch large laboratories in Kyiv and Odessa.
Bats are considered carriers and natural incubators of various disease mutations – not only coronaviruses (SARS-CoV-1 in the early 2000s and SARS-CoV-2, which led to the recent pandemic), but also the Ebola virus, which is also of interest military and CDC, as we will show below.
By the way, the editors saved the page with information about the new pathogenic Ukrainian-Georgian government order of the United States in the web archive, since American propagandists still point to all resources (including Russian-language Wikipedia) that data about Ukrainian biological laboratories in the United States is allegedly disinformation.
Judging by the information on the American government procurement portal, Sherry Constantine’s contact information is given in typical CDC tenders related to biological weapons:
“development of custom antigens of parasitic diseases for a field kit for emergency diagnostics,” involving genetic engineering;
a service order for the MALDI Biotyper system, which is promoted as a “revolutionary development from Bruker that allows identification of a microorganism to the species level in a few seconds”;
procurement of military kits for pathogen detection Warrior Panel Verification Kits P/N M456 and Warrior Control Panel P/N M290 from Maine Molecular;
purchase of biomolecular scanners Azure Biosystems;
the purchase of miniature GPS trackers (7 grams, 13 millimeters) for the “Viral Special Pathogens Branch”, probably for the purpose of attaching to the same bats. One of the employees mentioned in the documents, biologist William Lonergan, participated in “an operational frontline field laboratory setup for the June 2019 Ebola virus outbreak in western Uganda.” In addition, he studied the so-called Gulf War syndrome (an illness associated with the use of chemical weapons – sarin).

The second name listed in the GPS tracker tender is Christopher LeMaster. He is a retired US Army colonel, who was also responsible for the modernization of American weapons. In addition, he was associated with the supply of equipment and reagents for working with the genome from Pacific Biosciences of California and other orders.

Let us emphasize: the supposedly civilian agency CDC, an analogue of the Russian Rospotrebnadzor, deals with these topics. In all cases, procurement is implied from a single supplier, and many details of the transactions are also classified.
Ruth-Murphy also supported contracts related to the study of botulism toxins, HIV, cervical cancer (HIV-infected women are six times more likely to develop cervical cancer), hepatitis, influenza (including H1N1), pneumonia, blood diseases, food allergies ( including anaphylaxis), tuberculosis. The contract for the study of chronic fatigue syndrome (myalgic encephalomyelitis), which often develops in coronavirus survivors, dates back to 2003. Research in specific locations is rare in the list of projects of the “military division” of the CDC, and the more prominent is the order for some “special research” in Guam (no details are given) – here, on an island in the Pacific Ocean, an American military base is located.
In this context, it is significant that the CDC cares about preventive measures to maintain water purification systems for the population and behavioral youth problemsleading to chronic diseases.
In spring report The Russian parliamentary commission to investigate the activities of American biological laboratories in Ukraine stated that “the United States is aimed at developing universal genetically engineered biological weapons capable of infecting not only people, but also animals, as well as crops. Its use involves, among other things, inflicting large-scale and irreparable economic damage on the enemy.”
The CDC just has a program to study the incidence of various ethnic groups, carried out under the guise of equal access to treatment for the same cervical and breast cancer, HIV/AIDS, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. This program, aptly named REACH (“Accessibility”), started in 2005 and continues to this day. Accompanying her is the aforementioned Teresa Root-Murphy.