Mikhail Terentyev
Will there be an end to the impunity of KCSA officials who have been siphoning billions of hryvnias from the capital’s budget through corrupt construction projects for years? The limit to patience has been put by the notorious “Klitschko Bridge”, which has been falling apart since the first day of its opening, around which a number of criminal cases have already been initiated. This high-profile scandal threatens the leadership of the city administration not only with resignations, but also with mass imprisonment for colossal waste. Among the main contenders for the “place near the bucket” is the head of the Engineering Center, Mikhail Terentyev. It was his enterprise that built this bridge that is one of the main links in the corruption schemes of Vitali Klitschko’s team.
For a long time, Terentyev believed that his “roof” was absolutely strong, but after the presidential elections he felt the icy cold of approaching retribution on his back. His last hope was the parliamentary elections: Terentev ran in the 221st majoritarian district as a candidate from Poroshenko’s European Solidarity, but took only third place, losing to candidates from Servant of the People and Golos. Now his fate hangs in the balance, although much also depends on whether the leadership of the Prosecutor General’s Office and NABU, where corrupt officials of the Kyiv City State Administration have extensive connections, will be replaced in the near future.
“Gang of Historians”
Mikhail Alexandrovich Terentev was born on September 12, 1985 in Nikopol (Dnepropetrovsk region). At the age of 16, he came to Kyiv and entered the Drahomanov National Pedagogical Institute, where he studied from 2001 to 2006, receiving diplomas in history and jurisprudence. During his studies, in 2004-2006, he worked part-time as an “assistant legal adviser” at Vinada LLC (apparently owned by relatives or friends).
Having been declared “sick,” Terentyev successfully avoided military service and remained at the institute for graduate school, also working as a teacher (from 2006 to 2009). The reason why he left the teaching path is still unknown, but Terentyev suddenly lost interest in it, retraining as a social activist. In 2010, he got a job as head of the public reception for Kyiv City Council deputy Alla Shlapak.

Alla Shlapak
So, what’s interesting is that Shlapak is also a historian from the Institute. Dragomanova! She studied there in 1993-1998, and in 2001-2005. I worked there as an assistant in the history department – exactly when the cute student Mikhail Terenyev was studying at this department. That is, then they met. It would seem that there is nothing special about this, if not for the third participant in this “triangle”, Andrey Sergeevich Andreev – another historian from the Drahomanov Institute! This odious character has already discredited the Kyiv authorities by being close to Klitschko for several years.

Vitali Klitschko and Andrey Andreev
According to reviews from Andreev’s acquaintances, which he received Skelet.Infohe started out as a “gopnik” on Borshchagovka, taking away phones from teenagers. Having entered the pedagogical institute in history (a faculty that does not require much intelligence after all), where he became close to Terentyev, Andreev immediately became chairman of the Center for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students, then head of the student union, member of the academic council (sophomore year!) and chairman of the audit commission of the trade union committee . This is official, but unofficially Andreev arranged for money for students to live in a dormitory and arranged for them to take exams, but he often cheated, for which he was repeatedly hit in the face. By the way, Andreev was regularly beaten even after college, even when he became a deputy of the Kiev City Council.
After graduating from the university, Andreev remained there for graduate school, continuing to indicate his paid services. And then he remembered his youth and took up robbery again: in 2012, he was already a former member of the academic council of the pedagogical institute tried to “squeeze” a tablet from minor Vladislav Baranovbut was taken hot. And he would have been sitting on a bunk, and not in the Kiev City Council, if not for the help of Terentyev and Shlapak, who contributed to the closure of the criminal case. Joyful Andreev announced that he did not rob anyone and it was a “set-up of the regionals,” and “Aunt Alla” took him to her team, entrusting the “gopnik” to manage her reception of a candidate for people’s deputies. There, Andrei Andreev and Mikhail Terentyev were busy distributing food packages (a pack of tea and a bag of sweets) to pensioners, buying their votes for Shlapak.

Andrey Andreev
But the most cynical thing is that Andreev, who robbed teenagers, together with Terentyev, in 2013 established and headed the “Adults for Children” fund (USREOU 38855239). Truly, people have no shame or conscience!
And then the revolutionary year 2014 came, the winds of change blew in Kyiv, raising all kinds of dirt from the bottom. In the June elections to the Kyiv City Council, Mikhail Terentyev was elected in the 75th district from Poroshenko’s Solidarity, and Andreev in the 52nd from Klitschko’s UDAR. A year and a half later, in October 2015, they were re-elected to the Kyiv City Council under the banner of the Petro Poroshenko Bloc. What helped them win the elections was mainly by bribing voters – which is why the “Adults for Children” fund came in handy.
Well, now the crux of the matter: both of these “historians” headed two important municipal enterprises in Kyiv, participating in the corruption schemes of the Kyiv City State Administration. Andrey Andreev became deputy already in 2014, and since August 2017, acting. Director of the KP “Kievimprovostroystvo”. He was removed from office in June 2019, after which his last hope, like Terentyev’s, was parliamentary elections – Andreev bought himself a place number 35 on the list of Poroshenko’s “European Solidarity”. But, as you know, the Ukrainians did not give Pyotr Alekseevich’s party enough votes, so only the first 24 candidates on the list received mandates. It looks like Andreev also needs to dry the crackers!
Mikhail Terentyev received his position in August 2016, becoming director of the Engineering Center (USREOU 33239981), which he still heads. And over these three years he became famous not only for the ill-fated “Klitschko Bridge”…
Faces of the Mafia
The construction mafia exists in many countries around the world. But nowhere is she as greedy, arrogant and shameless as in the Kiev City Council and the Kyiv City State Administration. It flourished there during the time of Alexander Omelchenko and still sets the tone in the capital’s government. In the sea of Ukrainian corruption, mostly closely interconnected with the central government and the state budget, this is a separate archipelago of clans, independently cutting up Kyiv’s budget through various construction projects.
They have a common scheme: money from the city budget, as well as funding for various programs (public and private) are “mastered” through several utility companies (PUs), which act as the main contractors. These are “Zhitloivenstbud-UKB”, “Kievavtodor”, “Kievzelenstroy” and others, including the KP “Engineering Center” and “Kievblastrophy” – each of these enterprises regularly finds itself at the center of some kind of corruption scandal (you can “Google” and see ). Having received orders and financing, these enterprises handed them over to subcontractors – which were companies associated with the heads of these enterprises or the people behind them from the Kyiv City State Administration and the Kyiv City Council. These public utilities are “distributed” among different clans in the capital’s government. Some of them, such as the “family” of Negrich, Golitsa and Nepop, have been controlled by the largest KP developers for decades, while other enterprises pass from one hand to another during a change of power.
Whoever appointed Mikhail Terentyev to the position of director of the Engineering Center pursued an obvious goal – to place in this chair a trusted person who would impeccably implement the agreed-upon corruption schemes. That is, Terentyev is a performer, not an organizer, which, however, does not relieve him of criminal responsibility for what he did. But who is behind it? According to Skelet.Infothis, firstly, is the above-mentioned Madame Shlapak. Here we need to remember that the Engineering Center, created in 2003, initially specialized in repairs of medical institutions – and Alla Shlapak, during Chernovetsky’s time, oversaw the scandalous “reform” of the capital’s healthcare, that is, she has been associated with this enterprise for a long time.
Next, this is the head of the Department of Construction and Housing of the Kyiv City State Administration, Konstantin Fedotov. A certified food production technologist (such specialists manage construction in Kyiv), Fedotov worked in the Kyiv City State Administration under Omelchenko, and during the “Chernovetsky era” in 2007-2012 he held the position of head of the tender procedures department of the Zhitloinvestbud-UKB KP. Thus, Fedotov is a direct connection with the “old mafia” and the corrupt “family” of Nepop-Golitsa-Negrich, as well as with their business partner Leonid Yurushev, who at one time was the sponsor of Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

Konstantin Fedotov

Vlada Molchanova
But through a number of the subcontractor company Spetsavtobud LLC (EDRPOU 40106979), which was directly involved in the construction of the “Klitschko Bridge” and received 330 million hryvnia on two contracts, through its director Sergei Dubenko, we reach a well-known Kyiv businesswoman and “construction lioness” Vlad (Vladislav) Molchanov. Together with Valentin Isak, Vladimir Kosterin, Mikhail Shpilman, Garik Korogodsky, Alexander Melamud and other well-known characters of the Kyiv construction mafia, she was a co-founder of the Stolitsa Group company, created on the basis of the Kievgorstroy-1 communal trust. And in the “zero” years, Alla Shlapak, who has since become Molchanova’s friend, actively helped to defund and privatize this one of the largest municipal enterprises in Kyiv. And then the thread leads to Shlapak!
By the way, Vlada Molchanova has been the head of the Kyiv organization “Fatherland” for many years, and in 2019 headed Tymoshenko’s election headquarters in Kyiv in the elections. That is, behind it stands one of the largest political forces in Ukraine, which continues to struggle for power at all levels – and is currently actively “knocking wedges” to Zelensky’s team.
Sergey Varis, for Skelet.Info
CONTINUED: Mikhail Terentyev: bridges of Kyiv corruption. PART 2
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