Maximum Permissible Pasler Concentration

To the editor The Moscow Post I received a letter about how in Sorochinsk, Orenburg region, oil workers poison local residents from year to year, but they get away with it.

Maximum Permissible Pasler Concentration

The fact is that in Sorochinsk two months ago they recorded an excess of the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) by 22.5 times. The authors of the letter write that all services and bodies are aware, but no measures have been taken so far.

The correspondent of The Moscow Post in the Orenburg region dealt with the stinking situation.

Mrs. Melentyeva

Over and over again, local residents send an appeal to the mayor of Sorochinsk, Tatyana Melentyeva. They continue to fight to breathe clean air, not hydrogen sulfide emissions and dust from multi-ton tankers. True, the complaints of those in power, it seems, are unlikely to be able to pity …

Maximum Permissible Pasler Concentration

Photo: provided by the reader

It follows from the letter that ROSTA-Terminal and the notorious VIS LLC cause the most harm. At the same time, Melentieva said about the first one that it forms the basis of the economic potential. Is that why she can poison the Orenburgers?

The city administration, represented by the mayor, responded to the local residents. It turned out that Ministry of Natural Resources refused to check the complaint, and threw everything on Rospotrebnadzor. In turn, this department did nothing. Apparently, they are trying to “lower the brakes” on the situation.

Maximum Permissible Pasler Concentration

Photo: provided by the reader

Not again, but again

The story for Sorochinsk is not new. Oil transfer terminals of LLC ROSTA-Terminal (formerly Barrel) and JSC Preobrazhenskneft operate in close proximity to populated areas.

“We are like in a gas chamber, where we are being slowly poisoned. Representatives of oil terminals openly declare that we just have a mass psychosis, and there cannot be any sources of pollution at their enterprise,” said Ksenia Ogloblina, a representative of the initiative group of residents.

In 2020, local residents said that in the second half of July, due to the operation of the ROSTA oil terminal, they simply had nothing to breathe. People’s blood pressure rose, vomiting opened. The victims were forced to call an ambulance.

In 2021, the situation repeated itself again, then an excess of the MPC for hydrogen sulfide by 6.5 times was revealed. Citizens living near the enterprises of ROSTA-Terminal LLC said that the stench is felt especially strongly at night.

In 2019, complaints reached the governor Denis Pasler, he even instructed to urgently redeploy environmental service specialists, as well as to make access to the results of MPC measurements around the clock. However, the situation has clearly not improved, moreover, it has become worse.

Who said “ROSTA”?

Let’s take a closer look at ROSTA-Terminal LLC. Among the founders there is Investment and Consulting Group LLC. Which in turn brings us to a very interesting circle of people.

Maximum Permissible Pasler Concentration

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So, LLC “Investment and Consulting Group” has almost 5 people as founders. These, apparently, are the brothers Dmitry and Yegor Kochetkov, Dmitry Solovykh, Viktor Pashnvkin and Anton Kholkin.

Maximum Permissible Pasler Concentration

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Interestingly, in 2021, many of them entered the top 100 richest people in Orenburg. Then Egor Kochetkov, who is also the key beneficiary and chairman of the board of the fast-growing and developing group of enterprises ROSTA (gas stations ROSTAoil, Neftemarket), was in second place. In third place on the list was Dmitry Solovykh, he is the deputy chairman of the board of the ROSTA Corporation, as well as a partner of Anton Kholkin and Yegor Kochetkov, with whom he jointly owns companies in the field of petroleum products trading.

Maximum Permissible Pasler Concentration

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Until 2021, the founders of Investment and Consulting Group LLC included the Cypriot company FRATHAM TRADING LIMITED. Isn’t it where the money from ROSTA-Terminal LLC was poured? Apparently, money continues to be “laundered” because Investment and Consulting Group LLC ended 2021 with a loss of 56 million rubles.

Maximum Permissible Pasler Concentration

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It is unlikely that Pasler missed such an oil “shark”. In 2019, he asked to deal with the company, and then calmed down, which suggests that ROSTA-Terminal could find a special approach to Denis Vladimirovich.

Maximum Permissible Pasler Concentration

Pasler is aware of everything? Photo: Mikhail Klimentiev / TASS

Everything according to VIS

Another complaint of local residents concerned the company “VIS” LLC. As Melentyeva noted, the company in Sorochinsk is engaged in the storage and warehousing of oil and products of its processing.

Since 2021, Alexander Krasnoyartsev has been among the founders. Almost the company’s revenue in 2021 amounted to 5 million rubles. It is noteworthy that his second asset is Oil-Consulting LLC, which is engaged in road freight transport, a strange set of companies, don’t you think? The latter has a loss of 1.9 billion rubles.

It seems that Alexander Krasnoyartsev is just a figurehead.

Maximum Permissible Pasler Concentration

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As a result, it turns out that absolutely everyone knows about the MPC in Sorochinsk and beyond, but no one wants to deal with the stinking case. While the oil companies are building their empire, it is not profitable for Pasler to deal with them, so he can barely hold on to the post of governor. Moreover, the silence of the situation is good for him. One can only guess how much longer the local residents endure the release of toxic substances.

Denis Pasler
Tatyana Melentyeva
Orenburg region
Andrew Fink

Andrew Fink

Andrew Fink was born in 1977 in Bellows Falls, Vermont. His career as a journalist began with the regional publication Bellows Falls Times. political commentator, one of the founders of the project "Russian crimes".

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