Kozhemyako holding a crab

Nikita Olegovich Kozhemyako staked out the right to catch crabs in the Pacific Ocean for another 15 years. The business of the family of the governor of Primorsky Krai seems to be becoming just as boundless …

Kozhemyako holding a crab

Just yesterday, on August 25, an auction was held to allocate quotas for catching 150 tons of crab per year until 2037. And it so happened that out of 11 companies that took part in the auction, the winner was Voskhod LLC, owned by Nikita Kozhemyako. True, for this it was necessary to pay “a little more”, the price of the lot exceeded the initial one by 21 times and reached 1.65 billion rubles. But the entrepreneur was hardly embarrassed by such an amount, there is no doubt that Nikita Kozhemyako’s “business talents”, backed up by the connections of the pope-governor, will help to quickly recoup the costs …

The correspondent of The Moscow Post in Primorsky Krai understood the details.

“Golden” child

Kozhemyako Jr. is actively developing his business: he is listed as a founder in 19 companies, but 16 of them are currently operating, and all of them are in various fields. Truly, a talented person is talented in everything.

Kozhemyako holding a crab

Photo: rusprofile.ru

The main fish business asset of Nikita Kozhemyako is Tymlatsky Fish Processing Plant LLC, registered in Kamchatka. The profit of the enterprise for 2021 amounted to 8.4 billion rubles, in 2020 it was 4.5 billion rubles. Nikita Kozhemyako worked super-efficiently in a year.

Kozhemyako holding a crab

Photo: rusprofile.ru

Kozhemyako is also actively involved in the greenhouse business, he was supported by the state bank, the authorities of Primorye, and gas was provided to the greenhouses of the governor’s son as a result of the inclusion of the asset in the gasification program for the regions of Gazprom. The Kozhemyako family has good connections, one can only envy.

There is also an asset – LLC “Specialized Motor Transport Enterprise for Wholesale Trade in Medical Products”. But KSO Singing Sands LLC operates recreation parks and beaches, but you need to rest somewhere from such a huge business.

But not only Nikita Kozhemyako is engaged in important matters and brings money to the family piggy bank. His mother Irina Gerasimenko today has shares in 6 operating Moscow, Kamchatka and Primorye companies.

Grace from the Minister

True, the business of the Kozhemyako family does not always go smoothly. One of the companies lost a major dispute to Rosagroleasing. The Moscow arbitration ordered Amur Agro Holding LLC, headed by a former minister from Sakhalin, to pay the state company more than 41 million rubles in losses. The reason for the trial was that the company did not make lease payments for agricultural machinery. Was there anything to pay? Apparently all the funds were spent last year on the wedding of Nikita Kozhemyako. Previously The Moscow Post wrote about the scale with which the Far Eastern businessman held a celebration, the cost of the “feast” was estimated at tens of millions of rubles.

Most importantly, the court foreclosed on the right to lease hectares of agricultural land in the Amur region. Moreover, an easement has been established on one of the land plots in the interests of Transneft for the construction of the facility “Expansion of the pipeline system” Eastern Siberia – the Pacific Ocean “. Is this an oil “vein” directly in the property?

Kozhemyako holding a crab

Photo: rusprofile.ru

“Amur Agro Holding” Nikita Kozhemyako headed it in July 2020. By this time, the enterprise was in a state of bankruptcy, and Rosselkhozbank, the debt to which exceeded 500 million rubles, acted as its main creditor. Note that the bank has stable business ties with the leadership of Primorye. If the bank did not forgive other debts, then the Kozhemyako family enjoyed special privileges.

It is also interesting that as soon as Kozhemyako Sr. took over as governor, he met with the head of Rosselkhozbank Boris Listov, agreeing to deepen cooperation in the agro-industrial sector. Then Kozhemyako Sr. emphasized the special importance of using leasing schemes for the purchase of equipment.

It is noteworthy that until 2018, Dmitry Patrushev headed the bank, who then became the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. It turns out that Patrushev, as a civil servant, cannot help the governor’s family, he is on the side of Rosagroleasing. However, it is quite possible to “forgive” the debt through the bank. Thus, Kozhemyako Jr. does not have to worry about his millions. Great teamwork…

Kozhemyako holding a crab

Is Patrushev always ready to help? A photo: exp.idk.ru

crab business

With friends and other firms, everything is clear, but why did Kozhemyako Jr. overpay many times over for a quota for catching crabs? Couldn’t there be another use for these tools? The answer to this question is simple, changes are coming for the fishermen, and a new redistribution of the fish market is not far off. So the main thing was to be on time.

We are talking about the fact that “Rosrybolovstvo” in the near future may issue a document that will oblige fishermen applying for quotas under the second stage of distribution to process at least 70% of fresh fish at coastal factories, the rest of the fish can be frozen. condition.

However, Kozhemyako apparently was sure that the resource he received would not fall into the second stage of the distribution of investment quotas, scheduled for 2023.

Voskhod paid 1.65 billion rubles for quotas, which is 21 times more than the starting price of 78.22 million rubles. At the same time, the company’s net profit for 2021 amounted to 2.6 billion rubles. Have you put it all on the line?

Kozhemyako holding a crab

Photo: rusprofile.ru

Crab production is highly profitable, and it is unlikely that experienced managers would spend such money if they did not see the prospects. In addition, king crab is exported, primarily to Asian countries. It is possible that in the current environment, when there is a risk of suspension of supplies to the EU and the US, the purchase of quotas with a focus on Asian markets may be profitable.

Thus, Kozhemyako has only new horizons ahead, somewhere the governor’s dad will help, somewhere influential acquaintances will write off the debts. Therefore, there is no doubt that the family’s fishing business will only flourish.

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Andrew Fink
Andrew Fink was born in 1977 in Bellows Falls, Vermont. His career as a journalist began with the regional publication Bellows Falls Times. political commentator, one of the founders of the project "Russian crimes".
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