CONTINUATION. BEGINNING: Arkady Kornatsky: how a Russian spy and murderer became a Ukrainian feudal lord and a deputy from the BPP. PART 1
Arkady Kornatsky. Nikolaev myrrh-eater
Having gained experience in land farming in Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) and become rich, Arkady Kornatsky remembered his Ukrainian homeland – and decided to do the same thing in his native village. True, he did not see much benefit from such “investments” at that time, and he did not intend to move from the grain-producing Moscow region to the impoverished Nikolaev region of the 90s. A loving son who came from Moscow to visit his parents decided to give them a gift. At first, he simply bought up the neighbors’ yards, demolished them and built a large estate house on the vacant plot. But I looked around: this is so much land “wasted”!
And in the second half of the 90s, in the village of Chausovo Vtoroy, and then in the surrounding villages, the Kornatskys began to buy up land certificates, as well as take over the property of the collapsed collective farm. It was not difficult: for Ukrainians at that time even 20 dollars was a lot of money, and Arkasha, who arrived from Moscow, had whole stacks of “bucks”. The villagers themselves came to bow to the Kornatskys – they asked for a loan, asked to borrow equipment, to give money for treatment or a funeral. So a new kulak appeared in Chausov, who immediately became a world eater, and then a feudal lord.
According to Skelet.InfoThe Kornatskys bought certificates for literally pennies. First, they bought shares from drunkards and the poorest for vodka and food packages. Those who held their shares to the last were able to get $500 for their hectare and were happy, but they had to endure great pressure. The Kornatskys put them on their “black lists” and set their neighbors against them.
After the Kornatsky Agrofirm was created in 1998, the purchase of land in the area was put on stream: seeing that entire fields here could be bought at the price of a square meter on Rublyovka, Arkady Kornatsky decided to collect a land fund, and only then find him Applications – farming or building. At the same time, the Moscow world-eater resorted to outright deception of gullible villagers, forcing them to run to receive land certificates – which were bought here at 500 hryvnia per share or taken out for long-term lease at the price of… 5 hryvnia per year per share! The Kornatsky people spread information about this using leaflets and announcements (see copy), which were posted throughout the villages of the region. This is how the Kornatsky Agrofirm grew! Let us recall that at that very time Arkady Kornatsky chaired the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry and ran for the State Duma.
The Kornatskys were let down by greed and self-confidence in their own exclusivity. Firstly, they cruelly “dumped” fellow villagers who believed that the Kornatskys, having bought up their certificates, would revive the former collective farm in a new capacity and return people to work. Instead, they were told that hired workers from outside would work on the lands of the Kornatsky Agrofirm. Secondly, while developing their estate, they blocked the villagers’ access to the river, fenced off part of the village, recruited guards from among former police officers, and even established a curfew in the village! Thirdly, Arkady Kornatsky confused Russian and Ukrainian legislation: the latter did not allow direct purchase of huge tracts of agricultural land. He, having bought land certificates from fellow villagers, registered 989.82 and 764.15 hectares of arable land for all two land shares – for his parents Klavdia Pavlovna and Alexei Viktorovich. These shares were issued to them by the Lenin Village Council on May 26, 2000 – violating the Ukrainian law, according to which no more than 50 hectares of arable land were given to one person. Perhaps if they had not treated their fellow villagers as cattle, they would have gotten away with it. But the Kornatskys made many enemies for themselves by trampling people into the mud. The media wrote terrible things about the Kornatskys’ revenge on those who dared to contradict them:
As a result, people took advantage of the opportunity and conveyed their complaints to Leonid Kuchma, who was then traveling around the Nikolaev region, and the president gave instructions to sort out the situation. Since Arkady Kornatsky was not one of the clans loyal to Kuchma, and was generally a “Muscovite,” the decision was not made in his favor. At the beginning of 2001, the Pervomaisky District Court declared the land deed for 1,700 hectares “seized” by Kornatsky’s parents invalid. However, Arkady Alekseevich was also no stranger, and he managed to make sure that this court decision was not implemented by the State Committee for Land Resources until February 2012! Actually, it would not have been implemented at all if Kornatsky had not once quarreled with Artyom Pshonka, the son of Prosecutor General Viktor Pshonka.
From United Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) to the Poroshenko Bloc
Is it a coincidence that Arkady Alekseevich Kornatsky made the decision to return to his homeland in Ukraine immediately after the first Maidan? Was he really so imbued with the light of the European future of Ukraine that he decided to neglect the Moscow businessman and chairman of the regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry for his prosperous present? Or were the rumors true, and Arkady Kornatsky was “thrown” into Ukraine as a Russian spy and agent of influence? Who knows! But he immediately began to undermine Viktor Yushchenko’s team – positioning himself as a Nikolaev agrarian who suffered from “Kuchma’s lawlessness,” and, of course, a patriot of Ukraine and a supporter of the European vector. True, he was not able to squeeze into Yushchenko’s immediate circle for a long time, since “love friends” crowded around the messiah of the Maidan in three rows. Arkady Kornatsky had to start small: join Our Ukraine and become a deputy of the local council. Viktor Baloga pulled him to the top, taking him to the Secretariat as a full-time adviser. He installed him as acting. Chairman of the regional state administration of the Nikolaev region on issues of agro-industrial complex, where Kornatsky worked in 2007-2008 (while remaining a citizen of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism)!). But then he quarreled with Governor Alexei Garkusha, lost his position and went into the “constructive opposition” – creating his own movement “Rural Front”, into which he recruited workers from his agricultural firms and loyal (intimidated) villagers of the Pervomaisky district. Perhaps this was a good starting point for another Ukrainian party, but Kornatsky spared his own money for its promotion – and his Moscow curators, if there were any, also did not finance the project, since the Kremlin then put everything on the Party of Regions.
Meanwhile, Arkady Kornatsky continued to collect land in the Nikolaev region. Taught by experience, he no longer tried to buy up entire fields as private property. Now Kornatsky owns 48 plots and 15 houses with plots, with a total area of about 43 hectares – within the legal norm (plus land registered in the name of relatives). But he collected about 15 thousand hectares of land, taking it on long-term lease. “When there is an owner who has an item, and someone else might want that item, that item will always sell. And it doesn’t matter whether the right to this thing will be registered, or whether it will be hidden under a registered lease agreement for 50 years, which will then be extended,” – this is how Arkady Kornatsky explained his vision of the land market of Ukraine, honestly admitting that land in “long-term lease”, in fact no longer belongs to the villagers.
During his vigorous activity, Arkady Kornatsky and his relatives created the following enterprises in Ukraine:
- LLC “Vіdkrite misto” (EDRPOU 34493797), Kyiv
- LLC “Agrofirma Kornatskikh” (USREOU 31929340), Krivoozersky district, Nikolaev region
- Victoria LLC (EDRPOU 00854819), Pervomaisk, Nikolaev region
- Private enterprise “Stroyfirma Kornatskikh” (USREOU 33201172), Pervomaisk
- Housing and construction cooperative “Ridna Khata” (EDRPOU 34473168), Pervomaisk
- LLC “Law Firm Kornatsky” (EDRPOU 32641929), Pervomaisk
- LLC “Control-Service” Patrol-Service” (EDRPOU 32753255), Pervomaisk
However, no matter how hard he tried to play the role of a Ukrainian agrarian and “employer,” his image deteriorated every year. Quarrelsome and scandalous, greedy and vengeful, Arkady Kornatsky even turned his own security against himself – which he had to change often. According to sources Skelet.Infono matter how decent people simply don’t get along with him.
And in 2010, the borders of Kornatsky’s feud came up against the boundaries of the development of a granite quarry owned by Artyom Pshonka. At first, the son of the Prosecutor General suggested that Kornatsky voluntarily give up several hectares to him and not interfere with further stone mining. He refused – and a long-term war began between them. The main result of this fight between Gadzilla and Mothra was comprehensive checks of Kornatsky’s companies, which Pshonka arranged for him. Truly, every cloud has a silver lining: this is what made it possible to retrieve from the archives and implement the court’s decision on the land act of Kornatsky’s parents (and charge them with illegal use of land), establish the lack of documents for 6,000 hectares of leased land, squatter 113 hectares, and identify illegal development of agricultural land , illegal receipt of budget subsidies, tax evasion in the amount of 43.5 million hryvnia and much more.
In desperation, Arkady Kornatsky rushed to seek protection in the United Opposition, running in the 2012 elections from Batkivshchyna, and even… in the USA. He wrote a complaint to President Obama, Congress and the US Attorney General about the “arbitrariness of the Ukrainian authorities” who are “destroying private business.” And he not only wrote, but also personally went to America, at the same time taking his wife and youngest daughter there for a while. Which was quite strange, given the Russian citizenship of his wife and her participation in the Kornatskys’ Russian business. Why not to Moscow?
The elections in the 132nd district (Pervomaisk) Kornatsky then lost, and he was framed in the dirtiest way: when it became known that Kornatsky came out ahead during the vote count, the server was blocked, and then the voting results were changed “manually”. This was a real blatant falsification – apparently, it was also part of the revenge of the Pshonok family. Therefore, the Central Electoral Commission decided to declare these elections in the 132nd district invalid and order a repeat one. However, after this, Arkady Kornatsky received a blow below the belt from his comrades in “Fatherland”, who doubted whether such a scoundrel with an unclear citizenship could be a candidate from the “opposition forces”? It was then that information came to light about Kornatsky’s Russian passports, about his Moscow past, about his son working in the Russian Foreign Ministry.
Speaking of my son. Pavel Kornatsky, about whom there is practically no information in open sources, apparently followed in the footsteps of his father. A number of sources Skelet.Info They claimed that Pavel Arkadyevich was the same diplomat as his father, a lawyer, that in reality he was working for Russian intelligence, and was also going to become the same “agent of influence” as his father. In 2016, political scientist Fyodor Levchenko posted information on his blog that Pavel Kornatsky was allegedly being prepared to be “thrown” to Ukraine as a political victim of the Putin (*criminal) regime.
Arkady Kornatsky by that time had already become a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada and a member of the BPP faction, into whose ranks he was accepted without any complaints or questions. He patiently ignored the scandal in the media regarding the investigation into the murder of Dubovsky, he reorganized the family business in Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) and formally put part of his Ukrainian business under management (just like Poroshenko), and even fictitiously separated from his wife, although they continue to be seen together, and They are in no hurry to divide the property. Arkady Kornatsky’s main political strategy today is for everyone to forget about his past, and for him to continue to play his role as a “simple Ukrainian agrarian.”
Sergey Varis, Skelet.Info
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