How in the South of Russia “debts” are knocked out of businessmen and objectionable security officials who got in the way of the mafia are removed
“The well-known decided” – this is how evil tongues call the lawyer Valentin Vasilchenko in the Telegram. Like it or not, we still need to check, but the fact remains that recently his name has been increasingly mentioned in the criminal news along with stories of lawlessness involving corrupt security officials and gang wars in the style of the 90s.
Online Vasilchenko more than once accused of almost extortion and raider seizure of business. The “hero” himself, in private conversations, allegedly boasted more than once that he could plant even the former head of the FSB branch in Belorechensk, Lieutenant Colonel Konstantin Nikolenko.
Vasilchenko may be involved in a criminal case on the kidnapping and beating of a Krasnodar businessman Alexandra Kabatova.
Will the new episode be a verdict for Vasilchenko, or will he again get away with it? Who gave bloody orders, and how they beat out debts from recalcitrant merchants – an investigation in our material.

Valentin Vasilchenko is a special subject. The status of a lawyer (registry number – 23/4628) gives him a special position. In relation to such persons, a special procedure for criminal proceedings is applied. Only the head of the regional IC can initiate criminal cases, and any investigative actions (like ORM) are carried out only with the permission of the court. Undoubtedly, Vasilchenko skillfully uses this. By the way, he sailed past the troubled cases more than once. In 2001, in relation to a certain Vasilchenko V.A. criminal case No. 14624 was initiated on the grounds of a crime under Part 1 of Art. 303 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (falsification of evidence). The case was not sent to court.
Our lawyer talks about his unsinkability and power with particular pride. Coincidence?! In the Internet writethat Vasilchenko allegedly “is engaged in raider seizure of enterprises, and positions itself as an intermediary between entrepreneurs on the one hand, and law enforcement agencies on the other – the FSB, the Investigative Committee and the OEBiPK UVD, which, in his words, are a “roof””.
It is even stated that there is a certain recording of the conversation, in which Valentin tells how he “planted” the former head of the FSB department in the city of Belorechensk, Lieutenant Colonel Konstantin Nikolenko. On the audio recording, the person is clearly speaks that he “understood Kostya” (Nikolenko).
They say Vasilchenko’s mother – Natalia Mikhailovna Volosnikovawas married to the former commander of the Krasnodar Alpha, Colonel Alexander Volosnikov (died in 2009). Perhaps this became the basis of the legend of omnipotence – covering up with the rank and honest name of his stepfather, a military officer. If this is so, then it is not at all clear how Vasilchenko still uses his stepfather’s connections, and why Volosnyakov’s colleagues help him? Apparently the lawyer has the gift of persuasion, which helps to mislead the officers of the Alpha special forces? Judging by the telephone conversations that appeared on the network, a person with a voice similar to Vasilchenko’s voice boasts that he “sorted it out” with an FSB officer to please his partner – Roman Strokach.
And here again a chain of amazing coincidences. It seems that it was this person with the surname “Strokach” who was the subject of criminal case No. 12102030077000091 on the grounds of a crime under Part 4 of Art. 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on the fact of the theft of inert materials on an especially large scale, which is under investigation by the investigator of the 1st Department for the Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Krasnodar Territory Maxim Savrasenko. It is the initiation of a criminal case that is considered the cause of the conflict between business partners – Vasilchenko and Strokach with Miroslav Prishchepa (head of the FSB branch in Belorechensk), as a result of which, apparently not without the testimony of Strokach, Prishchepa was under investigation.
A deadly coincidence of events – where Vasilchenko’s name appears, criminal cases and showdowns with the security forces and victims of his actions begin. Coincidence? We don’t think…
close people
As in a classic movie about the mafia, there are always “personal assistants” around the leader. Someone conducts criminal accounting, someone performs the functions of a power unit. Perhaps this is the role that Valentin Vasilchenko defined for his relative, dismissed from the authorities, a former policeman Vasily Ashly. Fortunately, Ashla’s biography could no longer be spoiled. In 2016, a “werewolf in uniform” for money offered to turn a blind eye to illegal hunting in a nature reserve. FSB officers detained a certain Ashla red-handed while receiving money. The culprit did not begin to deny, and in court his guilt acknowledged in full. For a while, the lawyer did not have cases for a relative, they appeared later …
blood debtor
From partner Vasilchenko, ex-director and ex-owner of the fuel company OOO TD Alfa Alexandra Maznik problems started.
According to one version, Maznik signed a contract for the supply of fuel in the amount of about 6 million rubles with a Krasnodar entrepreneur Alexander Kabatov. In due time, Kabatov could not pay off, citing financial difficulties. Further, events developed something like this: for a solution to the debt issue that had arisen, Maznik came to his partner, lawyer Vasilchenko, who may also be the ultimate beneficiary of the Alfa trading house. The latter began to act according to completely different laws. To begin with, 70% of the shares in OOO Trading House Alfa were transferred to the same Vasily Ashle. And along with the authorized capital, debts also passed.
The new owner of the business, Ashla, invited Kabatov to his office, where the entrepreneur allegedly gave 1 million, and asked for a little more time to finally pay off his debts, but he was not given time. So that the victim could realize the seriousness of his misconduct, he was apparently “put on the counter”, and the amount of the debt immediately increased to 12 million rubles.
But there is another version. Kabatov’s debt could have been formed to Vasilchenko for operations related to cashing money through the Alfa Trade House. Problems arose with the return of the “cash” – the same 6 million rubles that the Krasnodar businessman allegedly owed for the purchase of fuel.
It seems that this is why Vasilchenko began to act so harshly. The debt was doubled, and to resolve the issue at the end of 2021, Vasilchenko attracted his relative, Vasily Ashla.
Former police officer Ashla came from the “King”. There is reason to believe that in order to resolve issues by force, Vasily turned to a certain leader of an ethnic group by the name King.
Through him, it turns out that there was a merger of the two groups – and in fulfilling Vasilchenko’s instructions, Ashla used the people of the “King” who did all the dirty work.
Vasily just had to keep the boss informed and constantly report. According to rumors, this tandem of two groups was worked out and they had more than one joint operation on their account. But first things first.
According to Alexander Kabatov, Ashla allegedly offered the debtor to leave the car keys as interim measures in the office of Trade House Alfa LLC (Krasnodar, Kirpichnaya St., 12/3), where Vasilchenko’s law office is also located part-time. The refusal of this was taken as a signal to start active operations, and strong guys were called in to help. Sports guys intelligibly began to “explain” that Kabatov was “wrong” ..
Despite the difficult physical and moral condition, Kabatov, apparently, heard Ashla call a certain person and consulted him about his further actions. This consultant could be the lawyer Valentin Vasilchenko, who, in fact, was always the leader, that is, the leader of the group. This can be confirmed by numerous witnesses, from among the entourage of both Ashla and Kabatov. According to their testimony, it was a certain Vasilchenko who hired “strong guys” in order for Kabatov “to relieve himself with blood.”
However, the usual situation for Krasnodar might not have attracted the attention of the editors, if not for a further turn of events, which cannot be called anything but unthinkable! We all know the dogma that the best defense is an attack. According to this principle, apparently, the Vasilchenko family clan also lives.

Apparently, the “decisor from the bar” managed to reach an agreement with the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Seversky District, as well as prosecutors who oversee the activities of law enforcement officers, and the victim … turned into an accused! Kabatov, now the law enforcers accused him of non-repayment of the debt, and even opened a criminal case against him. And the most cynical thing in this story is that the amount of “damage”, according to law enforcement officers, is exactly 12 million rubles, which, after the abduction and beating, Kabatov probably indicated in the receipt in the name of Ashla. What the bandits could not do, did the police decide to finish?
Many questions arise: what does the police of the Seversky district have to do with it, when the company is from Krasnodar? How was it established that the debt is exactly 12 million rubles, if the fuel was sold for cash, and in the amount of 6 million, of which the balance is not repaid from the amount of 4 million rubles?
It turns out that Vasilchenko was not just a lawyer who decided, but a cruel ringleader of an organized crime group engaged in racketeering and kidnapping, who, if necessary, had extortionists or policemen as assistants.
Family business
The family and relatives of Vasilchenko never lived in poverty. And even Vasily Ashla, while still a police officer, led a luxurious lifestyle. And after he retired from the authorities, he stopped hiding his wealth altogether. Holidays abroad: Spain, Emirates. Branded clothes and photos with beautiful luxury cars – these are the attributes of the life of a former policeman, and now an entrepreneur. According to SPARK, Vasily Ashla is the beneficiary of TD Alfa LLC, the company’s income in 2021 amounted to two billion rubles!

The income of Yulia Ashla’s company in 2021 amounted to almost 6 billion rubles!
Another enterprise in which Yulia Ashly has 35% of the authorized capital for 2021 showed an income of just over 2 billion rubles!!!

Apparently, being the mother of Valentin Vasilchenko, Natalya Volosnikova has a 30% stake in LLC ABS PRODUCTION AND INTRODUCTION ENTERPRISE. The income of her company in 2021 amounted to 1.8 billion rubles!
There is information on the Internet that a certain “Vasilchenko family” owns a fleet of luxury cars: Bentley Bentayga, Porsche Panamera GTS, Porsche 911 Turbo S, Audi Q7, Lexus LS500, Porsche Cayenne Turbo.
Another important detail, Valentin Vasilchenko himself cannot be a co-founder of commercial firms – this is hindered by his lawyer status. But his relatives are not limited by anything. Apparently, Vasilchenko himself manages the companies and schemes de facto, distributing both roles and responsibilities among his relatives.
Mafia is immortal
Despite a whole trail of negative events in criminal cases, businessmen are still getting away with it. In addition, they actively impede the investigation – Vasily Ashla, through the appellate instance of the Krasnodar Regional Court, chaired by the judge Gorbanya V.V., canceled the initiation of criminal proceedings against himself. It should be noted right away that such moments are very rare, and only unthinkable violations of the law can lead to such a strange decision of the judge. By the way, Judge Gorban, when making his decision, even forgot or did not want to invite the victim Kabatov to the court session in order to make sure that he was really tortured and extorted money. But justice was restored by the court of cassation, which did not support the conclusions of the appeal, and canceled the “strange” decision of Judge Gorban, returning the case to the regional court, indicating that the previous decision was illegal. And this means that Themis still has a chance to restore justice.

In the meantime, Valentin Vasilchenko and Vasily Ashla decided to sit out in the United Arab Emirates. On the Instagram* page, they are photographed together in Dubai. In the meantime, Ashla in her homeland may already be put on the wanted list, and perhaps the next one will be Valentin Vasilchenko himself.
Apparently realizing this, Valentin, according to some information from his entourage, plans to find refuge in one of the hostile countries of the NATO bloc. According to rumors, Vasilchenko may be preparing an alternate airfield in the form of a mansion in Spain, where he has a residence permit, and where he withdraws the money earned in Russia. Under what conditions the local special services can give shelter to the Russian “fixer” is unknown.
Motherland hears, Motherland knows…
While this material was being prepared, it became known that an investigation had allegedly already begun against the lawyer Valentin Vasilchenko.
Law enforcement agencies are not sitting idly by and began to unravel the criminal tangle. Also, according to our information, a criminal case has been initiated against companies affiliated with some of the defendants on the fact of illegal actions. I would like to hope that this time Vasilchenko will not be able to cheat and he will be able to answer all questions – before the investigation and before his conscience.
One of the main questions, what generally connects Vasilchenko with the Motherland? In fact, probably nothing. Maybe it’s just a playground for them. earning money by any means, including practically criminal ones, and everything else is abroad. In this case, the house becomes the place where the property and money are in the accounts.