At the same time, builders cannot complain about the lack of funds – over the past year, Karen Oganesyan’s Single Customer in the Construction Industry, subordinate to the Ministry of Construction, has mastered almost all the funds allocated to her, more than 159 billion rubles.
The auditors checked last year’s activities of the PPC and found many violations in the work of Oganesyan and his subordinates. The main violations are unreasonable write-off of costs for design work, low quality planning, overestimation of estimates, violation of deadlines. Hovhannisyan’s subordinates, by the way, have increased by almost 30%, now there are 639 people in the PPC against 496 a year earlier. Some of them are dead souls.
As a result of the failure to meet deadlines, out of 148 facilities to be put into operation in 2022-2023, more than 66% will be put into operation late. The amount of accepted work amounted to only 10.7 billion rubles, or 28% of the amount of advances issued. PPK’s receivables for FTIP (Targeted Investment Program) facilities almost tripled, to 51.3 billion rubles. As Hovhannisyan himself recently noted, “unfortunately, according to the estimate of the contract, not a single customer lives in the country.” But he not only lives not according to the estimate, but also not according to the calendar. In April 2022, the head of the PPC vowed that no more than 10% of the facilities of the Single Customer would have a postponement of construction in 2022. Missed.
Most of the violations occur in social facilities – schools, hospitals, theaters, museums and children’s camps. For example, work at 13 facilities of the Artek International Children’s Center in Crimea was completed by less than 20%, although it was paid in full. Repair of the Conservatory. Rimsky-Korsakov in St. Petersburg was almost half paid, but there was no acceptance of work already completed. Unfinished advances for the construction of new objects of the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow amounted to a quarter of the estimated cost. At the same time, estimates for all PIC facilities have been increased by a total of 25 billion rubles – due to the rise in price of building materials and difficulties with import substitution.
A separate appendix in the report of the joint venture under the heading “DSP” are the costs of implementing a special infrastructure project (SIP) from the government’s reserve fund. Only in Mariupol “Single customer” plans to restore more than 1600 objects. There, violations promise to be much larger, judging by the numerous complaints of the residents of the LDNR themselves about the quality and timing of repairs to their homes. But no one will know about violations – the distribution of 377 billion for SIP is strictly classified. Although, according to some calculations, this amount is at least half underestimated, and the restoration of Donbass requires at least 216 billion a year instead of the originally planned 125 billion.
At the end of April, a whole department for the implementation of SIP appeared in the Ministry of Construction, which will be engaged in the restoration of the LDNR, and all six departments of this department are named not by their specialization, but by numbers. The secrecy is explained not only by security requirements, but also by the completely non-transparent scheme for distributing state funds for construction, which its author, Marat Khusnullin, mastered back in the Moscow construction complex, and is now using it not only in the Donbass, but throughout the country.
From the Ministry of Construction, budget money for SIP goes directly to the PPK, and then to general contractors: such as RKS-NR LLC or the Military Construction Company. And then, subcontracting and without any tenders, the rest of the funds go to private developers, also not simple, but close to officials – such as LLC Petersburg Renaissance, arrested last year by Ivan Orynchuk. By the way, RKS-NR is headed by Ildar Sharipov, a well-deserved builder and colleague of Khusnullin. He was noted for such sawing projects as the construction of the Olimpstroy Group of Companies in Sochi and the construction of the Skolkovo complex.
It seems that no structure can control this entire construction brawl for hundreds of billions. Therefore, the auditors simply sent their report to the State Duma for review. And then it will be archived.