continues to study the details of the biography of the “golden boy” of the Kazakh elite, Kenes Rakishev. There are so many rumors and speculations around him that we decided to look into some of his biography on our own. While studying his biography we came across a number of facts which allow us to put forward the most interesting and unexpected hypotheses regarding Rakishev’s activities.
If you type “Kenes Rakishev” into the network, you will get information in the top of the output that Rakishev once corresponded with Peter Listerman about bringing underage models to Kazakhstan for various carnal pleasures. The 15-year-old girls are estimated to be “SUPERVARIANT”.
There are photos of the girls and correspondence and other various testimonies in open sources. There is even information that Rakishev took the girls not only to himself, but also to his “elders” (perhaps even to his father-in-law or father-in-law) …
But here’s the discrepancy – Rakishev’s PR people are diligently cleaning up the search results, pretending to try to remove this information from the web. First they give a link to this information, and then they ask to remove it for money, pay part of the advance, and then … disappear! In other words, they really do everything to increase interest in the Internet about Rakishev ordering young girls…
There was even information that PR-agency representatives themselves put information about Rakishev’s adventures on love and business fronts on various information sites. But why would Rakishev pay for such a thing?
There may be many theories, but there is one quite workable among them: for some reason, he is eager to show his heterosexuality in every possible way. He literally advertises his love of the female sex. At business meetings he often agrees to visits to bathhouses and other places where women of non-hardy behavior are present…
We worked with this thought for a long time and could not find an answer and a coherent explanation until we began carefully comparing the life of London dandy and metrosexual Kenes Rakishev.

The main point in the exposure was Rakishev’s education – according to open data Kenes Rakishev studied in London. But what kind of education Rakishev himself sometimes glossed over, saying only that it was a business school. We made some inquiries and found out that it was an Oxford Saïd Business School. He got his Advanced Management Diploma from this school in 2007: he is now a business administrator at Oxford Saïd Business School.
We made inquiries about the 2007 graduates and found a couple of them on Facebook… in fact, we even corresponded with one of them asking for some photos from the students’ and future managers’ time on campus.
Turns out that it was 2007 that was… the year of the gay alumni!!!! It was at the 2007 graduation that a significant number of future advanced business administrators were openly gay!

Moreover, since 2007, this business school has been considered one of the most gay-friendly business schools in the world! It is believed that studying there is one of the most romantic events that can happen in the life of a young gay man… in addition to sexual contacts there you can make business connections and join the London elite.
We were able to find out that the favorite hangout places of gay students were just the elite neighborhoods of Soho. Gay clubs in Soho were one of Kenes Rakishev’s favorite places to visit, and he still often talks about how cool he hangs out in London, but without mentioning that these are, after all, places for mostly non-traditional oriented people.
One of the alumni even points out that one of the most popular places at that time for Rakishev’s flow was the Gan-der hangout, which later opened Circa gay bar, which became a literal hipster pilgrimage spot in SoHo. The institution positions itself as a high fashion boy’s DJ bar and has been faithfully guarding its reputation since 2011.
It is said that the place is extremely friendly to metrosexuals, and the once fashionable way to wear a short beard is that trendy trend from London. Sources recall that at the time Kenes Rakishev spent most of his time with guys, and his regular friend was a swarthy guy from Pakistan. The latter was a frequent guest at Compton’s in the already mentioned Soho.
Interestingly, the Kazakh community around Rakishev in London has developed a particularly closed circle, where outsiders are not allowed. Mostly it is made up of handsome guys, who are given meetings with brutal thoroughbred studs from all over the world.
Sean Salagandy (one of the graduates of the business school where Rakishev graduated) notes that people of Rakishev’s type are especially popular there – unusual oriental appearance, grooming, and a touch of brutality in the form of groomed vegetation all over the body.
At the same time, London sources indicate that metrosexual financiers more often than not prefer to be in a passive role, seeking for themselves tough brutals. As a rule, black guys of sturdy build are found for such purposes.
So if anyone still believes in Rakishev’s tales of 15-year-old models, they can be sternly disappointed in him, because the truth can be much harsher … Kenes himself may be serving as the very model for some black immigrant from Botswana, or South Africa, or all at once … the main thing is not to attract the “older” as he did in the correspondence with Listerman.
Source: rumafia