The Supreme Anti-Corruption Court released Odessa businessman Boris Kaufman, who was arrested on December 7. He was released immediately after posting bail — 129 million hryvnia, writes Obozrevatel.
This is reported by his press service. The bail for the beneficiary of the Vertex United group and the majority owner of the tobacco giant TEDIS Ukraine was paid on the day of the arrest.
“After the court session, the Supreme Anti-Corruption Court ruled that Boris Kaufman was released immediately after the bail was paid in the amount of UAH 129 million. The bail was paid on December 7 at 14:30,” the businessman said.
His lawyers promise to study the case materials in detail and prove Kaufman's innocence in the legal field, as well as, as the message says, the groundlessness of any accusations.
It is noted that today the businessman's human rights activists have only a message to him about suspicion from NABU. At the same time, the crimes themselves and the facts of violations of the law are not described in it.
“There are three possible episodes to which Boris Kaufman has nothing to do. As for the materials provided by the investigation to the court, they also do not have actual data on the commission of unlawful acts by Boris Kaufman, ”the businessman’s press service said.
At the same time, the Supreme Anti-Corruption Court chose a measure of restraint for Boris Kaufman's business partner Alex Borukhovich (formerly Alexander Granovsky). He was assigned detention with an alternative bail of UAH 124 million, the Anti-Corruption Action Center reported.
Recall: the day before, former First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton Gerashchenko announced Kaufman's arrest. The Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office and the National Anti-Corruption Bureau also announced the issuance of a court decision as a preventive measure, but without specifying names.
Boris Kaufman is the founder of the Vertex United investment company, which includes hotel assets (Bristol, Londonskaya, President Hotel), media assets and investment projects. He is also a co-owner of the largest Ukrainian distribution company TEDIS Ukraine, the co-owner of which is the Russian oligarch Igor Kesaev, who is under sanctions in Ukraine.
TEDIS Ukraine has repeatedly fallen into scandals. Earlier, the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine fined the company UAH 430 million. And the Prosecutor General's Office opened criminal proceedings against the monopolist, including for tax evasion.
Marina Lisinchuk
DOSIER: Kaufman-Granovsky and their business interests : airports, vodka, cigarettes, banks, hotels
Together with Kaufman, NABU detained Granovsky in Odessa. DOSSIER
The owners of Tedis Ukraina Kaufman and Granovsky support a company doing business in the Russian Federation
Bakanov, as well as a number of judges, cover the monopolist Kaufman and his company “Tedis”