We continue to understand the oddities of the criminal case on the fact of embezzlement in LLC CB “NOVOPOKROVSKY” gr. Germany Knausami and Demyanov A.G.. As it turned out, the head of the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow Gorodkov V.V.. received a bribe in the amount of one million euros from Demyanov A.G. Probably Demyanov A.G. and the Knaus did not forget about the court.
Judge of the Zamoskovoretsky District Court of Moscow Zorina I.V. being probably deeply religious when passing the Sentence on the / d Demyanova A.G. decided that “Judge not, and you will not be judged; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven” (Luke 6.37), and even with mathematics from the lawyer Zorina I.V. apparently not all right. Themis is traditionally blindfolded, and the scales for weighing the fee are at hand.

Demyanov A.G.

Knaus V.V.

Gorodkov V.V.
And on the very first page of the verdict, the judge decided to cancel the conviction of A.G. Demyanov, who was convicted of fraud. and reflected that Demyanov A.G. we didn’t judge before, but then she was ashamed of everything and indicated that we were still judged. Maybe the sentences of the Chertanovsky District Court of Moscow, Southern Administrative District of Moscow, do not apply in the Central Administrative District?
And so on in the text of the verdict, there are already questions about the mathematical abilities of the judge and the qualifications of the crime committed.
So all the same, the creation of an OPS and qualification under Art. 159, 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation or still 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as indicated in the indictment for a bribe of 1 million euros.
Here, and now to mathematics, from page 12 to page 16, the Court lists episodes of theft of funds, in total, according to ordinary mathematics, there are 27 of them, but according to the court, there are only 2.
On page 42 Demyanov A.G. confesses to a crime and hands over members of the accomplices of an organized criminal group created by him and allegedly reports all the crimes committed, hiding at least 2.5 billion rubles more. and 12 episodes.
So all the same, 27 episodes or 2, and where is she, art. 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation?
So, do we judge all the same, or do we not judge, or is the verdict of the Chertanovsky District Court of Moscow not valid in the Central Administrative District of Moscow?
And as a result, 4 years for 2 billion. rub., which Demyanov A.G. did not return, but where they were taken to the judge, prosecutor, investigator and victim is not important, the main thing is for each one million euros.