The activities of the Justice of the Peace of the Judicial District No. 8 of the Pervomaisky Judicial District of the city of Rostov-on-Don raise a lot of questions Korshikova Natalya Petrovna.
Lawyers have studied her court cases in recent months and believe that in her work, the Rostov judge Korshikova systematically facilitates illegal financial transactions (as is usually done – on corruption grounds).
For a reader who is not immersed in the topic, the following may raise questions, so it is worth briefly clarifying the source data a little. In Russia, there is such Federal Law No. 115-FZ, which is designed to combat various financial schemes, whether it is cashing out, fraud, or simply suspicious transactions. This law is actively used by banks, which often block funds in company accounts. Depending on the type of blocking, this can be a serious problem for the “owners” of money in fly-by-night firms.
One of the tools for withdrawing such money from blocking is executive documents. A court order is just such an executive document. And court orders are the prerogative of justices of the peace.
Lawyers found sixty court orders against more than twenty suspicious organizations issued by the Rostov Justice of the Peace Korshikova starting in the fall of 2022.
All companies under these court orders are not from the Rostov region. 20 are registered in Moscow, and 1 in Yekaterinburg.
All companies under these court orders were created relatively recently. The vast majority will be in 2022. Some of them – in December 2022, and after a couple of weeks, court orders were issued against them.
So, for example, 6 and 4 court orders, respectively (total 10 items), were issued against Alex-Legend LLC (TIN 9705186174) and Azimut LLC (TIN 9726030516). At the same time, both of these organizations were registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on December 8, 2022. 4 court orders against Azimut LLC were issued on December 22, 2022, that is, 14 days after the company was established.
In the case of Alex-Legend LLC, 2 out of 6 court orders were generally issued on 12/14/2022, that is, 6 days after the company was established.
At the same time, both of these companies (Azimut LLC and Alex-legenda LLC) were founded by one individual – Luzin Alexander Viktorovichwho is also a director in both societies.
For some of the debtor organizations, there are marks about the unreliability of information in the register of legal entities. So, for example, in relation to Ruevit LLC (TIN 9721138869), the Unified State Register of Legal Entities contains unreliability marks: information about the address of the company, information about the director, information about the participant.
As you know, such marks about the unreliability of information in the register of legal entities, as a rule, have unreliable organizations (one-day firms).
Nevertheless, the presence of such marks of unreliability did not cause the judge to doubt the possibility of issuing a court order.
Some of the cases involve the same claimants. So, for example, in cases No. 2-2280/2022 and No. 2-103/2023, there is a claimant with the same full name – Krasnikov Georgy Vladimirovich. That is, the specified citizen collects the debt, presumably for wages, both from Ruevit LLC (TIN 9721138869) and from Geran LLC (TIN 9723127372), while with a difference of less than one month.
All of the above is obviously an anomalous situation. Real litigation with such initial data is hard to imagine. It is obvious that the above facts are a scheme using executive documents (court orders), and the companies are typical one-day firms.
Lawyers who have discovered these traces of the activity of a magistrate are well aware of the methods of work of other judges when such documents are received by them. In 99% of cases, such schemes do not work with judges, but for some reason, Judge Korshikova passed every single one.
The final conclusion: probably in this way, Judge Korshikova “provides services” to some cash-out sites in difficult situations. What percentage she takes for this – probably no one will ever know.
As evidence, we present a complete list of suspicious cases and dubious debtor companies.
Cases No.:
2-189/2023, 2-170/2023, 2-169/2023, 2-168/2023, 2-167/2023, 2-144/2023, 2-143/2023, 2-142/2023, 2- 141/2023, 2-140/2023, 2-119/2023, 2-103/2023, 2-102/2023, 2-83/2023, 2-82/2023, 2-81/2023, 2-59/ 2023, 2-2401/2022, 2-2398/2022, 2-2397/2022, 2-2396/2022, 2-2395/2022, 2-2394/2022, 2-2393/2022, 2391/2022, 2-2338/2022, 2-2337/2022, 2-2336/2022, 2-2335/2022, 2-2334/2022, 2-2316/2022, 2-2314/2022, 2-2283/2022, 2-2282/2022, 2-2281/2022, 2-2280/2022.
LLC Novaya Volna TIN 9721190530, LLC Ruevit TIN 9721138869, LLC Alex-Legenda TIN 9705186174, LLC Malkomp TIN 9718211861, LLC Artega 9703073922, LLC Phoenix TIN 9704173711, LLC 9704173711 , Alpha LLC TIN 9719024920, Shtokstroy LLC TIN 9704163167, Piastr LLC TIN 9731105693, Geran LLC TIN 9723127372, Goodwin LLC TIN 9703106007, Roks9 LLC TIN 9705180126 , Typhoon LLC 9724077526, E-technologies LLC TIN 9731097202, Rik Techno LLC TIN 9721192930, Mikorent LLC TIN 7707429982, Olimp LLC TIN 9723181066, Eurostroy LLC TIN 64685.182