In early August, the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) took a tough approach to people’s deputy and former presenter Alexander Dubinsky, who began to conduct searches and summon him for interrogation. Therefore, it is worth remembering what high-profile scandals People’s Deputy Dubinsky has distinguished himself over the past few years and why law enforcement agencies of Ukraine and the US State Department have questions about him, writes business.
On August 3, the State Bureau of Investigation conducted searches at Alexander Dubinsky’s place. The reason for this was the latest scandal associated with the personality of the people’s deputy – Dubinsky went abroad allegedly under the pretext of accompanying his father for treatment. According to the bureau, although the people’s deputy received permission to leave Ukraine under such a valid reason, both Dubinsky and his father went abroad separately. Moreover, my father later returned to Ukraine much earlier than Dubinsky himself. At the same time, the SBI had a question about how the people’s deputy performed his duties at that time.
On August 4, Dubinsky was in the State Bureau of Investigation for interrogation, and called the scandal itself political persecution. And a day later, the bureau conducted searches of his assistant Vladimir Kolodyuk. The people’s deputy was summoned for questioning second timebecause, as law enforcement officers say, during the first interrogation he refused to answer on the merits.
The SBI suspects him of falsifying official documents when he was abroad, because he could not sign them with his own hands. And just recently, Dubinsky was informed of suspicion of official forgery of documents for traveling abroad.
Dubinsky, for his part, declares political persecution and positions himself as an oppositionist, although he himself was a member of the ruling “Servant of the People” faction, from which he was expelled at the beginning of 2021 (“for” – 198 deputies). Then the reason for this decision was that the US State Department imposed sanctions against Dubinsky in January 2021. Let us recall that the US State Department noted that Dubinsky was responsible for a disinformation network associated with the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism), the purpose of which was to influence the US elections.
President Vladimir Zelensky then appealed to Dubinsky to leave the faction on his own, but he refused. In the last parliamentary elections, Dubinsky, as is known, entered the Rada under the quota of oligarch Igor Kolomoisky, whose interests he regularly lobbied for. Now the people’s deputy does not consider himself obligated to anything to his former faction partners.
However, Alexander Dubinsky, being the people’s choice (he won the district in the fight against Igor Kononenko, one of the first associates of Petro Poroshenko), managed to get into a number of other scandals, some of them are worth mentioning.
Scandals of Alexander Dubinsky. Mom loves speed
The irony of fate is that before starting his political career, Dubinsky positioned himself as an investigative journalist for “1+1”. However, in 2019 he himself became a defendant investigation journalists from, who found out that Dubinsky and his family had amassed an incredible fortune over several years: 24 apartments, 17 cars, two houses and 70 acres of land for a total of about $2.5 million.
At the same time, Dubinsky, being a deputy, did not want to include all this in the declaration, as required by the Central Election Commission, because, as a successful journalist, he made excellent money even before his deputy. Investigators repeatedly noticed Dubinsky driving a car worth about $50 thousand. Dubinsky explained that his mother gave him the car to ride.
After the scandal, Dubinsky did not even begin to make excuses, but, on the contrary, began to demonstratively walk around the hall of the Verkhovna Rada in a T-shirt: “Mom loves speed.”
Pro-Russian stand and “prostitutes” on Maidan
The same investigations showed that Dubinsky probably took part in a paid campaign to discredit the Revolution of Dignity back in 2013-2014, which was supervised by the then leaders of the well-known pro-Russian, but now “repainted” Vesti publication. One of the most striking examples is the story of “prostitutes on the Maidan.”
The investigation talks about Dubinsky’s correspondence with Olga Semchenko, the head of the Izvestia holding. Then Dubinsky allegedly put forward proposals for an information campaign “Maidan of Minorities”, which included a plan of 20 events that should discredit the Maidan. This meant fake news, fake videos, an “investigation” about the Maidan and its leaders at that time.
One of these fakes was “prostitutes on the Maidan” – a stuffing that Dubinsky allegedly had to organize. The total cost of the entire plan was about $500 thousand, plus approximately $100 thousand for contingencies.
Dubinsky’s pro-Russian position convinces of the veracity of this investigation.
You don’t have to look far for examples. At one time, he did not even sign an appeal to the Chairman of the Rada with a demand to put on the agenda initiatives to deprive the powers of deputies elected from banned pro-Russian parties.
And this is not to mention the constant defense of the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine (the so-called UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate), regular statements on the subject of “external governance” of Ukraine. As for the “prostitute on the square” and the mentioned plan, Dubinsky, of course, denies all accusations.
Scandals of Alexander Dubinsky. The war with the NBU and the swearing of Yakov Smoliy
Dubinsky was regularly seen defending Kolomoisky’s interests. The former presenter, being a people’s deputy, in 2020 opposed the adoption by the Verkhovna Rada of a well-known bill 2571-dwhich would not allow the nationalized Privatbank to be returned to its former owners.
The Verkhovna Rada adopted the document on May 15, and a week later the president signed it. When this law was adopted, of course, the National Bank was sick. Therefore, it is not surprising that Alexander Dubinsky was noted for his constant attacks on the board of the regulator, very often without choosing the right words.
So, at the beginning of July 2020, Dubinsky participated in a talk show on the same “1+1”, where the resignation of the then head of the NBU Yakov Smoliy was discussed. Right during the broadcast, Dubinsky wrote on his Instagram: “E… Smolya in a stupid dog’s mouth live”. The quote, of course, began to spread in the media. “Servant of the People” removed it a few hours later, but did not abandon it.
Subsequently, media workers at the walls of parliament asked Dubinsky, how can a people’s deputy allow himself such posts. To which Dubinsky replied: “We are having a trial with Mr. Smoliy over this statement. And I won this trial. Therefore, I have the right, by court decision, to use this expression in relation to Smoliy.”.
Interestingly, the NBU actually took Dubinsky to court for such statements. And the court refused the National Bank. The essence of the refusal was that Dubinsky was not expressing a statement, but personal judgments (reflections, assumptions), for which the responsibility of the law has not been established.
Although, since his statements contained clear statements, the National Bank filed a petition to conduct an examination of his statements to establish this fact, but the courts of the first and appellate instances refused to conduct such an examination.
The cassation office refused to open proceedings due to the insignificance of the case. The decision to refuse to satisfy the NBU’s claim entered into legal force and is not subject to appeal. There is a possibility that the judges simply did not want to get involved with Dubinsky so that he would not begin to raise their activities and personal lives.
But even this did not stop Dubinsky, continuing to quote himself on social networks. By the way, got it from Dubinsky to the current head of the NBU, Andrei Pyshny. The People’s Deputy said that he wrote a statement to the State Bureau of Investigation regarding the incomprehensible expenses of the NBU for Secretary Pyshny, for some reason turning this story into a whole sex scandal.
Scandals of Alexander Dubinsky. What does the State Department and Derkach’s films have to do with it?
Back in May 2020, former People’s Deputy Andrei Derkach, who has long been accused of working for Russian intelligence services, on the eve of the US elections, released audio recordings of a conversation between former President Poroshenko and Joe Biden and US Secretary of State John Kerry. They allegedly discussed the dismissal of Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin in exchange for credit guarantees for Ukraine.
The catch is that it was the Prosecutor General’s Office that was investigating the activities of Burisma in Ukraine, where Biden’s son Hunter worked. In the United States, such a publication was rightly assessed as an intention to discredit Biden as a presidential candidate. In a few months, the US Treasury will impose personal sanctions on Derkach.
But soon Derkach will decide to continue this topic, but in company with Dubinsky. Being in the same company with Derkach was the reason why the US State Department imposed sanctions on Dubinsky, who would not only be thrown out of the faction, but also the party.
As for the recent searches and interrogations of Dubinsky, if the crime is established (the charge is under two articles of the Criminal Code), the people’s deputy will face up to 6 years behind bars with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to 3 years. So we will continue to monitor the unfolding of events around the people’s deputy.
Maxim Berkal
On topic: Medical battles: people’s deputy Dubinsky is accused of persecuting a deputy of the Kosti and controlling the medical sector of the Kiev region
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People’s Deputy Dubinsky initiated the creation of the inter-factional association “Kyiv without Klitschko”
The investigation into the Derkach case has been completed. What about his subordinates who remain in power?
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