

It became known where the deputy head of the region Zlata Nekrasova celebrated the New Year (photo)
Deputy head of the Zaporozhye region Zlata Nekrasova is one of the main defendants in the case of embezzlement of humanitarian aid, writes Fence.
So, Nekrasova is an active blogger and shares photos on social networks, believed to be from different countries. So, according to the last photo, the journalists conducted a small investigation and found out where the deputy head of the military administration celebrated the New Year.
They found that it was not only not in Zaporozhye, but not even in Ukraine, but in fact on the other side of the world.
In relation to Zlata Nekrasova, earlier there were accusations against her that she left Ukraine for Europe immediately after the start of the military invasion of the Russian Federation. So, in the fall of last year, the Network appeared video with an official from the boutique, while it was reported that it was filmed in Austria. “Zabor” turned to the Zaporozhye OVA for a comment on this scandalous story.
Who is where, but Zlata Nekrasova from the Zaporozhye OVA for the New Year in Thailand
However, they flatly refused to comment on the situation. On December 31, the deputy head of the Zaporozhye Regional Military Administration published a photo on her social networks against the background of the New Year tree and wrote a text about the difficult year 2022 to it. At the same time, the official did not put down geotags, thanks to which it would be possible to find out where the photo was taken.
It became known where the deputy head of the region Zlata Nekrasova celebrated the New Year (photo)
Thus, the journalists of the Zaporizhzhya Research Center held investigation and were able to find out not only in which country Nekrasova met the New Year, but even in which hotel she lived.
“Having taken this sign from Google’s photo search engines, we did not detract from the desired result, having taken a lot of posting on sites from the portfolio of foreign designers. Ale, just enough, come down from the railing, which make three colors, they gave us a zachіpka, and our arrogance is the result. Posted on the side of the reviews at the Sindhorn Midtown Hotel Bangkok, de published advertising photos, crushed at gatherings, how much did Zlata Nekrasov’s new yalinka cost. Let’s go around the gatherings, in the photograph of the officials you can commemorate the future of the future, as may be the original day, a piece of yalinka, which is standing on the street, and also, it looks good, a new tree, which is photographed by the head of the ZOVA, and the yellow-blakitnі pakunka tell, ” journalists about their investigation.
Thanks to hotel visitors who geotagged their photos on social media, it was possible to confirm the guess: the official actually took this picture in a hotel in Thailand.
It is worth noting that the Sindhorn Midtown Hotel Bangkok has good reviews on the Booking.com platform. The cheapest room there costs from 7.5 thousand hryvnia to 17 thousand 600 hryvnia (price without discounts and depending on the number of beds). For a fee, you can get almost any service at the hotel, there is: a spa, a restaurant, a children’s room, a rooftop pool overlooking Bangkok, and so on. It is curious that on New Year’s Eve prices in hotels are noticeably higher. So, they sometimes rise 2 or even 3 times in value.
By the way, judging by the photographs, Ekaterina Ivanus, an adviser to the head of the Zaporozhye Regional State Administration on information policy, celebrated the New Year in the same hotel. It is known that she is a friend of Nekrasova.
But nothing is known about her dismissal or resignation from office.
And with the beginning of military aggression in February last year, they disappeared from Zaporozhye together with Nekrasova. According to a number of publications and people’s deputy Yulia Yatsyk, Nekrasova then went abroad.
And judging by the photo, Ivanus was also abroad. By the way, a flight from Varashava to Bangkok is also not cheap and costs about 27-32 thousand hryvnia per person. It is worth noting that on the social network, users express, to put it mildly, their indignation at the behavior of the deputy head of the military administration, Zlata Nekrasova, and such collages are already appearing on Telegram channels.
What happened around Zlata Nekrasova in 2022?!
- Recall that at the end of August, NABU and SBU held resonant searches from a number of Zaporozhye officials in the case of embezzlement of humanitarian aid. Among them were Zlata Nekrasova, Katerina Simonova, Viktor Shcherbina, Anatoly Kurtev, Anatoly Vasyuk and others.
- Almost a month after the searches, the deputy head of the Zaporozhye region, Zlata Nekrasova, who, according to the investigative documents, is the chief figurant this case, issued a public statement. So, in her video message, she tried to convince the Cossacks that she was not guilty of anything and that this was a routine check by the security forces.
- However, the “ordinary check” became very resonant and, under Parliament, it was even created a special commission to investigate the misuse of humanitarian aid. It is curious that not a single Zaporozhye people’s deputy was included in this commission.
- By the way, at a meeting of the investigative commission in Kyiv in October attended and the leadership of the Zaporizhia OVA and the city council of Zaporozhye. Zlata Nekrasova was also here.
- After it became known that Nekrasov deprived part of the powers in the Zaporozhye Regional Military Administration. At the same time, ZOVA informed ZaBor that there are no documents for the dismissal of Nekrasova today.
- Also recently Zlata Nekrasova and Viktor Shcherbina filed an appeal to the court with a request to return the phones that were confiscated from them during searches by NABU and SBU. However, it was not possible to return it, since the Appellate Chamber of the Supreme Anti-Corruption Court recognized the phones of the official and the deputy as evidence of the theft of humanitarian aid.