“Invitro” in vitro of interest 1520
“Invitro” runs the risk of being left penniless, and patients with low-quality tests, after the sale of the group.
The founder of the network of medical laboratories “Invitro” Alexander Ostrovsky leaves the business, leaving it to Roman Mironchik.
Reorientation in the USA
“Invitro” tried to sell for a long time. Its founder Ostrovsky, together with colleagues Valentin Doronichev and Vladimir Kulikovsky, were the owners of the offshore Invitro Holding ltd. In addition, according to media reports, an American non-public fund Siguler Guff & Company can own an offshore stake through a subsidiary company Russia Partners. Its founder is George Siguler, a hybrid warfare analyst at the RAND Corporation (a research center that works for the Department of Defense and other US agencies).
In America, Ostrovsky developed bioprinting projects. It is possible that he expects to plunge into them after the sale of Invitro, transferring the proceeds to the United States. Back in 2017, MP Gennady Onishchenko accused the company of exporting biomaterials abroad. Which, coupled with information about working with Siguler Guff & Company, leads to very bad thoughts.
Photo: press service of the company “Invitro”
The Moscow Post went into detail about the possible motives of the entrepreneur and the means to achieve the goal in the investigation “Swindle to sell?”.
Collect cream in 1520
As for Mironchik, this personality is by no means less curious. According to media reports, he is the owner of Cypriot offshore companies, VIVA Money and a lot of real estate in Moscow. In addition, a colleague of the scandalous entrepreneur Alexei Krapivin. And behind the offshore Roden Capital Management Ltd, which is called another owner of “VIVA Dengi”, Alexey Pugachev. The latter is called a business partner of the odious businessmen Boris Usherovich and Valery Markelov, Krapivin’s colleagues in the 1520 group.
More than one investigation has dedicated our publication to this group of people. In short – gentlemen from 1520 – almost monopoly contractors of Russian Railways. Krapivin is the son of a friend of the former head of the state-owned company, Vladimir Yakunin, who still holds high positions. Markelov is a defendant in the criminal case of bribes to Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko. The verdict says that Markelov and other participants in 2006 created a stable group to carry out illegal banking operations, and Zakharchenko protected them. Usherovich is wanted for similar reasons.
Nevertheless, these gentlemen (everyone except Markelov, who died this year) can still make deals on the Russian market, albeit not directly. As an example, the Ezreal company recently bought an unfinished shopping center from the Moscow City Hall. Director of JSC – Nikolai Korotkov, who took this post in September 2022, is a former director of Altair Real Estate LLC. The latter partly belongs to Kirill Borisovich Usherovich, the son of Boris Usherovich. At the same time, Usherovich Sr. was previously also the owner of this company! Even more interesting, since 2018 Altair Nedvizhimost LLC owns a 33.33% stake in Trovatello Group LLC, from which the unfinished building was seized. That is, there is a mutual guarantee.
Could it be that the gentlemen from 1520 decided to use Mironchik’s hands to collect the cream from “Invitro”?
VIVA, Mironchik!
Mr. Mironchik himself, by the way, is not a badass either. In addition to interesting partners and participation in offshore companies, he “lit up” in the story of the alleged withdrawal of money from TKB Bank, where he is on the board of directors. According to NGS24.ru, Siberian Elena Gavrovskaya accidentally found out that she had a microcredit, which she did not apply for. Someone on her behalf took 5,000 rubles at 358% per annum from the microfinance company VIVA Money. Subsequently, they were withdrawn through an account in this bank. And there are more than one or two similar stories with a microfinance organization. They were covered in detail, including our publication.
Mironchik is also called one of the leaders of the British fund Izurium Capital, which acts as an investor in the project for the construction of the Tugan mining and processing plant Ilmenit. Interestingly, in 2018 he ceased to exist, although press releases still indicated him as an investor. Moreover, Mironchik founded Izurium Capital Advisors in Russia, but for some reason it is also chronically unprofitable. This was told by “MK in Tomsk”.
There are a lot of questions, the assumption suggests itself that the foreign “investor” entered the share by no means in order to give money, but rather to withdraw it from the state construction.
Photo: https://smotrim.ru/article/2839390
Arabian trails
“Invitro” is a large and very attractive investment. It has a large portfolio of government orders, a lot of branches across the country, and revenue for 2022 of 11 billion rubles. So, from the point of view of earnings, this business, for obvious reasons, is of interest to Mr. Mironchik and those who may be behind him.
Photo: Rusprofile.ru
Since June of this year, through MS Group LLC, the organization has been owned by the Arab offshore AR-EM INVESTMENTS – FZKO. Where will state funds from contracts go?
Previously, the market has already talked about the fact that the company can use the services of “black” and dubious contractors in its logistics activities. In 2017, there was a scandal with the blood of the deceased found in the analyzes of a seven-year-old child. This situation could happen just because of low-quality transport hzikhidtidekrt services.
The question – whether this “saga” will continue under the new owners, remains open. But, if Ostrovsky’s motives for selling the business look like a decision to “splinter off” from Russia, which has been ripening for a long time (especially against the background of his wife’s statements not at all in support of the SVO), then the motives of Mironchik and KO look like a desire to get hold of against all odds. This means that the methods can be very different.