Invisible chlorine, or Collective myopia commissioned by Koropachinsky
In January, a material was published on the illegal construction that the SM.City company is conducting in Akademgorodok. The editors have at their disposal the results of an audit by the Service for Control over Urban Development in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
The object of the check was the Novy Akademgorodok residential complex on the banks of the Yenisei, where the developer SM.City is building residential apartment buildings. Right next to the Gremyachiy Log water intake and treatment facilities.
The construction company of businessman Koropachinsky is building the New Academy
The service issued the following verdict.
Houses under construction are dangerously close to the building chlorinestorage room chlorineand in containers, which belongs to hazardous production facilities and poses a direct threat to adjacent residential and public buildings. The houses are in the zone of possible damage in the event of an accident in a warehouse with chlorineohm. Permits for the construction of residential high-rise buildings were issued by the urban planning department of the mayor’s office with violations.
The Urban Planning Control Service raised the issue of a possible ban on the construction of residential buildings No. 7 and No. 8 (cadastral numbers 24:50:0000000:343222 and 24:50:0000000:343223) until the reconstruction of the building chlorineatomic.
Our editorial office received a response from the regional prosecutor’s office to a request from social activists to check the legality of the construction of multi-storey buildings in the Gremyachiy Log water intake area. Here’s what we learned.
The prosecutor’s office confirms that the design documentation for the houses does not take into account the fact that there is a water intake warehouse on the land plot with chlorineohm in containers. That is, the builder “SM.City” miraculously did not pay attention to the fact that residential development will be carried out right next to the dangerous industrial infrastructure of the water intake. Such carelessness of mister Koropachinsky, the general director of the company.
Currently Kraskom LLC, which is in charge of the water intake infrastructure, is carrying out work to eliminate chlorinepower plant – it is planned to complete the work by the end of the first half of 2023. Until then, the construction of houses poses a threat to adjacent residential and public buildings in the event of an accident at the facility.
The prosecutor’s office believes that Kraskom is guilty of not entering information about the boundaries of the sanitary protection zone into the unified state register of real estate chlorineator water intake “Gremyachiy Log”. Municipal officials who issued permits for the construction of residential buildings dangerously close to chlorineatomic. However, the fault of the developer himself, who initiated the prohibited construction, is somewhat leveled. And absolutely in vain.
“Based on the established circumstances, it follows that the local government has not ensured control over the proper implementation of KrasKom LLC of the terms of lease agreements for the total property of the treasury of the city of Krasnoyarsk without violating the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, in terms of ensuring favorable and safe living conditions.
In addition, when issuing building permits, the above circumstances were not taken into account, the developer did not include the relevant measures in the project documentation for apartment buildings.
Taking into account the revealed violations, on February 15, 2023, the prosecutor’s office of Krasnoyarsk submitted a presentation to the first deputy head of the city, and a warning was issued to the developer LLC C3 Akademgorodok.
The situation is under the control of the regional prosecutor’s office.”
Thus, we learn that the prosecutor’s office has submitted a proposal to eliminate the violation of the law. And the daughter of SM.City was issued a warning.
So, the construction minds from SM.City were not aware that the residential buildings they were designing would be located in the protected zone of the Gremyachiy Log water intake? Didn’t know what was there chlorineyat water? Who are the designers then? Worthless to them.
Let us return to the officials who are responsible for the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of a person and were supposed to develop a draft sanitary protection zone for water intake, taking into account the presence of chlorineatomic. In 2017, when a new project was being developed for the justification of the estimated sanitary protection zone for the water intake treatment facilities, warehouses with chlorinewhich were not taken into account. As a result, according to the documents, the sanitary protection zone was not the prescribed 500 meters, but only ten meters.
The Krasnoyarsk mayor’s office ordered the project of the SPZ for water intake to the Gravity company (this legal entity has now been liquidated). The Hygiene Center issued a positive expert opinion. And finally, the piece of paper came to the signature of the chief sanitary doctor Dmitry Goryaev – he signed the document with deliberately incorrect and falsified data without batting an eyelid. The circle of fraud is closed.
The above chain, in which no one pointed out the presence of containers with chlorineoh, so consistent that it leads to only one persistent thought – the participants in this chain showed amazing myopia not because of a natural ophthalmological defect, but quite consciously.
The developer “SM.City” is widely known for the presence of an administrative resource, which embodies the governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Alexander Uss. It is assumed that the first person of the region has given the go-ahead for the removal of the site for residential development for SM.City. The mayor’s office, then headed by Sergei Eremin, fussed over a new project for a sanitary protection zone for water intake. Sanitary doctor Goryaev waved. In Kraskom, they were silent. The builder Koropachinsky rubbed his hands and, as if nothing had happened, proceeded to illegal construction. Everything turned out very difficult.
And now they will throw dust in our eyes in an attempt to expose this scheme as an accident and a common flaw on the ground.
Alexander Koropachinsky turned around well in the city under the governor’s patronage
I must say that the water intake has existed since the Soviet period, so there could not have been a project for a sanitary protection zone, moreover, a correct one. The first stage of the construction was launched in 1986. The reason for the new SPZ project in 2017 was modernization. According to our interlocutor, who, on a voluntary basis, initiated an appeal to the supervisory authorities and prosecutor’s offices, the mayor’s office, in the interests of the builder Koropachinsky, pulled off a scheme for the illegal privatization of land near Gremyachiy Log. Previously, the land was municipal leased from the owners of the water intake. Then the city administration (by that time Sergey Eremin had already become mayor) in violation of the law allowed the privatization of the land – they laid the foundation for the Kedr bank. The loan was not repaid and the land went to the bank.
“Then Koropachinsky takes the land on lease with subsequent redemption from the owner. That’s another multi-way … The question is where is the money that was received from the Kedr bank on the security of the illegally privatized SPZ of the Gremyachiy Log water intake treatment facilities. And all this was preceded by the fact that in 2015 the City Council with the participation of Koropachinsky (in July, when everyone who didn’t need to go on vacation) approved new land use rules, where the entire site, which is now being built up, received the status of Zh-4. And before that, what was the status of this land?
Still, what an amazingly resourceful and enterprising businessman Mr. Koropachinsky is.
I would like to receive a more intelligible and truthful version of events from the prosecutor’s office of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
It is noteworthy that, based on the answer of the regional prosecutor’s office, they plan to resolve the issue of illegal construction in favor of illegally built houses, and not in favor of the water intake, which has been standing here since Soviet times and did not interfere with anyone. Until Koropachinsky laid eyes on the land plot.
We will follow the development of further events.