Inside. It is not forbidden to an official to live beautifully

Alexander Uss – one of the richest governors of Siberia. How he amassed such property, working as a civil servant for most of his life, is still a mystery to mere mortals. In 2018, the official received 220 million rubles of income. Then he explained his fabulous income by the fact that he received an inheritance from his retired mother in the amount of 192.9 million rubles. Some sources say that Alexander Uss for many years he transferred expensive property and other assets to his mother, which he himself did not want to declare.

For the past four years, Uss has been ranked first in the ranking of the largest landowners among the representatives of the governor’s corps. In addition, he does not hesitate to write down movable and immovable property to his relatives.

So, in the possession of the wife of the governor Lyudmila Uss, the declaration for 2021 indicates: 3 land plots with a total area of ​​​​about 76 thousand square meters, a residential building with an area of ​​more than one thousand square meters, two apartments, two garages, two parking spaces, three non-residential premises, non-residential building and bath. She also owns a Lexus GS 300 car, a powerboat, a boat and a trailer. Lyudmila Uss is also the landlady of an apartment in an elite Moscow residential complex.

It is known that the official has a house with an area of ​​643.9 square meters with a garage of 327.8 square meters in the village of Akulinino near Moscow. It is noteworthy that a house 30 kilometers from Moscow was built for Alexandra Ussa Vissarion sectarians, as well as his dacha in the Balakhtinsky district, which is located on the territory of a protected natural reserve. The governor’s estate on the Krasnoyarsk Sea, near the village of Daursky, with an area of ​​​​about 25 hectares of land, officially includes three summer cottages and an outbuilding, but in fact there are more buildings on the site. Once Uss admitted to reporters: “I’ll tell you frankly: there is a small plot in our family.”

In July 2018, in an interview with TASS, Alexander Viktorovich spoke about another of his houses in Sochi. The house with an area of ​​324.2 square meters with a plot of 775 meters was given to him by his father.

The governor’s family also has its own restaurant “Cheshuya” in the center of Krasnoyarsk, the timber business of Krasnoyarsklesomaterialy CJSC, the Siberian Alternative company, and the commercial company Tsentralnaya LLC.

The infamous son of the governor lives in Italy and is a co-owner of a hotel in Sardinia. A few months ago, Artyom Uss bought an apartment in Milan. He also owns 38.7% of the coal company LLC SibUgol. He legalized the share of the enterprise in April 2021, before that Artem Alexandrovich owned the company through a Cyprus offshore.

The governor’s niece, Oksana Uss, is married to prosecutor Alexander Leisenberg. From 2011 to 2021, he served as the prosecutor of Krasnoyarsk. This relationship activists explain the fact that the oversight agency was not at all interested in the discrepancy between the official income of the governor and his condition.