Lavra of Shame of the Lavrentiev Brothers
The leading cadres of United Russia prefer Maybach. On the “Maybach” with the license plate of the government of the Sverdlovsk region (A008AA196), travels around Moscow Igor Lavrentiev.
He rents a dacha on Rublyovka for 2 million a month and builds a cottage on a land plot worth half a billion in Barvikha.
For several years, a luxury style lover has been heading the EP branch in the urban district of Beloyarsky, Sverdlovsk Region, with a population of 30,000 people, 50 kilometers from Yekaterinburg. And now he is ready to cause crushing reputational damage to the ruling party and the governor Evgeny Kuyvashev. In two months, the latter has the so-called “elections” for a new term, and Lavrentiev’s hands have created the prerequisites for a social explosion in a depressed municipality.
The 43-year-old dollar millionaire pumps up his well-being from the Beloyarsk factory of asbestos cardboard products. After privatization, for 20 years she has been a family business of her father and two Lavrentiev brothers. The younger Igor 10 years ago took over a controlling stake and turned the company into an investment bank of his ambitions.
The Maybach is listed on the balance sheet of the factory, as are the two Bentleys, in which the wife and daughters of the general director travel from Rublyovka on their own business. Lavrentyev’s wife is paid more than 200 thousand for the position of deputy for social issues, and she does not have to travel from Moscow to Beloyarsky even on her salary day – the money falls into the card account.
The twenty-millionth salary of Lavrentiev himself exceeds the wage fund of the entire factory staff. On average, workers receive 35,000 rubles with a delay. While the average salary in the Sverdlovsk region now exceeds 50 thousand. For two years, the general director gave himself “loans” for 200 million rubles, depriving the enterprise of working capital.
In the fall, the factory “serfs” will not see this money either. BFAI goes to a complete stop and bankruptcy for debts to banks and suppliers, informs Edition “Glavk”. Pumping out hundreds of millions of rubles for personal needs, Igor Lavrentyev owed 100 million rubles to Uralasbest alone. Lack of funds for repayment forces this creditor to stop the shipment of raw materials to the factory. Further, through the arbitration process, the introduction of external management by the debtor is predicted, and the subsidiary liability of the main owner-general director with the seizure of property in Moscow is not ruled out.
Igor Lavrentiev spent several years in vain creating the image of a successful Ural manufacturer in the capital’s society.
A prestigious university for his eldest daughter, diamonds and furs for his wife, luxury cars bought on a loan that he is unable to pay off.. Several hundred new unemployed from the factory that formed the Beloyarsky budget will not reach Lavrentiev in Moscow with a protest. The head of the regional branch of United Russia, Yevgeny Kuyvashev, will have to deal with another Sverdlovsk greyhound, just in time for the “pre-election” campaign. The governor will have to expel the presumptuous businessman from the party and demand that the security forces initiate a criminal case on the deliberate bankruptcy of the BFAI.
Elder brother-minority shareholder Oleg Lavrentiev also filed a lawsuit in the Sverdlovsk arbitration demanding that Igor be excluded from the list of participants in BFAI LLC. The party bosses of United Russia do not hesitate to rob even their relatives.
He travels around Moscow in a Maybach, rents a house in the capital for 2 million rubles a month and receives a monthly salary of more than ten million rubles in his native Beloyarsky. His name is Igor Lavrentiev. We were also surprised by the history of his life.

For example, in November 2020, Igor Vladimirovich Lavrentiev acquired half a hectare of land in Zhukovka (aka Barvikha) near Moscow. The market price of this plot for individual housing construction in the richest “village” in the world is more than 500 million rubles, and the cadastral price is 10 times less. Sources believe that about half of this amount is a bank loan.
Perhaps the general director of PJSC “Ural Asbestos Mining and Processing Plant” still does not know about this deal. Yuri Kozlov. Otherwise, he would have had an assumption about the nature of the debt of 118 million rubles for the supply of chrysotile to the Beloyarsk Factory of Asbestos Cardboard Products LLC, the main owner and general director of which is Igor Lavrentiev.
As previously detailed told the above-mentioned media, in the village of Beloyarsky (50 kilometers from Yekaterinburg) the Lavrentiev triumvirate is famous and respected people. Vladimir Ivanovich became the head of the factory in 1991, and 11 years later he, together with the chief accountant, became the owners of the BFAI (75/25).
After the privatization, the sons Oleg and Igor (there is a 10-year difference between them) were called to help their father. The senior became the executive director, and the “younger” gradually rose to commercial. In 2013, the old man gave the reins of power to the children and they divided in half the “grabbed” father’s business. And then the brother went to the brother. Only, unlike the biblical Cain and Abel, the younger to the older.
In 2014, the 100th anniversary of the BFAI was celebrated. A book was published for the anniversary, where a picture of a unique family factory in the Russian outback was painted in oil. By that time, Igor had already “pushed” Oleg, having bought 13.5% of the share of the chief accountant in addition to the share (37.5%) of his father’s heritage. In doing so, he gained control of the factory and appointed himself CEO.
In the book, according to his words, it is written: “we are one team and we always come to the necessary consensus. The main thing is that it is for the benefit of the enterprise.”
But this blessing has melted before our eyes over the past few years. The complex for the production of dry mixes, which has reached the output of 600 tons of products per day, was scrapped. The production lines of modern asbestos-free vacuum-formed refractory products, in the creation of which more than 80 million rubles were invested, are idle.
The personnel department does not have time to hire and fire workers – we have never seen such a turnover of personnel at the factories. The debt for the main raw material – chrysotile, purchased at Uralasbest, has reached the annual volume of consumption, due to which the BFAI has already stood for a month without raw materials!
In one of the publications, journalists tried to find an explanation for the decline of the Beloyarsk factory of asbestos-cardboard products. And they settled on the lawsuit of Oleg Lavrentiev on the exclusion of Igor Lavrentiev from the participants of BFAI LLC. The Sverdlovsk Arbitration Court will begin its consideration on August 1, and on July 22, in the same court, PJSC Ural Asbestos Mining and Processing Plant began to recover 118 million rubles from the factory.
In the second case, everything is extremely simple – there was a supply of raw materials, there was no payment. If you can’t pay off, go bankrupt. And Yuriy Kozlov unexpectedly can even get external control over the factory, which until 1992 was part of Uralasbest.
But there is a small nuance. Minority shareholder Oleg (executive director), in fact, believes that his brother brought the factory “to the point”. And therefore he intends to exclude him from the co-owners in order to save the enterprise. There is a practice of such court cases in Russia, the plaintiff needs to prove that by his actions the majority shareholder, moreover, the sole executive body, by his actions caused significant harm to the BFAI.
And here, willy-nilly, we must take a closer look at Igor Lavrentiev. his wife Olga, as the editors noted above, is listed as the deputy general director for social issues with a salary at the level of the chief engineer – more than 200 thousand rubles a month. She is not often seen at the enterprise – a family with three children lives in Moscow on a “permanent” basis. A Maybach purchased with money from the factory was sent there. Also in the family fleet are two Bentleys, two Mercedes, a Range Rover and a Porsche that was presented to her daughter as an adult. She is now listed as a student at a prestigious Moscow university.
A house rented at the expense of the factory (2 million per month) in a cottage settlement, judging by the price, somewhere on Rublyovka. The inhabitants there are unaware that Lavrentiev resembles a “new Russian” from the 90s with a Rolex bought on credit. He does not disclose the sources of his income. Meanwhile, the family factory (Igor’s wallet) is on its last breath. Since the beginning of 2022, salary delays have become chronic, debts to creditors have been steadily growing.
But for some reason, BFAI products are sent to the same buyers both directly (at a selling price) and through intermediary companies (the price is lower for them, and they probably share the margin with someone). The factory’s administrative expenses are about 25 million rubles a month – this is a burden of about 100 thousand rubles for each employee who receives three times less. But they do not grumble, because the chairman of the trade union committee of the BFAI … assistant to the general director for general issues.
Another assistant to the general director (for public relations) – Vladimir Beketovexecutive secretary of the local branch of United Russia, which is headed by Lavrentiev. He pulls on himself party work while the boss lives in Moscow. By the way, Igor even tried to become a State Duma deputy in 2016, but either he didn’t get the image, or he didn’t have enough money for the election campaign.
For the Sverdlovsk region, the judicial duel of two breeder brothers is not an ordinary event. If only because the BFAI is the main taxpayer of the poor Beloyarsky urban district. The collapse of the family factory in the current economic conditions is an extra headache for the authorities in the region.
For Igor Lavrentiev, the loss of the source of a beautiful metropolitan life can be a shameful knockout. Who needs a faded member of United Russia?
Meanwhile, the editorial reminds of another scandal. In 2015, the police of the city of Zarechny, Sverdlovsk Region, opened a criminal case on the fact of illegal mining. The secretary of the local branch of the United Russia party, Igor Lavrentiev, appeared in the case. However, he can evade responsibility, the then deputy of the Yekaterinburg City Duma correctly predicted Viacheslav Wegner.
“Local residents told us that there is a brisk development of a quarry in the Zarechny area. The activists, having arrived at the place, blocked the exit from the quarry with their vehicles and stood across the road themselves. At the same time, they called the task force of the police. Upon arrival, the police detained the violators and arrested the equipment. A protocol was drawn up. During the survey, it turned out that the driver of the red KAMAZ carries soil for the director of the Beloyarsk asbestos cardboard factory for the construction of a private house. Poor, you see, comrade. By the way, the red KAMAZ also belongs to the factory,” Mr. Wegner said.
At the same time, it was emphasized that the director of the Beloyarsk asbestos cardboard factory, Igor Lavrentiev, is also the secretary of the local branch of the United Russia party.
On the fact of illegal development of a quarry, investigative measures were carried out, but Lavrentiev, as they say, “bounced back.”
“We found where the soil was taken, took samples and arrested the equipment. There is only one “but”, since the case turns out to be resonant (the local leader of the United Russia is involved), the responsibility was taken by the local farmer, as always – the switchman. It seems to me that he does not understand what he signed up for, ”said Vyacheslav Wegner. According to him, the illegal circulation of money around such quarries in the Sverdlovsk region already then, in 2015, exceeded three billion rubles.