In the summer of 2022, the former deputy head of Rosprirodnadzor, the owner of the Krasnoyarsk Engineering Research Trust JSC (KrasTISIZ), was arrested in Moscow Oleg Mitvol. The entrepreneur was accused of stealing about 900 million rubles, which KrasTISIZ received under a contract for the development of design and estimate documentation for the metro in Krasnoyarsk. Mitvol was taken to the Krasnoyarsk pre-trial detention center. After some time, his representatives said that from the accounts of the businessman several tens of millions of rubles disappeared. Traces of one part of the stolen were found. Two citizens – residents of Yekaterinburg and Belgorod (the latter himself was in custody), using criminal connections, made a fake Mitvol’s passport, issued a SIM card with a businessman’s mobile number according to the document and gained access to his online bank.
Oleg Mitvol arrested in Krasnoyarsk
Former deputy head of Rosprirodnadzor, and now businessman Oleg Mitvol, was detained by security forces at Vnukovo Airport while trying to fly to the UAE, after which they were taken to Krasnoyarsk, where the court arrested him for two months in a case of fraud during the construction of the city subway. Oleg Mitvol owns a local design company that produced design estimates for the subway. The news came as a shock to the Krasnoyarsk public. The project is in the center of everyone’s attention and is supervised by federal agencies. It is possible that the circle of persons involved in the criminal case will grow.

Incidentally, the ordeal of the head of KrasTISIZ in Krasnoyarsk did not end there. This week, two residents of Krasnoyarsk were detained, who extorted 100 million rubles from Mitvol for a lighter sentence. According to unofficial information, one of them is a lawyer, the other is a former security official. Given the loud resonance that the Mitvol case has, and the fact that the indictment on it has already gone to court, they clearly overestimated their capabilities. Or they just tried to throw a Moscow businessman.
And on July 17 of this year, it became known that the Krasnoyarsk construction magnate, the owner of USK Sibiryak, Vladimir Egorov, became a victim of fraudsters. In May, he was arrested by FSB operatives. Yegorov is suspected of fraud. Earlier, his company built a school in one of the districts of the region. The investigation is confident that Sibiryak overpriced by almost 400 million rubles, which he received from the budget. Yegorov, 71, has already made restitution and was released under house arrest on July 11. But, as it turned out, during these two months, unidentified persons managed to steal 94 million rubles from his accounts.

The scheme is the same: a fake passport, a SIM card with the victim’s current number and access to a personal account.
The amount is cashed out while the object is in a pre-trial detention center and, for obvious reasons, does not receive SMS about financial transactions.
“On this fact, the investigator of the specialized department for investigating crimes against property committed with the use of information and telecommunication technologies initiated a criminal case under the article “Theft on an especially large scale”. Currently, a complex of investigative actions is being carried out, and the person involved in the theft of funds is being established, ”they say in the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs., 10/25/2021, “Karina Tsurkan’s relatives told how scammers cleaned her accounts”: Sentenced to 15 years for treason, the former top manager of Inter RAO Karina Turcan Almost fell victim to a scammer. Before she could reach the colony where she was sent, the criminals tried to “zero out” her bank accounts. They came to the bank with a fake power of attorney, Karina’s signature is simple). But this whole story may be much deeper than it seems at first glance. Turcan’s banking data was “leaked” not by chance. […] The Babushkinsky Court of Moscow arrested two men for two months – Alexander Pomelov, a resident of St. Petersburg, and Nikolai Mikolenko, a citizen of Ukraine. It was these two who came the other day to the office of the All-Russian Bank for Regional Development on Suschevsky Val. At the same time, the men presented a false power of attorney from Karina Turcan to receive a large amount. The fake gave Alexander Pomelov the right to transfer and withdraw money from Karina’s accounts. […] In general, the swindlers (and not only and not so much about the two arrested) were well prepared and there is no question of any amateurism. They knew that there were accounts, that they were opened in this particular bank, that part of the funds were transferred to the state by a court decision, and part remained untouched. They did not know, apparently, only one thing: when exactly the accounts with the remaining money were to be unblocked. Wrong date.
So who supplied all this information to two unemployed men who were eventually detained? And would they try to get into a matter of national importance (after all, Karina was accused under Article 275 of the Criminal Code)?
“It’s obvious to me that this was done by people, let’s say, close to the investigation,” says a source in the special services. – Pay attention, at the trial, the lawyer of the arrested Pomelov said so: the guy found a part-time job, his task was just to come to the bank and get the money, he did not know anything else. According to Pomelov, he was sure that he was fulfilling a completely legal business order of “third parties”. — Inset

“Kommersant FM”, 10/11/2019, “Divorce helped to find the loss”: Businessman Valeria Izrailita, who is called the first victim of the capital amnesty law, all the money disappeared from the accounts. About 300 million rubles. were distributed on seven accounts in equal shares – 42 million each. The loss was discovered when the businessman divorced his wife and divided the property. Izrailit himself has been held in a pre-trial detention center for the third year and has no access to his assets. He suspects the money was stolen.
The entrepreneur filed a complaint with the police of St. Petersburg about the theft on an especially large scale, the entrepreneur’s lawyer Victoria Burkovskaya confirmed: “During the investigation of the criminal case of Valery Solomonovich, accounts containing 294 million rubles were arrested to secure a civil claim. This money, taking into account the damage, which currently stands at about 200 million, was enough to pay off everything in full. Then Valery Solomonovich and his wife decided to dissolve the marriage. And during the court session on the division of property, the court, which made civil decisions, found that it was impossible to divide the funds in the accounts, because there was nothing there. It turned out around 2018 when the decision was made. All this time, Valery Solomonovich was in a pre-trial detention center. None of Valery Solomonovich’s relatives disposed of these accounts. But the fact remains: the money is stolen. Since Valery Solomonovich has been in the pre-trial detention center for 33 months, all requests from the pre-trial detention center are extremely difficult. And, frankly, I have an idea that such a long period of his detention is also due to the need to hide the traces of the committed crime. — Inset

@shot_shot, 02/21/2023 02:23 PM: Detained for exceeding his authority during the construction of the metro in St. Petersburg, the ex-official said that 10 million rubles were stolen from him and a loan of 1.5 million was issued to him while he was in jail. The former head of the Directorate of Transport Construction, Vyacheslav Urusov, was arrested in the summer of 2022, along with Kharlashkin, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Leningrad Region. According to the IC, they disrupted the construction deadlines for the construction of the Krasnoselsko-Kalininskaya metro line – they allowed Metrostroy to use advance payments received under a state contract in an inappropriate way – to pay off debts to third parties. As a result, the guarantor bank also flew into the money – Rosselkhozbank was damaged by more than 1.4 billion rubles.
Since August 2022, Urusov has been in a pre-trial detention center. In February of this year, his preventive measure was changed to house arrest. Then, according to our information, the former official asked the investigator to go to the VTB office to check his deposits. And there he was in for an unpleasant surprise. A month after his arrest, according to him, someone transferred about ₽10 million from his bank deposit to two unknown accounts. And in November, a loan was issued for his personal data – ₽1.6 million, after which the money was withdrawn from several ATMs. Checking in progress. — Inset

Sources of Oktagon.Sibir in law enforcement agencies see a clear trend. The search for absolutely all those involved in each case can be delayed, despite the fact that it is generally clear where to look:
– The spread is very large. Firstly, this is a person who has access to passport data. For example, an investigator, opera or an employee of the FMS. That is, those who confiscated the passport from the detained citizen. Secondly, an employee of a cellular company. Finally, it is necessary to check the employees of the special department of the Federal Penitentiary Service, who have access to the personal files of those under investigation. In general, we already have two articles here: the use of personal information and fraud on an especially large scale. I think that we will still see enough such cases in the country, – the interlocutor of the publication is sure.