Accused of committing a terrorist attack, Permyakov served time in Ukraine for robbery. After that, he worked as a laborer in his native Druzhkovka, and in 2014-2015 he was a militiaman and fought on the side of the DPR. In May 2015, Alexander Permyakov crossed the border with the Russian Federation on foot and a bayonet-knife from a Kalashnikov assault rifle was found in his backpack. The “terrorist” was in touch with his loved ones (his sister and mother live in St. Petersburg) until recently. The last time he wrote to his relatives from Nizhny Novgorod, he said that he worked at a construction site and was interested in Irina’s mother’s health. After that, apparently, something happened to Alexander Permyakov, he did not get in touch for 8 days, and then the ICR published a video of his interrogation, where in several splices (rough editing) the accused confesses to all sins in purely protocol phrases.

As follows from the story of the inhabitants of the village of Pionerskoye, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Prilepin arrived at the village just when Permyakov “disappeared”. He had a house there. Prilepin’s family was in the village, he arrived with friends and bodyguard Alexander Shubin (Evil).

Neighbors Zakhara Prilepin told the Cheka-OGPU that on May 5, Prilepin was seen on the streets of the village, he was walking with children and dogs. Local resident T. claims that a day before the explosion she saw a suspicious bearded man with a large backpack (perhaps the attacker used a false beard).
According to T., on the eve of the emergency, she passed by a pit where an unauthorized dump is located. There she made eye contact with a non-local bearded man with a backpack. When he saw her, he hid. According to the woman, no one hides from anyone in the village. It seemed odd, but she didn’t pay much attention to it.
Apparently, this was the intruder, who had buried a mine on the road leading to the village, while he himself was hiding in a dump to set off the bomb.
According to neighbors, on the morning of May 6, Prilepin said that he had to go to Moscow. Prilepin and Zloy got into the Audi Q-7 and drove away from the house around 10.30. As the Prilepins’ neighbor said, she was driving along the same road 10 minutes before the explosion and a strange event occurred. According to her, all the electronics in the car failed. Only after the car was started again, it was possible to pass the junction of roads. Then the bomb was already in the ground, and the attacker became the victim with a remote device.
A car with Prilepin followed and there was an explosion. The car was thrown up 3-4 meters and turned over. The front part was torn off. Shubin died on the spot, Prilepina survived.

According to witnesses to the tragedy, the gearbox from Prilepin’s car was found 300 meters from the funnel.
“The engine was never found, the whole district went. Alexander Shubin remained under the car. The guard died, right in the car. Prilepin was conscious, he said that he was cold, we covered him with blankets. The doctors came, put him on painkillers, then asked to drink, his wife gave him water on the spot.

Before loading into the helicopter, doctors 03 reported to the operational duty officer about the condition of the victim: a bilateral fracture of the lower leg, a broken right leg, two open fractures, a left internal fracture, head injury, contusion of the lungs, pain inside the abdomen when probing.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs soon announced that they had detained the suspect – he was leaving the forest. It was Alexander Permyakov.
“On the road along the route of Zakhar Prilepin’s car, Permyakov planted an explosive device, which he set off remotely. After that, he fled the scene, but was detained by law enforcement officers when he was leaving the forest in another settlement, ”the ICR said.