How “Milk of Buryatia” was stolen
Tarmaev together with Radnaev stole avidly on milk rivers.
Radnaev, being a director, began to bankrupt Dairy Plant JSC and withdraw assets as soon as in 2015 he received 98.5 million in the form of state support for the loan purchase of the TetraPak line. Of this money, not a ruble was spent on its intended purpose.
Moreover, 38 million in tax refunds from the purchase of equipment from the agricultural holding floated to firms affiliated with Radnaev in the form of loans. By the way, in all firms, the leaders are entirely Tarmaevs and Radnaevs, only the names change.
But not only real money interested accomplices. Radnaev transferred seven land plots, 29 vehicles, two non-residential buildings and ten objects of other property of the plant from JSC Moloko Buryatia to his relatives and controlled companies. Most of it became the property of the agricultural holding, which paid the JSC in cash.
Two accomplices became so insolent that they cashed out millions. Starting in 2017, the couple boldly took out 74.5 million rubles (three million monthly) in cash from the cash desk of the agricultural holding. This money was received by the cash desk of Milk of Buryatia JSC in the form of payments for the rental of buildings and equipment. But for some reason, the plant did not send them to pay off its bankruptcy obligations. And soon the Agroholding itself was driven into debt for 80 million rubles to Belarusian and local suppliers and tax authorities, which led to a halt in production at the LLC.
Now all controlled companies with two main relatives must jointly and severally answer to the creditors of Milk of Buryatia JSC in the amount of 676 million rubles. In addition, Radnaev, at the request of the bankruptcy trustee, must personally compensate the losses to the dairy in the amount of more than 100 million rubles, which he illegally paid to himself and Tarmaev. These facts have already been proven.