Surprisingly, in the case of the arrested Deputy Minister of Defense Timur Ivanov So far, the current general director of the Joint Stock Company “Main Directorate for Troops Arrangement” has been “blown away” Andrey Nazarov.

The most sensitive issues of legitimizing and diluting the volumes of withdrawn funds, patching holes and liquidating problem organizations through bankruptcy procedures in the interests of Timur Ivanov were resolved by Andrei Nazarov, who in 2013 started at Oboronstroy OJSC as an adviser to the general director on bankruptcy issues. Details at
By 2017, Nazarov became the head of the department of problem assets of the Oboronstroy holding, and in 2017 – the first deputy head of Dalspetsstroy, the notorious general contractor for the construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome in the Amur region, where more than 5 billion rubles.
As a result, OJSC Oboronstroy was liquidated with losses of RUB 29.7 billion.
As a result, the recovery ended with the liquidation of the company, and Nazarova’s boss, general director of Dalspetsstroy Yuri Volkodav accused[4] in theft RUB 104 million.
Andrei Nazarov himself went for a promotion.
In 2014, together with his deputy Daria Fedorchenko Andrei Nazarov almost became a suspect himself – he sabotaged the sale of the property of two bankrupt OJSC Construction Administration of the Moscow Military District (SU MVO) and Construction Administration of the Moscow Region (SUMR).
Where this property is now is unknown, but both companies owe the state more than 1 billion rubles.
Nazarov led various companies in the Ministry of Defense – Oboronlogistics, JSC 356 Office of the Chief of Works, Oboronmedstroy, was the acting FSUE Main Military Construction Directorate No. 6 (GVSU No. 6 appeared from Dalspetsstroy), etc., in total 58 companies, including civilian ones.
Today, all of them have been liquidated, have debts to the budget and, as a rule, zero assets.
In most of these 58 companies, Nazarov was the general director for less than a year, most often he was the liquidator of the enterprise.
In 2020, Andrey Nazarov was the owner of M-Stroy LLC and in the same year transferred the share to GUOV JSC.
This company worked with structures of the Ministry of Defense, its revenue was RUB 509 million.
JSC Oboronenergo, which was subordinate to Andrei Nazarov, tried to recover from M-Stroy RUB 504 million in the arbitration court for work in military unit 33877, Chekhov (case No. A40-112154/20-55-768).
No one at M-Stroy LLC was embarrassed by the obvious conflict of interest: “If the general director of a state-owned company hires his own company for work and at the same time this work is paid from the state budget, this is a conflict of interest”.
As a result, M-Stroy LLC, like the previous companies headed by Andrey Nazarov, was transferred by him to JSC GUOV and was reorganized in the form of a merger with JSC GUOV, headed by him. although there were clear signs of bankruptcy and withdrawal of assets with a loss of 823 million rubles (with a balance of 10.2 billion), although before the appearance Nazarova consistently made a profit.
The secret of Andrei Nazarov's unsinkability is simple – his father Valentin Nazarov worked in Sayanogorsk in the 80s together with Sergei Shoigu.
Therefore, the head of GUOV JSC, who ruined dozens of companies with budget money under strange circumstances, has an indulgence.
Without the patronage of the leadership of the Ministry of Defense, this whole situation would have been impossible.
Before moving to Moscow and working in the Ministry of Defense, Andrei Nazarov bankrupted enterprises in Khakassia.
Thus, in 2012, Nazarov brought electric motors, pumps, etc. from Khakasgaz to his company Papyrus and sold them,
As a result, gas supply to houses in Khakassia stopped in 2013, and Khakasgaz and Khakasgazservice were liquidated.
JSC Garrison is the successor to Oboronservis, in which the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) Anatoly Serdyukov and the head of the property relations department of the Ministry of Defense Evgenia Vasilyeva were removed from their posts in 2012 due to embezzlement. Garrison itself has a loss of 43.2 billion rubles.
JSC “REU” (Repair and Operations Directorate) is a large organization established by the Russian Ministry of Defense, associated with the heat supply of its facilities and has been in bankruptcy for many years.
The bankruptcy procedure of REU JSC at the stage of bankruptcy proceedings is carried out by arbitration manager Evgeny Katser under the careful supervision of members of the creditor committee Andrey Valentinovich Nazarov and Svetlana Viktorovna Bunina.
The same “tandem” was present in Oboronmedstroy LLC, which, like JSC REU, is affiliated with GUOV JSC, the legal successor of Oboronstroy JSC.
Andrey Nazarov was the general director of Oboronmedstroy LLC from March 24, 2016 to May 19, 2017, and Svetlana Bunina from May 19, 2017 to March 22, 2018.
Of course, it is an accident that now Andrei Nazarov is the general director of GUOV JSC.
At the same time, GUOV JSC is also a creditor with a claim amount of more than 60% of all claims included in the register of creditor claims at REU JSC and Oboronmedstroy LLC.
A legal assessment of the affiliation of JSC GUOV (creditor) and LLC Oboronmedstroy (debtor), as well as the “imaginary” nature of the debt of JSC GUOV, is given by the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region in the case No. A56-37328/16. Additionally, this is confirmed by other data. For example, Svetlana Bunina in decision of the meeting of creditors of one construction organization dated March 30, 2017., is mentioned as the deputy head of the department of problem assets of Oboronstroy JSC, whose legal successor was GUOV JSC.
Thus, the bankruptcy of JSC REU, like LLC Oboronmedstroy, is carried out in the interests of JSC GUOV to the detriment of other creditors.
Under the leadership of Andrei Nazarov, organizations with signs of bankruptcy, headed by him, were merged with GUOV JSC:
– Joint Stock Company “Awakening” (JSC “Awakening”, OGRN 1096225000387, INN 6225009204, KPP 622501001),
– Joint Stock Company “Orlovskoye” (JSC “Orlovskoye”, OGRN 1095050008778, INN 5050080402, KPP 505001001),
– Limited Liability Company “Oboronenergoeffektivnosti”, (LLC “OEF”, OGRN 1127746234142, INN 7724828271, KPP 770401001),
– Joint Stock Company “OBORONSTROYPROEKT” (JSC “OSP”, OGRN 1167746277357, INN 7721479223, KPP 770401001
at the same time, in messages on the official website fе it is directly stated that the functions of the sole executive body in these organizations are performed by the managing organization of GUOV JSC represented by the General Director of the managing organization of Garrison JSC Andrey Valentinovich Nazarov, the e-mail of GUOV JSC is indicated –, phone number of JSC “GUOV” – 8 (495) 781-21-53,
– Joint Stock Company “1025 Directorate of Works” (JSC “1025 UNR”, OGRN 1097847119050, INN 7813443107, KPP 781301001
– Joint Stock Company “Oboronstroy”, (JSC “Oboronstroy”, OGRN 1097746264220, INN 7704726218, KPP 770401001, location: 119021, Moscow, Komsomolsky Prospekt, 18, building 3,
– Joint Stock Company “Agroprom”, (JSC “Agroprom”, OGRN 1097746264208, INN 7704726200, KPP 770401001
– Open Joint Stock Company “59 Arsenal”, (OJSC “59 Arsenal”, OGRN 1097746403523, INN 7716644947, KPP 771601001,
– Joint Stock Company “2463 Central Base for the Production and Repair of Weapons and Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Equipment” (JSC “2463 TsBPR”, OGRN 1097746392600, INN 7729635058, KPP 772901001, location: 119530, Moscow, Ochakovskoye sh. ., no. 5A, e mail: tel. 8 (495) 442-94-08, 8 (495)-781-20-01, sole executive body: General Director Ivanov Timur Vadimovich),
– Joint Stock Company “Scientific and Production Association “Center for Professional Equipment” (JSC “NPO “TsPS”, OGRN 1089848000880, INN 7817315064, KPP 781701001,
– Open Joint Stock Company “277 Directorate of Works” (JSC “277 UNR”, OGRN 1097746265616, INN 7734613821, KPP 773401001, location: 123060, Moscow, Marshal Konev St., 2, tel. 8 (495) 781-21-53, e-mail:, sole executive body: General Director Levina Larisa Anatolyevna).
Levina Larisa Anatolyevna in 2016 was the Acting General Director of JSC GUOV
– Open Joint Stock Company “Management of Installation Works” (JSC “UMR”, OGRN 1097746349942, INN 7713688270, KPP 771301001, location: 127238, Moscow, Verkhnelikhoborskaya st., 6, tel.: 8 (495) 482- 50-10, e-mail:, sole executive body: General Director Mikhail Valentinovich Lukyanov).
A special achievement of Andrei Nazarov is the assignment of the legal status of a natural monopoly to GUOV JSC, which makes it possible to freely ignore and fight off creditors’ applications for bankruptcy of GUOV JSC in the courts and not to pay creditors even after the presentation of a writ of execution.
At the same time, the status of a natural monopoly was given to GUOV JSC as a result of the merger with Orlovskoye JSC, OGRN 1095050008778, INN 5050080402, KPP 505001001, location: 141144, Moscow region, Losino-Petrovsky, Mizinovo village, st. Naberezhnaya, 6, thanks to which GUOV JSC received a water intake structure with an area of about 100 sq.m. and became a “resource supply” organization. This allows you to systematically avoid paying off debts.
Andrei Valentinovich Nazarov, through controlled structures, also buys up the debts of GUOV JSC, and, surprisingly, these debts are immediately repaid without the happy acquirers of the rights of claim applying to the bailiff – the executor of the OIOVIP FSSP of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism), and to the detriment of other creditors of GUOV JSC.
At the auction for the sale of bankrupt property, structures friendly to Andrei Nazarov redeem the debts of GUOV JSC for 10-30 percent of the debt, after which GUOV JSC repays them in full in secret from the bailiff and in secret from other creditors of JSC GUOV. GUOV”, the volume of debt to which has currently reached 70 billion rubles.