How the Sverdlovsk governor is connected with PFUR through “chicken carcasses” and “legs”.
“Korochka” in exchange for the governorship: how are the “Reftinskaya poultry farm” and the chair of the governor Kuyvashev connected “- that was the name materialpublished by letters from our readers on February 18, 2022.
The authors reported that a few years ago, gentlemen from Tyumen, who had established themselves in Yekaterinburg, lobbied for the appointment of Alexander Zasypkin as the director of the Reftinskaya poultry farm, and Mr. Zasypkin was a creature of the famous Kurgan millionaire Andrei Petrov. Mr. Petrov, in turn, is a business partner of Oleg Yastrebov, the infamous rector of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. What a complex mix.
Further, with “space” subsidies – and over the past two years, direct subsidies from the budget amounted to more than 400 million rubles, interest-free loans from the budgetary Sverdlovsk poultry farm added another 500 million rubles – Reftinskaya poultry farm shows constant fantastic losses!
Following the first appeal to the editors, a second one came, as a result, on February 25 of this year. born material “Like Kuyvashev” in a pinch “: what is happening behind the fence of the Reftinskaya poultry farm?”
Today in the mailbox of The Moscow Post is the third letter from the area of responsibility of Governor Kuyvashev. And again on the “chicken” topic!
The correspondent understood the new details of the chicken thriller The Moscow Post in the Sverdlovsk region.
Get fired easily!
Reftinskaya Poultry Farm was founded in 1981. In 2011 it was transformed into OJSC. The poultry farm is an enterprise with a closed cycle: from the production of hatching eggs to deep processing and the sale of finished products from poultry meat.
The structure includes 6 workshops. The factory produces 47.4% of the total volume of poultry meat among agricultural enterprises in the Sverdlovsk region. It seemed to be a powerful enterprise. But why so many problems?
By the way, another letter about unscrupulous affairs at the Reftinskaya poultry farm came from Moscow not so long ago, from employees of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. They confirmed that the university had some strange relationship with the chicken factory for several years. And, moreover, allegedly the university, with the consent of the rector Oleg Yastrebov, is involved in some financial manipulations with the Reftinskaya poultry farm. An investigation on this subject is also being prepared.
We quote part of the letter to the editor: “We are again asking for help, because all our requests – about changing working conditions at the poultry farm, low wages, underpayments for overtime, dismissals, deprivation of benefits – we receive only indifferent replies. Nothing changes. We, the employees of the Reftinskaya Poultry Farm, are easily exchanged for migrants from Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, since this is a cheap labor force. We do not receive any help or support, although we “shake the sleeve” of both the trade unions and the labor inspectorate. And, it would seem, we get encouraging answers, but the problems don’t budge.”
It turns out that the Reftinskaya poultry farm fell into the sphere of interests of difficult people, but they “forgot” about the workers. Or they are deliberately expelled from the production of experienced employees, who, as it turned out, are paid ridiculous salaries.
But the management of the Reftinskaya Poultry Farm is in no hurry to meet its employees!
“The slaughter line is malfunctioning…”
We quote another part of the appeal to the editor: “The team of the slaughter shop is writing to you. Recently, we have had even more problems. Suddenly, payments “for harmfulness” were removed. The salaries themselves remain at the same level for a long time, it turns out that we have no right to be indignant. Layoffs begin. And the technological line for slaughter and primary processing of poultry is malfunctioning. And we have to complete all operations manually … “
Pay slip of Elena Viktorovna P. (main conveyor) for December 2021.
It turns out that the Reftinskaya poultry farm does not pay for hard manual labor for one reason known only to it. But how hard it is to even look at how the beater works to remove plumage. And the chickens that are supposed to get out of this car bald and completely butchered, very often come out only half “undressed”.
And then, with gentle female hands, you need to do plucking … And the factory employees are put on operations – “plucking – 1”, “plucking – 2”, “plucking – 3”.
The main conveyor of the Reftinskaya poultry farm. Photo:
As follows from the letter, the poultry farm supposedly counts only one operation in the end. Then there are manipulations with the chicken carcass, on which it is necessary to make a “correct” incision. And again new “chicken” operations: “control – 1”, “control – 2”. But even for this manual labor, there is allegedly no payment.
One of the authors of the letter, Tatyana D., an employee of the Reftinskaya poultry farm, applied to the office of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region, Yevgeny Kuyvashev. Only polite replies come from the governor’s office. This is where it all ends.
“For more than 3 years we have been fighting to have the working conditions reviewed at the Reftinskaya Poultry Farm,” the authors of the letter to the editor write further. “They made a revision of prices, but we can’t achieve this.
But so far, nothing has changed in the lives of the workers of the Reftinskaya Poultry Farm.
“Fired for calculating the gutting of a chicken”
And in their letter to the workers of the poultry farm, they complain about “quick” layoffs. And they cite as an example a shocking story with a senior conveyor foreman Svetlana Chernobay. It was she, Svetlana Chernobay, an employee with many years of experience, who made the full calculation of gutting the chicken. Detailed calculation…
And it turned out that, indeed, the Reftinskaya factory underpaid its workers dramatically.
Reftinskaya poultry farm. Photo:
The entire poultry farm stood up for Svetlana Chernobay, who worked at the enterprise since 1996, signed a petition from the operators of the slaughter department and semi-finished products of the main conveyor addressed to the general director of the poultry farm Alexander Zasypkin.
Photo: Under the letter to Zasypkin 112 signatures of workers of the slaughter shop
But does Alexander Zasypkin need workers like Svetlana Chernobay, who, together with his “assistants”, is busy with his own interests at the Reftinskaya poultry farm?
Why is Governor Kuyvashev inactive?
According to the authors of the letter, they repeatedly asked Governor Kuyvashev to intervene in the situation.
Governor Yevgeny Kuyvashev. Photo:
As our informants reported, “in fact, by the decision of Yevgeny Kuyvashev, under the slogan of the state task of saving the Reftinskaya poultry farm (by the same persons who brought it to financial insolvency), preparations are being made for the theft of state property on an especially large scale.”
A photo: Rusprofile.en
And there is reliable information about the presence in the Ministry for State Property Management of the Sverdlovsk Region (MUGISO) of specific written official proposals, confirmed by bank guarantees, on the purchase of shares in the Reftinskaya poultry farm and the Sverdlovsk bakery plant by investors at a market price much higher than the price indicated by the defendants.
Recall that today the debts of the Reftinskaya Poultry Farm have reached 2.5 billion rubles. And the reasons may be not only in poor management, but also in the possible “withdrawal” of budget millions in the interests of managers.
In 2021, the deputies of the Sverdlovsk region agreed on the sale of the Reftinskaya poultry farm, however, due to the actions of certain interested parties who were unprofitable for the sale of the factory to an independent investor, trading in the shares of the Reftinskaya poultry farm did not take place.
It is beneficial for today’s poultry farm managers to continue “cutting” state subsidies. To establish control over the poultry farm, they carried out an additional issue of shares by closed subscription. And all the newly issued shares were given to Oleg Yastrebov, Rector of RUDN University. This was reported The Moscow Post.
This is how the poultry farm was privatized. And it seems that contrary to the laws on the privatization of state and municipal property, contrary to the decision of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk region.
Poultry farm workers report: today, a certain interested group, hiding behind slogans about “state interest”, using the services of the head of the Ministry for State Property Management of the Sverdlovsk Region (MUGISO) property and the Reftinskaya poultry farm, and the Sverdlovsk bakery plant. The plant supplies the poultry farm with fodder.
“Let’s drink” further?
Back in mid-December 2021, Evgeny Kuyvashev signed Decree of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region No. 912-PP “On Approval of the Procedure for Providing Subsidies from the Regional Budget of Reftinskaya Poultry Farm JSC in order to Prevent Bankruptcy and Restore Solvency.”
At the end of December 2021, the Reftinskaya Poultry Farm received 210 million rubles of subsidies from the budget. The funds were used to pay off the debt to Energosbyt JSC in the amount of 100 million rubles.
In February of this year. it became known that the Reftinskaya poultry farm received another 210 million rubles from the treasury. The total amount of financial assistance amounted to 420 million rubles. But why is the factory workers for the third time turning to us, journalists, for help?
Another subsidy was provided to cover debts to bird feed suppliers. It should be noted that by the end of 2020, the debt of the poultry farm to the Bogdanovichi feed mill had grown to 1 billion rubles.
This is such a bad story with a long-suffering poultry farm. And after all, they receive millions, but there is no money, the poultry farm is “sinking”.
A photo: Rusprofile.en
For the full 3 years now, workers have been walking with outstretched hands: pay for hard, exhausting work, which in a number of cases becomes “manual” …
A photo: Rusprofile.en
Such is the bad situation with the long-suffering poultry farm in the Sverdlovsk province. Why has a once successful enterprise turned into a “disabled person” with an eternally outstretched hand?
The factory’s poultry workers are trying to get through to the governor, but in vain: Yevgeny Kuyvashev does not hear ordinary people.
Source: The Moscow Post