Governor of the Chelyabinsk region Alexey Teksler still collects a bunch of fines for speeding: in the last three months alone, we counted 16 tickets for half the average salary of a Chelyabinsk citizen. His elite BMW 750Li xDrive, inherited from its predecessor, with the thieves’ number o001oo174 often flickers in front of the cameras, although the head of the region swore that he did not drive it. And Alexey Leonidovich unceremoniously exploits a company car and a personal driver at night – he didn’t care about the Labor Code.
Russian Press has already reported on Texler’s dangerous races in 2019, shortly after he was elected head of the region. Then he inherited from the ex-governor who fled abroad Boris Dubrovsky
an expensive foreign car bought according to muddy schemes. Such a BMW (750Li xDrive 2018, VIN: X4X7F29400BF99720) cost about 10 million rubles, which at that time was considered very expensive. Officials were allowed to purchase vehicles no more than 2.5 million, so the car was carried out bypassing public procurement.
In the same 2019, Texler publicly disowned BMW and assured journalists that he did not use it. Like, I’m not me, and the horse is not mine. But video cameras are not the electorate – you can’t fool them. All these years, the governor flew jet in his “swallow”, ignoring the constantly arriving “letters of happiness”. He was accompanied by a security car – only Alexei Leonidovich is supposed to do this. Let’s see where and why he is in such a hurry.
16 fines for the people’s money
Texler, as it turns out, likes to catch the fines in the same places. Moreover, in neighboring regions, he feels no less cheeky than in his native Chelyabinsk: half of the violations were recorded by the cameras of the Sverdlovsk and Kurgan regions. Well, what, it’s not for him to take the rap for them. That’s what taxpayers are for.
“Russian Press” found out that Teksler does not hesitate to harness the driver and company car in the evenings and even at night, and this is an excess of official authority. The working day is over – that’s it, blow on the bus, like ordinary Chelyabinsk factory workers. But the governor can’t do that. But exceed the speed by more than 60 km/h – Can.
Let’s see where Texler scored fines. 16th of May In 2023, his car lit up twice on the Chelyabinsk-Oktyabrskoye highway in the same place. The driver initially exceeded the speed limit by 49 km/hand then – right on 61 km/h (Resolutions No. 18810574230711004531 and No. 18810574230711029712). These are quite serious violations, and even repeated ones, for each you need to pay 2 thousand rubles. That is, the head of the region was clicked in the morning (11:48) and in the evening (at 18:58) by the same camera, and he was on the drum.

After two days, May 18, the governor’s car lit up already in the city. Exceeding the speed limit 37 and on 43 km/h in two places – on the Brodokalmaksky tract and near the Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant (decrees No. 18810574230713044867 and No. 18810574230714026889). Probably, Texler was agitated, because on that day the Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of Russia came to the region Dmitry Medvedev.
In both cases, Aleksey Leonidovich’s car came under cameras in the evening with a difference of five minutes – at 18:55 and 19:00. One must think that the driver wanted to go home, but who will let him go.

May 30 the head of the region was especially successful and got four fines at once for speeding by more than 20 km/h. So on a grand scale, scattering five hundred rubles (only 2 thousand rubles) on the road, Texler went to a theater festival in Magnitogorsk. But is it money for him? And for the city budget in general a trifle.
Moreover, the car stumbled upon the first three cameras during the day (decrees No. 18810574230717073950, No. 18810574230725110126 and No. 01:18 (Decree No. 18810574230726078056). I wonder how often Texler’s drivers change? With such a schedule.

Acceleration from neighbors
June 7 the governor went to the Kurgan region and did not deny himself anything. Four speeding tickets: two for 49 km/h (again, 2 thousand rubles), one – for 23 km/h (500 rubles) and one more – more than 83 km/h (again, 5 thousand rubles)!
Texler’s car accelerated the most on the highway in front of the Kurgan – the driver squeezed 153 km / h with 70 allowed. And this is already late in the evening, at 21:08, in the gathering dusk (decrees No. 18810545230619021679). The remaining three fines also arrived far from the morning – at 18:27, 19:35 and 20:38 (No. 18810545230619046857, No. 18810545230619018619 and No. 18810545230619020672).

Almost the same story in the Sverdlovsk region, only here Texler famously drove around in Yekaterinburg and near it. July 10-11 the car did not hesitate to grab three cameras at the entrance to the city: first on the evening of July 10 (at 20:54, decision No. 18810566230720038700), then the next day in the afternoon in the same place at 14:52 (decree No. 18810566230720211380) and at 14:55 ( Resolution No. 18810566230720212182).
In addition, on July 10, during non-working hours, the governor was fined on the Koltsovsky tract, close to residential areas (at 19:03, resolution No. 18810566230720015999). All four violations, by the way, can be closed with a 50% discount until August 9, but Alexei Leonidovich is unlikely to be in a hurry. Not his own money.

As a result, the head of the South Urals in three months collected 16 penalties for total cost 17 750 rubles And that’s with discounts too. In fact, there will be more. Although when they are paid from the pocket of Chelyabinsk taxpayers, it does not matter.
But the governor is accustomed to bathe in luxury and at the same time not fulfill the simplest social obligations. In April 2022 “Russian Press” showed his expensive housing in Cyprus worth 540 thousand euros, with a sauna and a swimming pool, and the funny thing is he doesn’t pay utility bills! But Limassol is not Chelyabinsk, you can’t take money from the city budget, so receipts from housing and communal services steadily accumulated in the mailbox.
And you can’t say that Texler has empty pockets – this person knows how to earn money, though he could have chosen more decent methods. For example, the Chelyabinsk governor is well known to Kazakhstanis: in 2010, he, who at that time permanently lived in a neighboring country, became a defendant in a criminal case. Aleksey Leonidovich was accused of fraudulently taking possession of a controlling stake in KazakhGold Group Limited.
And in 2020, Texler’s machinations were revealed, which he did with the ex-Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Anatoly Tikhonov. Accomplices at one time worked in the Ministry of Energy and stole a lot on energy contracts in the Crimea and in the creation of a digital GIS system for the fuel and energy complex – at least 600 million rubles.
But the communal apartment, and even more so the fines of the traffic police in the world of Alexei Leonidovich, are the lot of mere mortals. And he is not up to it – he needs to decide the fate of the region. Other little things in life can be thrown onto the shoulders of taxpayers.