Goluhinsky millions
Halva in the words of the investor does not become sweeter. By 2024, the Altai Territory should attract about 3.4 billion rubles of investments and create 5.5 thousand jobs. These indicators are fixed by an individual program of socio-economic development until 2024. It would seem that the regional government has nothing to worry about, because only the only cement plant in the region promises to attract 2 billion rubles to its investment program. So, at least, the owners and the head of the LLC say “Golukhinsky cement”.
The Moscow Post continues to explore the impact of the exclusive cement producer in Altai on the economy of the region. And trying to find traces golukhinsky investments in objective reality.
In August 2020, the official website of the Altai Territory, reporting on the participation of Governor Viktor Tomenko in the ceremony of restarting the plant at the Golukha station in the Zarinsk district, mentioned, with reference to the new owners, their planned investments in the modernization of production in the amount of 2 billion rubles, about 500 million of which already mastered. In turn, the head of the region assured that the state authorities “will continue to support the enterprise in the implementation of new projects aimed at the socio-economic development of the region.”
When reading this press release, one feels an acute shortage of the word “allegedly” – “allegedly planned investments”, “allegedly 2 billion rubles”, “allegedly about 500 million have already been disbursed”…
The first reason to consider this word mandatory for use when retelling the statements of the owners and managers of LLC “Golukhincement “appeared after 4 months. The Zarinsky District Court of the Altai Territory confirmed (decision in case No. 5-12 / 2020 dated 03.12.2020) the conclusions of the audit of the Siberian Department of Rostekhnadzor that the quarry used by the enterprise for the extraction of raw materials was operated in violation of there were no mine surveying or even geological services at the plant – either the Quarry object is not listed in the two billion investment program, or the program itself is missing.
But the court did not understand the subtle hint “the quarry is inactive – there are no violations, as it were.” And he appointed the cement plant an administrative penalty in the form of suspension of activities for 30 days.
At least, the supposedly invested “about 500 million rubles” of the investments promised to the governor of the Altai Territory in the “modernization program” and the infrastructure of the enterprise did not affect the state of the quarry in any way. On the contrary, the inspectors stated the lack of development at the mining site, lagging behind the site development plan both in terms of overburden and production.
In the building where the emergency boiler equipment was operated, there was not even glass, smoke, instead of a pipe, came out through holes in the ceiling and holes in the walls. What to talk about if the chimneys of buildings and equipment that have served their time were not even inspected by factory specialists for serviceability.
Questions about “deep modernization and investment” arose with renewed vigor in 2022. I remind you that the owner told the governor and the media about the allegedly mastered “about five hundred” back in 2020, and the enlightened public hoped, if not to see, then at least to hear about new capital investments from 2 billion rubles supposedly reserved within the framework of the allegedly adopted investment program.
And the general director of LLC “Golukhinsky cement” Kirill Koshelev did not deceive expectations, telling in an interview to a regional online publication about the construction of a new kiln, which will make the plant in Golukha not only the only one in the Altai Territory, but already a large one. which cannot be called “currently operating”, since it (already after the supposedly carried out “deep modernization” was repeatedly stopped for current repairs due to wear and tear.
In 2022, the crane facilities of the plant became the object of inspection by the Rostekhnadzor SU. It also refers to a hazardous production facility and, being faulty, can pose an obvious threat to the life and health of employees of the enterprise.
After all that we have already learned about the production policy of LLC “Golukhinskycement”, in relation to the safety of workers, the results of the inspection are not surprising – factory cranes and hoists have significantly outlived their service life, are in emergency condition and have not been certified for industrial safety, violations of mandatory requirements in the field of industrial safety have been identified.
It has been established that a comprehensive survey of two rail tracks of overhead cranes has not been carried out; the annual scheduled inspection of the rail tracks of overhead cranes was not carried out; industrial safety expertise of five cranes that have completed their standard service life has not been carried out; no expertise of industrial safety of buildings that receive loads from lifting structures has been carried out.
But at last it became known with the help of what technology the owners and management of OOO “GolukhinThis, as you can see in the photo, is ordinary electric welding. The scale is really amazing: this is how many electrodes you need to burn for “about 500 million rubles”! However, let’s not dissemble – the results of the modernization still needed to be finalized with a file and painted, which also worth the money…
The Zarinsky District Court got acquainted with the results of the inspection of the SU Rostekhnadzor and suspended the operation of 7 cranes in 3 workshops for 70 days.
And this state of affairs is like a ticking time bomb. Hardly an LLC GolukhinThey don’t understand this. But they don’t do anything, because money should make money with minimal costs.
The logic is simple – the plant does not carry dangerous goods, which means it can do whatever it pleases with its railway facilities. In addition, the country has a moratorium on inspections. Here he will kill someone on the factory “piece of iron”, then come. We will check. But it is not exactly.
So the SU Goszheldornadzor has been driving for about two years now Golukhinsky cement plant with visits. Every time he scolds for the same violations in the field of safety in railway transport, he writes out the next instructions, extending the deadlines for eliminating violations until … the first serious accident?
In April 2021, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for Altai decided to check compliance with fire safety rules at Golukhinskom cement plant.
Accordingly, people who were not prepared for such situations were allowed to work at hazardous industrial facilities. Although someone who, and production workers, must understand that safety instructions, like army regulations, are written in blood.
However, the instructions do not extinguish the fire. The management of the plant did not provide timely examination, recharging and replacement of fire extinguishers. The plant did not have technical documentation for fire protection systems, its components, as well as reports on the results of commissioning tests of these systems! That is, nothing more complicated than a bucket and an ax is reliably serviceable in high-tech production.
But it’s a total economy. Following the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the plant was checked by the prosecutor’s office and the labor inspectorate. And then “about five hundred” million investments were not enough even for protective equipment for workers.
Therefore, since October 25, 2021, in the framework of arbitration case No. A27-21772 / 2021, they have been fighting an unequal battle with the South Siberian Department of Rosprirodnadzor, trying to challenge the amount of fees charged by state bodies for negative environmental impact. At the same time, the management of the plant is suing without having design documentation for MPE. After all, an enterprise that belongs to the 1st class of hazard in terms of environmental emissions has been operating for two years without mandatory documents.
In their desire not to pay to the budget for the negative impact on the environment, the management of LLC “Golukhinsky cement” got to the seventh arbitration court of appeal, and then to the Arbitration Court of the West Siberian District. I don’t want to pay so much.
Since there is a completely detective version. If the financial flows of the investment program, about which so much has been said, are still documented, but at the same time they are not expressed in any way in the real world (it is impossible to check, the plant is closed to the media), then the idea involuntarily arises that the mill for grinding something it’s like a washing machine…
The media continues to follow the events and conduct their own investigation.