© IA “Paritet-Media”, 10/13/2020, Illustrations: via IA “Paritet-Media”
From schemes with DIA to the search for permanent residence
Financial scammers Maxim and Leonid Garnov and Ildar Nabiullin are preparing to escape from Russia
Peter Ivanenko
Previously already was toldhow Maxim Garnov (brother of the head of InterFinance Asset Management LLC – management company of the closed mutual fund “Business Assets”) and Ildar Nabiullin (close to JSC “National Custody Company” – special depository and registrar of shares of the closed mutual fund) under the cover of DIA officials, robbed the state of 95 .8 million rubles, having sold shares of the closed mutual fund “Business Assets” to themselves for one thousandth of their real value.
Investment shares of the closed credit mutual fund “InterFinance – First” were also withdrawn for a total amount of 159.0 million rubles. Ildar Nabiullin received these 159 million for 715.4 thousand rubles. Damage to the state amounted to 158.3 million rubles.
Here are the next documents on the transformation by these same comrades of 250 million into 250 thousand through TBANKROT.RU and “FinanceGaranti” used in the first transactions.
The scam was carried out in September-October 2019 by the financial manager of FinanceGaranti LLC, Alexander Angelov. Ordinary shares of JSC ACTIVFINANCEGROUP (General Director Maxim Garnov) in the amount of 278,280 pcs. for the amount of 278,280,000 rubles, were sold for 250,452 rubles.
According to the protocol of auction No. 7581-OTPP/6/2 dated October 23, 2019, Roman Valentinovich Feshchenko was recognized as the winner, however, the agreement for the sale of these shares of Angels was concluded not with the winner of the auction, Feshchenko, but with Ildar Nabiullin for the same 250 thousand rubles, which indicates to the sham nature of the auction.
According to the current Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, these actions can be qualified in accordance with Art. 197, 199.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, guilty persons may be sentenced to up to 6 years in prison.
Separately, it is worth noting that the ultimate owner of FinanceGaranti LLC, as part of whose bankruptcy the specified shares were sold, is Andrey Gubachev. He and Maxim Garnov are jointly the founders of Civil Consultations LLC, that is, “our people.” And ACTIVFINANCEGROUP LLC has the same general director, Maxim Garnov, and co-founders are the same Gubachev (founder of FG LLC) and Ilya Belkadi, who in the fall of 2019 was taken into custody under Article 172 Part 2 “Illegal Banking Activities” .
A natural question arises: who invested their money in these incomprehensible offices? It seems very likely that Garnov and Nabiullin were part of some chain of withdrawal of billions of rubles from Russia. The real unknown owners managed to hide behind the hill, and ordinary performers are urgently “cutting off their tails.”
The children of Maxim Garnov and Ildar Nabiullin are already abroad. Nabiullina’s daughter, Adelia Nabiullina, studies in Graz, Austria, where, as can be assumed from the invoice, she lives in the Milestone student dormitory.

Svetlana, the wife of Maxim Garnov, and his two minor children (Vladimir and Daria) live in Alicante, Spain. Vladimir’s dad has prudently already granted British citizenship in addition to Russian citizenship. The boy, by the way, studies very diligently, for the last school year the final grades in six subjects were “excellent”, in two – “good”, the total score was 8 out of 10.
True, dad doesn’t spoil his family. Svetlana Garnova’s monthly credit card expenses are only 3.4 thousand euros. The average salary in Spain in 2020 ranges from 1750-2250 euros. That is, Maxim Garnov gives his wife a little more than the average salary, but for a woman with two teenage children this is clearly not much. You can live, but not in style.

Leonid, brother of Maxim Garnov, meanwhile urgently gets rid of the group’s assets. Before you is an assignment agreement (assignment of rights).

The most likely meaning of the deal is this: a bad debt of 3.8 million in favor of the Optimal mutual fund, where the general director is Leonid Garnov, was transferred for 2.1 million to Accounting and Consulting LLC, where the general director is Irina Sharova. Why should Irina Sharova pay 2.1 million for a bad debt? It’s simple: the founder of Accounting and Consulting LLC with a 100% share is Tatyana Visitskaya, the wife of Leonid Garnov. Before fleeing abroad, why not finally rob your own company of 2.1 million? This money will then be collected from employees’ salaries, but it won’t be collected – and that’s okay.
Leonid Garnov demanded the return of 11.6 million rubles from his lawyer – legal support from Interfinance Asset Management LLC is no longer needed.
Leonid sells the rights to lease a plot in Gelendzhik to some Armenian from Azerbaijan for 6 million rubles.

Now the task of the Garnov brothers and Ildar Nabiullin is to escape from Russia before criminal cases are initiated and arrest. But the Russian lady is in no hurry, so you can try to do a few more things.
Friends are actively working to acquire shares in energy companies. Basically, these are not very large, but interesting assets for manipulation, such as JSC Tverenergosbyt, JSC Biyskenergo, JSC Buryatenergosbyt, PJSC Kaluga Sales Company, JSC Chitaenergosbyt, JSC Arkhangelsk Regional Energy Company, PJSC Astrakhan Energy Sales Company, JSC Elektroservice. This may indicate preparation for new scams in this sector of the economy.
But you still have to decide where to swim when the pressure comes? Maxim Garnov hesitates. He is subscribed to the mailing list for real estate offers in Spain.

In response to Maxim’s application for an American green card, the registration department of the USAFIS organization asked him to send additional information and assigned him a user number – 162433522.
In August, Maxim Garnov took part in a webinar on obtaining citizenship of the Caribbean islands and Vanuatu. At the same time, he corresponds with the departments of Cyprus on the issue of obtaining citizenship under the Citizenship by Investment program.
Ildar Nabiullin wanted to go to Slovenia, but he changed his mind. When asked if the information on Slovenia was relevant to him (and now citizens from Russia are not allowed there because of the coronavirus), he replied: “No, thank you.” Probably, he chose London after all.
Londongrad is now overflowing with scammers from Russia who managed to transport stolen billions there in time. But not everyone is lucky, for example, Georgy Bedzhamov managed to escape with the Vneshprombank money, and his sister Larisa – No. Now she serving 8 and a half years in prison.
It is unknown whether the Garnov brothers and Ildar Nabiullin will have time to escape, and if they do not have time, whether the court will treat them humanely. But one document suggests that they may not make it in time. This is the audit report on the reporting of Maxim Garnov’s company InterFinance Asset Management LLC for 2019.

Translated into common vocabulary, it sounds something like this: “We, of course, are grateful for the money paid for the audit, but we do not agree to lose our license because of your fraud.”
Never before has an audit been ordered unless the customer was confident in advance of a positive result – I’m paying you guys money. Apparently, what the auditors discovered turned out to be so terrible that the management of Bank Audit LLC risked losing some of the future orders (which of the “dashing” clients will work with them after this?), but losing their license, or even going to prison, didn’t want to. If skeletons are already falling out of the closets of the Garnov brothers and Ildar Nabiullin, it’s time to think – is it time to run away?