Deputy Transport Prosecutor of St. Petersburg Timur Gorny sentenced to 8.5 years in prison with deprivation of class rank for taking bribes and attempted fraud. Together with the former prosecutor, a senior investigator of the Investigative Committee and a police detective will go to the colony, the joint press service of the courts of St. Petersburg reported on Friday.
“The Kuibyshevsky District Court of St. Petersburg announced the verdict against Timur Gorny, who was accused of committing crimes under part 6 of article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Taking a bribe”, part 3 of article 30 – part 3 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Attempted fraud”, part 4 of article 291.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Bribery mediation”, Alexei Shimansky and Kirill Lisovoy, who were accused of committing a crime under part 4 of article 291.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Bribery mediation,” the message.

In 2019, Gorny, having taken the post of Deputy Transport Prosecutor of St. Petersburg, learned that Baltic customs officers could initiate criminal cases against an entrepreneur named Jung, while the businessman himself would like to avoid responsibility for a bribe. Realizing that he could contribute to the failure to make a procedural decision to initiate cases, Gorny suggested that a familiar lawyer Obraztsov (name changed – TASS note) act as an intermediary in transferring a bribe of 1.5 million rubles. He agreed and in May-June 2019 received money from Jung in three “portions”, which, by agreement with Gorny, he kept at his place. The prosecutor made efforts to ensure that the criminal prosecution of Jung was discontinued., 08/26/2022, “Three law enforcement officers were sentenced in St. Petersburg in the case of millions of bribes”: According to the case file, in 2019, Gorny’s intermediary received 1.5 million rubles from an entrepreneur named Jung. In exchange, the prosecutor promised to settle the issue with the materials of operational-search activities in relation to Rigoil LLC and Soyuz Stroy Invest LLC, which were in the Baltic customs. — Inset
“Kommersant”, 08/29/2022, “A bribe does not exempt from responsibility”: The entrepreneur’s lawyer Alexei Odintsov, who previously also worked in the prosecutor’s office, was supposed to act as an intermediary, who in June and July 2019 received the entire amount of the bribe from the client in parts – 400 thousand, 600 thousand and 500 thousand rubles.
Also, the deputy transport prosecutor told the businessman that for an additional million, he would be able to protect employees of the company controlled by Mr. Jung from criminal liability. True, this time, according to the investigation, Mr. Gorny did not have the authority and real opportunities to help, so later his actions were qualified as an attempted fraud. — Inset

Gorny and Obraztsov tried to get two other bribes from the businessman for helping him evade responsibility in new criminal cases, one of which was investigated by the transport police, and two more by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg. In the first case, Jung was asked for 1 million rubles, while Gorny knew for certain that he had no real opportunities to influence the course of the investigation. In the second case, the partners had to increase the chain of intermediaries, including the investigator Shimansky and the operative Lisovoy. The latter managed to find persons in the investigative bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who agreed to provide assistance for a bribe of 30 million rubles. The amount of remuneration for mediation Shimansky and Lisova was determined at 5 million rubles, and the initiators of the scheme – at 2 million rubles, so Jung had to transfer 37 million rubles to the attackers.
On October 23, 2019, Obraztsov received half of the first bribe from Jung in the amount of 500 thousand rubles, as well as 19 million rubles for the investigators of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. However, it turned out that the entrepreneur himself was already working for the investigation, and of the transferred money, only 521 thousand rubles were real bank notes. Obraztsov was detained, after which he also agreed to help the operatives. Within two days, the remaining accomplices were detained – Gorny, Shimansky and Lisovoy. It was not possible to establish the final recipients of the bribe, since Lisovoy refused to give their names during interrogation.
The court sentenced all three defendants to real terms of imprisonment. Gorny received 8.5 years in a strict regime colony with the deprivation of his class rank and a ban on certain activities for 10 years. Shimansky will spend five years in the colony, Lisova – seven. Both the investigator and the policeman have also been stripped of their ranks and will not be able to hold positions in law enforcement agencies for five years. The fourth intermediary, a lawyer, was released from criminal liability for actively assisting in the disclosure of a corruption scheme.
Fontanka.Ru, 07/12/2021, “Entrepreneur Jung, who launched a domino show of security officials in St. Petersburg, did not escape Themis”: The trip of a multimillion-dollar jackpot through power-driven St. Petersburg did not weaken the attention of the investigation to one of its authors – the owner of a company providing logistics services and customs clearance of goods – a businessman Jung.
As Fontanka learned on June 12, the Main Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and the region has completed an investigation into the case of fraud and currency crimes, of which he is accused. […] However, active cooperation with the investigation, as Fontanka found out, had no effect on the investigation of the criminal case of Jung himself. As of July 2021, he is charged with 65 million rubles stolen through fraud: he promised to provide customs services to one company, but, according to investigators, he cheated, and promised to supply napkins and ventilation equipment to others, but, having received the money, he disappeared. In addition, according to investigators, from 2016 to 2018, through various accounts, he withdrew 1 billion 220 million rubles in dollars and euros from Russia using forged documents. — Inset