Owner of the Selenginsky Combine Evgeny Pruidze and director Lilia Deeva engaged in another self-promotion, advertising the company in social networks. This time, they decided to promote the “highly successful venture” through an hour-long film on a popular YouTube channel.
August 19, 2022 on the YouTube channel “AntiFakeNews“A film was released entitled” How a timber industry grandfather saved a bankrupt plant and the city of Selenginsk. The main plot of the video is the history of the development of the Selenginsky pulp and paper mill in Buryatia, as well as the contribution of the company’s leaders to the development of the village of Selenginsk. The author describes the channel as a source of truth and justice, and describes himself as a fighter against fakes. But when describing JCCC he clearly admitted that his “truth” did not correspond to reality.
The editorial team thoroughly studied the film and came to the conclusion that it looks like frankly custom-made material, made at the request of the management of the Selenginsky Combine. This is explained as follows: after the mass death of workers at the enterprise, some regional media, including those sponsored by the JCCC itself, began to actively publish interviews with the owner and workers of the plant. The articles focused exclusively on the advantages of the plant’s production and its technological growth in the near future.
In the case of the film, the situation is the same: the production of the plant is broadcast only in a positive way. The video mentions that the Selenginsky Combine allegedly complies with environmental production standards and works like “forest orderlies”. And Evgeny Pruidze introduced the most modern management and quality control technologies at the plant and turned it from a manufacturer of low-quality cardboard into a leading supplier of high-quality packaging on the world market.
Firstly, it is impossible to call logging residues, and even more so rotten wood, forest debris, because the first is the result of felling, and forest ecosystems do an excellent job with the second without human intervention. Secondly, it is impossible to produce high-quality raw materials, which the employees of the Selenginsky plant claim about, from rotten wood. The volume of waste from the logging enterprises of the republic is hardly enough to produce a large amount of cardboard.
Meanwhile, the plant exports cardboard to 37 countries around the world. Therefore, it is quite possible that CJSC Baikal Forest Company (OGRN: 1020300779641), which is also owned by Evgeny Pruidze, harvests healthy wood for the needs of the JCCC. For these reasons, it is completely incorrect to award the Selenginsky combine the title of “forest orderly”.
The environmental standards of the plant can also be easily refuted. Suffice it to recall the numerous violations of the environmental safety of the STsKK production.